The Hood River County Sun, Hood River, OR., December 29, 1937, page 1
Recent dedication exercises of the new addition at Odell
High School, when persons connected with the early days of Odell schools
appeared on the program, brought to mind to many pioneers of the region many
interesting facts of former Odell school days. Following is an account of
the history of the schools of the locality:
The first school in Odell was located where Lenz station
is now.
This school in 1870 served the purpose for all of the
east side, from the Columbia River to the Mount Hood district. This first
school was an abandoned house built by Tom Corum. Mr. Goodel, the first teacher,
lived in part of the house and had his classroom in another. The teacher
taught three months for $20 a month, raised by popular subscription.
School continued in this building until some time in
the '80s. During this time the teachers had been Miss Thurman, Miss Fuller,
Mr. Garrison, Mr. Pentland, Mr. La France, and Mr. Evans. During Mr. Evans
term the school was changed to the log house on Charley Ekrck's ranch. At
this time also, Pine Grove organized their own district. A Miss Smith followed
Mr. Evans as teacher.
The next year the location was again changed, this time
to the Rumfeldt property. Mrs. Anne Shelley taught a term at this location.
The following year the location was again changed, this
time to the site of the present grade school building.
There were so many new people at that time that the names
of the teachers are not known in order. M.L. Howe, one of the speakers at
the recent school dedication was also one of the early teachers in the old
one room school house. Another teacher was Mrs. Odell. She taught for two
years. About this time the terms were lengthened to six months. Rev. Troy
Shelley taught for a term. Then, Mr. Andrews, Mr. King, and Mr. Strang in
Soon after the turn of the century, a two room building
was erected and the term lengthened to eight months. As the school continued
to grow in numbers, two rooms were added to the building and the ninth grade
added to the curriculum. Two teachers were added to the teaching staff. The
following year another teacher was added.
There was much agitation at this time for a four-year
high school in Odell. Odell and Central Vale together voted to build a union
high school. While the building was under construction classes were held
in the I.O.O.F. Hall near the grade school.
The grade school continued to grow. In 1940 another teacher
was added and taught her class in the Christian Church across the road. This
was done because of the crowded conditions in the school house. The following
year the present modern stucco building was erected.
The high school grew from the start. The building was
built to accommodate 60 students or there-abouts. In 1935 there was a total
of 115 students enrolled in Odell high school during the year. The same year
the school was pronounced conditionally standard by a member of the State
Board of Education. This meant that if no arrangements to expand were made
within a certain time the school would be taken off the standard high school
list of Oregon. This made it imperative to build an addition to the system.
As the school system is at present, it is standard in every way except maybe
for some minor details, thanks to the taxpayers of the county.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer