The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., May 9, 1930, page 1
Miss Spring's Dream Is Near Realization
Spring Fund Was Nucleus for New Structure - Butler Bank Offers Site For Hospital
on Very Attractive Conditions - Hospital Association Will Go Ahead When Plans
are Complete
Miss Anna M. Spring's vision of a modern hospital for
Hood River is now within easy distance of realization. This was disclosed
at a meeting of the Hospital Association held last week end. Impetus to a
plan for a modern hospital was first given several years ago, when Miss Spring,
who owns orchard property in the middle valley, learning that Hood River
lacked modern hospital facilities, announced through E.E.O Blanchar, at the
First National Bank, that she had donated a tract of orchard property, the
proceeds of the sale of which was to be the nucleus of a fund for a new hospital.
Sale of the property realized around $5,000, which was invested by the bank
and which has gradually grown through the addition of interest.
For some time past the American Legion and Auxiliary
have joined in the movement for a new hospital, and finally persuaded the
county court to include in budget item of $10,000 for hospital war memorial.
However, since the item was included it has developed that hospital would
have to be publicly owned before memorial fund could be used, and as no change
in the status of the Hospital Association, which is privately owned, has
been effected, it is considered doubtful if the memorial fund of $10,000
can be used for the new hospital.
At the meeting on Friday night the board was authorized
to go ahead with negotiations for the purchase of two lots adjoining the
present hospital property on the east and also right to an alley on the south
end of lots to the north. The two lots to be secured are owned by the Butler
Banking Co., which has made a very attractive offer to the hospital board.
The executive committee, at the same time was authorized
to go ahead and secure final plans for the new hospital. This committee includes:
Mrs. J.E. Ferguson, L.M. Baldwin, Mrs. O.M. Bell, J.H. Koberg and Kent Shoemaker,
A financial statement disclosed that the Hospital association
now has $10,000 invested in interest-bearing securities and $1,000 in cash.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer