The Hood River News-Letter, Hood River, OR., November 17, 1906, page 2
On the first page of this issue will be found a call for a mass meeting to take place this afternoon at the opera house when this very important matter will be taken up and considered, and some definite action taken as to what steps shall be pursued in bringing about its consummation. Already this paper has gone on record in favor of division and it expects to continue in that position until the desired result is obtained. We understand that at this meeting it is proposed to present some figures which may be depended upon to throw some considerable light on the situation, and it is hoped that there may be a representative attendance from the people, both of the city and valley, to the end that all may inform themselves of the proceedings and give their support, or if they see fit, show cause why they cannot support the measure. Hood River has the enviable reputation of standing pretty well together when her interests are at stake and it is hardly advisable to change that record that this time unless the best of reasons can be advanced for so doing. Aside from the claim that separate county would call for increased taxation we do not recall at this time of having heard of any other objection by our people to the measure. As to the correctness of this claim we are not prepared to say. It is quite possible that such would obtain for a time, about requested it. Were it however, found to be correct, we yet would have the satisfaction of spending the money ourselves and deciding as to how it would be placed, and this in itself is surely some argument in favor of division. But this is only one argument and there are many. A diversity of the conditions between the eastern and western portions of the present county is a vastly more important reason why division should be desirable. These conditions are so well known and have been presented so often that they do not need a repetition at this time. The very fact of their known existence should, and doubtless will be, a factor for many in reaching a conclusion in the premises. Whatever your position on this question be sure and attend the meeting today.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer