
The Hood River News-Letter, Hood River, OR., November 3, 1906, page 1

Decide to Discard Knee Pants for a Suit of Dad's to Keep Pace with Progress and Development of Industry

     There was a meeting of earnest, enterprising citizens of Hood River, and the valley at the rooms of the Commercial club Tuesday evening, to discuss the question of county division.
     The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock, but the president of the Commercial club, and the object of the meeting stated and the call for the meeting read. Chairman Davidson then presented the question to the citizens present for consideration.
     Judge Henderson exhibited a map showing the boundary lines of the new county, drawn by ex-surveyor Goit of The Dalles, locating the lines where we would be most likely to meet with no opposition from the citizens of The Dalles. Mr. Henderson said that in conversation with a number of more prominent citizens of The Dalles, he had learned that a number of them, in fact almost to a man, were inclined to favor the county division, provided it was made on lines not too far east; but that a determined fight would be put up if we were to include Mosier.
     The territory enclosed by the lines indicated by Mr. Goit takes in considerable of the forest reserve, the lines being as follows: Leaving the Columbia river at a point about two miles west of Mosier, near Rock creek follows the section line south 12 miles, thence west two miles, thence south 12 miles, thence west 12 miles, thence north six miles, thence west six miles, thence north six miles, thence west three miles, thence north to the Columbia river again at a point near Bonneville.
     These lines include enough territory and population to make a revenue on as low a basis of taxation as at present to carry on the affairs of the county, we are told, and the necessary committees were appointed to make the canvas of the valley to ascertain the sentiment of the citizens in reference to the matter. Full statistics will be given by the officials at The Dalles, so that we shall know just the exact financial status of the proposed new county on the basis of the lines proposed by Mr. Goit. If this does not meet the approval of our citizens, some other basis of division will have to be used. But, it will be profitable to every citizen of the city and valley to put aside every personal feeling in the matter, and stand as a unit for this division at a time when there is the least opposition from the other parts of the county. The division is bound to come sooner or later, it will be an issue every time there is an election or a legislative session in the state. It will be much more profitable to the people of The Dalles to grant the division with good friendship on both sides of the line, than to force Hood River to fight to the last ditch and then have an opponent here, to any measure Wasco might bring up as long as the people live who have to conduct this fight.
     By the same token, the obstructionist at home will find it much pleasanter living in a community where he is in accord with the majority and sharing their mutual confidence and esteem, than to be considered by the progressive element a knocker, a pessimist, who for personal motives, opposes a movement which he knows is for the best interest of the community at large.
     This seemed to be the sentiment of the meeting, and it was the sense of the meeting that there would be no political issue involved in this effort to secure the division of the county, but that everyone, of whatever political faith, would stand as one man for the one object, the division, then after we have the county, we can do our political scraping at home, under are own vine and fig tree.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer