The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., November 15, 1901, page 2
The annual meeting that other stockholders of the Hood
River Fruit Growers Union was held in Hood River November 9th. A good attendance
of strawberry growers was present, and a quorum was secured at the first
roll call. Many of the original stockholders of the union having moved away
or gone out of the berry business, it is sometimes a hard matter to get a
quorum for the transaction of business at the annual meetings. It was only
through the efforts of members who procured proxies from disinterested members
that the officers of the union were able to count a quorum this time. The
question of how to eliminate enough non-resident stockholders from the roll
to assure a quorum at the meeting created some discussion. It was decided
by vote to instruct the new board of directors to levy an assessment of at
least 50 cents a share. This assessment will start a fund for the completion
of the union warehouse and also cause disinterested stockholders to sell
their stock or allow it to be sold for them. The question of shipping apples
in carload lots by the union was brought up and discussed. The union was
organized to handle all kinds of fruit, and it is left with the apple growers
to ship with the union if they so desire. If the union handles anything near
the full output of the apple crop it will necessitate the employment of the
shipping agent all the year round.
The following named were elected to serve as a board
of directors for the ensuing year: H.J. Hibbard, D.E. Miller, G.J. Gessling,
E.N. Benson and Wm. Davidson. The new board organized by re-electing H.J.
Hibbard president and G.J. Gessling secretary. D.E. Miller was elected vice
president. Mr. Gessling was also made treasurer.
The report of Secretary Gessling was read and accepted.
It makes a good showing and is as follows:
Received from old board.................$351.01
Received from union charges,Rebates
and miscellaneous collections..1,380.79
Total $1,731.80
Number of full crates handled............14,962
Half crates handled.........................148
Total number crates handled..............15,036
Received for same....................$31,849.84
Average, about.............................2.12
Paid growers..........................30,486.13
Average, about.............................2.03
Cost of new building....................$268.73
Printing and stationery...................72.05
Labor, loading cars, etc..................74.10
Lumber for loading cars, etc..............39.00
Extra icing...............................17.50
Subscription R.G. Dun & Co................25.00
Internal revenue..........................17.50
Rent of typewriter........................15.50
Dray......................................44 41
Old account from 1899......................5.75
Cash on hand.............................104.14
Uncollected accounts......................28.15
© Jeffrey L. Elmer