The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., July 14, 1899, page 1
A Picturesque Health and Pleasure Resort That Is Visited by Thousands of
People Annually
The Trading Center and Shipping Point for the Famous Hood River Valley, Noted
for Its Fruit - Place for Investors
Nature, the great architect of the universe, located
the habitations of man. Large cities are not placed by chance. The little
brook that trickles from its crevice in the rocks and receives its growth
from the snow-capped giants of the hills, winds its way to the sea, opening
up a highway for the traffic of a nation. Slowly but irresistibly, it cuts
its channel through mountain gorges, over silent meadows, down rocky steeps,
roaring, plunging and spreading, but never stopping till it mingles itself
with the boundless ocean. It asks no help from the puny hand of man. Whether
its waves dash against the desolate shores of the wilder-ness, or labor with
the weight of com-merce, it cares not; only onward, is its progress, inviting
the laborer to rest his wares upon its bosom, that they may be easily transported
to the teeming world. It stretched its hand up the canyon among the hills
far by the side of the great Columbia; an opening had been made, and an outlet
granted for the many productions of the great agricultural and horticultural
region here. Alone in its great power, uncompromising in its restless strength,
it gave out the flat and located the slightly little city of Hood River in
a natural grove of towering oaks. Little by little, men made obeisance to
the incontrovertible mandate and the place has steadily grown until today
it has a population of about 500 souls.
Hood River is delightfully situated on a hill side in
a forest, affording ample shade and natural drainage. It is in fact a Forest
City. Horizoned by rugged and picturesque mountains, and tree tops, that
cut sharp silhouettes against a sky of incomparable blue, the town is hidden
by a dense carpet of green. Here and there a white splotch shows against
the deep mass, where some house thrusts itself above the trees, but a man
standing upon the height to the south and looking down would never guess
that 500 people dwelt under that natural thatch of stately oaks. To the north
an inspiring view of that grand, broad stream, the Columbia is afforded.
The residence portion of these circling forest hills, disclosing glimpses
of cozy cottages, unique villas and pretentious mansions, surrounded by evidence
of artistic landscape gardening, sweeping driveways and every evidence of
wealth, culture and refinement. No place of its size in this or any other
state has more magnificent homes, nor more happily surrounded, and in nearly
every instance the landscaped handsome residences are owned by the occupants
The business streets are well shaded and located on a
natural incline and are lined with pretty and commodious trade emporiums.
Hood River, the thriving town of the Cascade mountains,
is situated at the confluence of the Columbia and Hood rivers, at an elevation
of 103 feet above the level of the sea. Owing to its proximity to Mount Hood
and to its healthful location, the place attracts many summer visitors.
Excursionists visit us by the steamers in large numbers and quite frequently
during the hot months. The town is also the shipping point for the Hood River
valley, noted the country over for its production of strawberries and apples.
While the population of the town is only about 500, yet the valley is thickly
settled and contains about 2,000 people. It is on account of this dense
population that the rural free delivery mail system is now on experimental
daily trial in these parts.
A pen sketch of the Hood River valley, found elsewhere
in this issue, even when kept scrupulously within the bounds of facts, reads
like a tale from the "Arabian Nights." The development that has been accomplished
is but feebly described when it is called marvelous. The old simile of a
desert converted into a garden has been so frequently applied to the many
localities in Oregon that it has become trite; nevertheless, there is not
another portion of the state where it is so emphatically applied as in Hood
River valley. It is true, wonderful results have been accomplished in other
places, but Hood River valley stands first and foremost in the demonstration
of the possibilities of that fruit culture.
The city of the Hood river was incorporated about five
years ago, though the first settlers arrived in the valley in 1854, among
the number, H.C. Coe, whose strawberry patches covering a number of acres
are within the corporate limits and from which about 1,000 crates of berries
of 24 boxes each have been shipped this season.
The first store building erected in the town is still
standing and is occupied by the large mercantile house of Bone & McDonald.
The town of was laid out in March, 1881, by H.C. Coe, on the donation land
claim of his father, the late Nathan Coe. The second building erected in
the town was the Mt. Hood hotel by T.J. Hosford, in the latter part of August
of that year. The first residence was built by John P. Hilsteon, the second
by Judge George T. Prather. Peter Tanner's residence came next, then followed
the erection of a store building by Mrs. Jennie Champlain, now occupied by
Blodgett's harness shop. No more buildings worthy of note were put up till
1882, when E.L. Smith store building, Prather's building and the Rand building,
occupied by A.S. Blowers & Son, besides others, including the O.R. &
N. railroad depot and the old school house went skyward.
In 1891 there was another spurt in building operations
and quite a number of edifices were completed, including two churches, two
business houses. Since then the growth of the town has been steady and
substantial till today it may be said to be a lovely little city of homes,
churches and schools.
The first mayor of the town was C.M. Wolfard, now a resident
of White Salmon, a village in Klickitat county, Wash., immediately across
the Columbia river from Hood River.
The present city officers of Hood River are: Mayor E.L.
Smith; recorder, John Nickelsen; treasurer, George P. Crowell; marshall,
E.S. Olinger; councilmen, Captain J.H. Dukes, Charles A. Bell, Judson Ferguson,
Wm. Yates, G.D. Woodworth and Putman F. Bradford.
The growth of Hood River has been steady and permanent,
based upon actual demand, and what is found here can be accounted for on
the basis of existing to supply a present instead of a prospective demand.
As a trading point, Hood River ranks with the ordinary town of several times
its size. It has both rail and water transportation and all wagon roads lead
to the town, as naturally as they are said to have led to Rome. A costly
ferry system will soon be in operation across the Columbia, and which enterprise
will draw additional trade from the Washington banks of that river.
The people of Hood River are fully alive to the fact
that the common school is the foundation from which the state must draw largely
its best citizens -- men and women, full-orbed, with the qualities which
make them true and wise. This evidenced by the liberal spirit which the citizens
have in the past provided for the wants of the Hood River graded public schools
and by the confidence and respect which the school demands in the community,
as well as by the jealous care with which its interests and reputation are
cherished. The old school building has given place to a new $8,000 edifice,
which is heated by a furnace and has all the modern conveniences and
paraphernalia. At present, inclusive of the principal, four teachers are
employed and the fifth instructor will likely be added this year and the
tenth grade established. There are eight months of school in the year and
there is an enrollment of 154 pupils. A new principle has been employed in
the person of Professor C.D. Thompson, who taught at Cascade Locks last year.
He is a graduate of Corvallis. He has able assistants in the persons of the
Misses Grace A. Graham, Mella White and Minnie Elton, with another yet to
be engaged. The school board is composed of S.H. Cox, chairman; N.C. Evans,
and A.S. Blowers, with D. MacDonald as clerk.
Hood River's social advantages are as desirable as can
be found anywhere in the East. There are three magnificent church edifices
here, vis: Congregationalists, Methodist and United Brethren. The churches
of this city are, as a rule, strong, vigorous, healthy societies. They compared
favorably with similar bodies in any place of equal size in New England or
the Middle States. The stranger within our gates may worship God according
to the dictates of his own conscience and the fashion of his fathers, and
find himself in company with those of his own belief.
The fraternities are well represented in Hood River.
The rosters of the different orders which draw the veil of considerate secrecy
over their ceaseless and wide charities embrace the names of our foremost
citizens, men prominent in affairs and full of public spirit and civic pride.
The circulating public library of Hood River is an admirable
institution. Since its inception, it has steadily grown in usefulness and
the favor of the public. The shelves contain about 800 volumes. A membership
fee of fifty cents per annum is charged for its privileges. The library is
in charge of George T. Prather, who is also a justice of the peace.
Hood Rivers has a gravity system of water works, which
are supplied from a large, never-failing spring, at an elevation of some
250 feet above the town. The water has been analyzed and pronounced to be
the purest and the best in the land.
There has as yet been no system of electric lighting
established here; however, there are nine individual acetylene gas plants
in operation.
All lines of business are represented here and there
are some very fine and large stores conducted by mercantile firms with sufficient
capital and facilities to compete with larger cities close at hand, all doing
a first-class business and many of them are spoken of separately in this
Visitors who come to Hood River in search of pleasure,
as well as health, will find little difficulty in passing their allotted
time most agreeably. Those who delight in viewing the beauties of nature
will find a world of interest in visiting the notable river attractions and
throughout the adjacent country. Any part of the country is easily accessible
by means of the existing routes of travel, by boat, railway or well-traveled
roads over which driving is a favorable recreation. The sportsman will find
abundant material upon which to practice his skill. Fishing affords unrivaled
sport for the anglers. Sailing, driving, horseback-raiding, bicycling and
other out-door forms of exercising are feasible during a greater part of
the year. Invalids who in the East dare not venture out, either because of
the cold, the heat, or some other menace to health, will find supreme delight,
and a new lease of life in the vitalizing air and sunlight which permits
them to enjoy to the fullest extent all the outdoor exercise which they are
capable. No matter what may be the object which brings visitors to Hood River,
they cannot fail to yield to the pleasurable enjoyment of existence in a
spot where, as one contended traveler observed, "It is so good to be
The climate of the Hood River is proverbially excellent.
The summers are ideal. Even in the hottest part of summer, the nights are
deliciously cool, insuring sleep and rest. The winters are neither long nor
severe. The climate will perhaps be found best suited to invalids, whom,
from long residence in high or windy regions, have suffered from that nervousness
so common to such sections, and to busy men and women in general, who find
it impossible to "slow down" the machinery of their lives while within the
stimulating influence of certain climatic or social conditions. Such people
usually are suffers from insomnia and loss of appetite and digestive power.
The effect of this climate on such is to induce sleep and improve the
assimilating functions. Sufferers from general malaria affections will almost
invariably be cured, as will also most cases of dry catarrh, which prevail
in high, dry climates. Many sufferers from rheumatism in high altitude and
the cold, damp regions of the country are entirely cured here, and especially
favorable are the conditions for heart affections. Consumptives should not
come to this region with the disease developed, though consumption rarely
originates here, but when it does, it runs a very rapid coarse to a fatal
end. There is practically immunity from the ordinary diseases of childhood
in severe forms and from acute inflammations due generally to sudden chilling
as the equability of the climate is a sure safeguard against such dangers.
In conclusion, however, be it said that about all kinds of climate a person
wants can be obtained at the different altitudes in this vicinity.
Hood River has been the home of prosperity from the date
of its foundation, but the best days of this place are in the future. Mark
the prediction.
Some idea of the importance of the sprightly and sightly
little city of Hood River may be gathered from the fact that here are founded
a stable municipal government, one of the largest lumbering mills in the
state, with a capacity of the 160,000 feet of lumber per day, and another,
a third as large, soon to be erected west of town; two hotels, an armory
hall, two restaurants and numerous private boarding lodging houses, two livery
stables, an excellent weekly newspaper, the Glacier, part of which you hold
in your hand, a fruit growers' union, an extensive fruit cannery, a ferry,
four general stores, two drug stores, three churches, two hardware stores,
two furniture stores, two harness shops, two meat markets, two confectioneries,
two bakeries, a box factory, a racket store, a grocery, a photograph gallery,
billiard room, a barber shop, a shoe shop, a queensware, crockery and stationery
store, two laundries, a band, a blacksmith, two real estate agencies, while
the professionals are represented by a dentist, two physicians and two attorneys.
There is no saloon in Hood River. Some months ago one was conducted here
under a government license, but it was starved out and the proprietor quit
the business in disgust.
It is worthy of mention in connection with the schools,
to state that besides the six-room high school building in Hood River, there
are the Barrett school, with two rooms, four miles southeast and the Frankton
school, two rooms, 2½ miles west. While two new school houses of the
same capacity, are in the course of construction in the Pine Grove and Odell
districts on the east side. In the Mt. Hood district a new school building
is also being constructed.
S.E. Bartmess, Furniture and Undertaker
Mr. Bartmess established himself in his present business
at Hood River about seven years ago, coming from La Fayette, Ind. It would
be next to impossible, within the limits of this article, to enumerate everything
kept in stock at his establishment. Suffice it to say that his assortment
of goods is full, complete and up to date in every respect. The upper story
of his building, which is now with his own property, is occupied by himself
and family as a residence, while the entire lower floor is used for business
purposes, being stocked to the ceiling with goods. The front part of the
room is taken up with furniture, carpets, baby carriages, wall paper, paints,
oil, etc., of which he has everything usually found in a first-class store.
An addition, 18x30, has been built to the main building, two stories, making
the present dimensions 30x74 feet. The middle room is utilized as an undertaking
department, where are found handsome coffins and caskets and a general line
of undertaking goods. Mr. Bartmess owns a hearse and he makes a specialty
of embalming and shipping bodies. As a funeral director he has few peers.
In the rear of his store is kept his supply of building
material, consisting chiefly of doors, windows, lumber, lime, hair, cement,
molding, etc. Picture frames are made to order. The building is lighted
throughout with acetylene gas. The Oregonian has been handled at this store
for the past seven years, the daily deliveries ranging from 50 to 100 copies.
Mr. Bartmess is a citizen of public spirit and high standing,
always ready to help along any enterprise that may have for its purpose the
advancement of the interests of Hood River and vicinity.
Mountain Stage and Livery Co.
Messrs. Ferguson, Dukes & Wright, all old-time citizens,
are the proprietors of the Mountain Stage and Livery Company. They have been
associated together in business since the month of March last. The location
of the spacious livery, sale and feed stable, is adjacent to the railroad
depot and the boat landing and it is immediately across the street from the
Mt. Hood hotel. They have ample stall room for the large business they are
doing and special attention is given to commercial men and camping parties
in season. A draying business is also carried on by this firm and teams can
be fitted out for any purpose on short notice. Among the horses kept for
livery purposes are fine roadsters for gentlemen's driving, gentle horses
for ladies' driving an riding, fine carriage horses and gentlemen's riding
horses. This stable is the place to hire a livery team, have your team taken
care of, or you can buy or sell a horse here as quickly and satisfactorily
as elsewhere. Careful drivers furnished, when desired.
J.H. Ferguson is a native of Pennsylvania, and has resided
here since 1879. He formerly worked at his trade, that of a watchmaker and
jeweler, at one time being employed in the city of Portland. He owns the
barn occupied by the firm, also his residence and 80 acres of land, three
miles out of town. He is a member of the city council, as is also his partner,
Captain J.H. Dukes, who was reared in Illinois, and has been a resident of
these parts for the past 12 years.
F.J. Wright, the remaining partner, is also from Illinois,
an old-timer, and has been engaged in strawberry culture.
Mt. Hood Hotel, C.A. Bell, Prop.
There are few hotels in a place of the size of Hood River
that have entertained a greater number of guests than the Mt. Hood hotel
for the reason that it is the only first-class hotel in every respect in
the city. The history of the house dates back a number of years, Mr. Bell,
himself having been "mine host" for the past six years, and to many of its
old patrons it has come to be looked upon as home and Mr. Bell as a genial
friend and a host.
The Mt. Hood hotel is too well known to the traveling
public to require a description in detail, but for the benefit of readers
of this paper at a distance we will state that it is a fine, modern, two-story
structure, located conveniently to the depot and overlooking the majestic,
on-flowing Columbia river. There are twenty guest rooms, equal in their
furnishings and arrangements to the best hotels in towns many times the size
of Hood River, and a free sample room is provided for commercial men. The
cuisine department is in charge of competent hands, and the tables are supplied
with the best the market affords. The dining room is large and inviting,
and the service is of the best. Commercial men, tourists and businessmen
from neighboring towns always make their headquarters at the Mt. Hood hotel
when visiting Hood River. The rates are reasonable and reductions are made
to guests who remain for any length of time, whether they be on health, pleasure
or business trip.
Mr. Bell came to Hood River from Eastern Oregon about
nine years ago and was at first engaged in the sawmill business. Three years
later, he took hold of the hotel and has made a success of it from the very
beginning. Besides being a popular landlord, Mr. Bell is a sanguine and
enthusiastic supporter of all enterprises for the good of the public and
his deservedly high standing as a caterer and a businessman is second only
to his popularity with his guests and many personal friends. He is a member
of the city council.
A.S. Blowers & Son, General Merchandise
The general merchandise store has always been, and it
must be in the nature of things, always continue to be the store of the people.
The general merchandise is usually among the pioneer merchants and he has
also been a leading citizen in all pioneer settlements. His prosperity as
always depended upon the common prosperity.
There is probably not a general merchandise store in
Hood River that commands more confidence and general patronage than that
of A.S. Blowers & Son. This firm has been in existence for the past ten
years and it deals in nearly everything that can be mentioned with the exception
of drugs, furniture and harness. The stock consists chiefly of staple and
fancy groceries, dry goods, clothing, ladies and Gents' furnishing goods,
boats, shoes, hats, caps, shelf and heavy hardware, stoves, etc. Agricultural
implements and farm machinery are kept on hand and anything wanted in this
line will be ordered directly from the factory, if not already in stock,
also machine repairs can be obtained through this firm. A.S. Bowers &
Son have the exclusive agency here for the celebrated Miller shoe, made at
Racine, Wis., though other standard makes are kept on their shelves.
A.S. Blowers, the father, is a native of New York, emigrating
with his parents at an early age to Minnesota. He was a soldier during the
war of the rebellion and subsequently located in Otter Tale county, Minnesota,
whence he came to Hood River, in the month of January, 1889. He owned a handsome
residence here and will likely spend the remainder of his days in these favored
parts. He also has a strawberry ranch and an apple orchard. From the farm
he will this year ship about 1,000 crates of berries. His orchard was planted
about five years ago and is beginning to bear profitably. Mr. Blowers has
served one term has county commissioner, in which arduous and responsible
position he had had 12 years experience in his Minnesota home. He has served
as a school director and captain of the crack militia company of this section,
it having walked off with the championship as the best drilled company at
the regimental encampment at The Dalles. Mr. Blowers is also president of
the City Water Company, and half owner of the works.
L.N. Blowers, the son, was the first mayor of Sumpter,
Ore., to which place he removed, and engaged in business for a short time,
and was also the second mayor of Hood River. He is a young man of family,
possessed of fine business attainments, and is the owner of a fine forty-acre
orchard. He also owns a town lots here on which he is about to erect a residence.
Mrs. M.M. Fewel, Mt. Hood, Confectionery.
Mrs. Fewel, who is a most deserving and successful caterer, has been tickling the palates of the people of Hood River, so to speak, for the past four years. Her cozy and inviting place of business is near the railroad depot, the boat landing on the Columbia, and opposite the Mt. Hood hotel. The Mt. Hood Confectionery is always stocked with all kinds of sweetmeats, fruit in season, and a fine line of cigars and tobacco is carried. Soft drinks are a specialty, and her nicely carpeted ice cream parlor is the most popular resort in town for ladies and gentlemen. The attractive way in which the stock is displayed, and the courteous manner in which patrons are served, usually by Mrs. Fewel herself, are noticeable facts and warrant us in saying that this is one of the pleasantest places in Hood River at which to trade.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer