The Hood River Glacier, Hood river, OR., December 15, 1904, page 6
Davidson To Expend $15,000
Will Erect Brick Structure this Spring - Joe Wilson has Another Brick in
A two-story brick cold storage warehouse and ice plant
to be erected during the coming spring at a cost of $15,000 is under
contemplation by the Davidson Fruit company. This company has purchased the
warehouse and lease of railroad property from Joe Wilson, who in turns accepts
a lease of ground between the warehouse and the Fruit Growers' union and
Page & Son. Mr. Wilson also announces that when he puts up another warehouse
it will be a 2-story brick structure.
The proposed warehouse of the Davidson Fruit company
will be 40x100 feet in extent, and will be erected on the present site of
the Wilson warerooms, which be moved immediately to grounds with the cannery
formerly stood. Here it will be used during the coming berry season as an
office and receiving wareroom.
The ice plant to be installed will have a capacity of
seven tons a day, and will be erected chiefly to make ice for the refrigerator
cars loaded here. As one fruit car requires five tons of ice, to meet the
needs of 15 or two dozen cars a day a large quantity of ice will have to
be manufactured early in the season and kept on hand in a large cold storage
room. The same room will be used later in the year for storing winter apples.
It will have a capacity of 35,000 boxes of apples.
Mr. Davidson said he first learned their real worth of
the cold storage warehouse room for apples from Bert Van Horn. Mr. Van Horn
has a large ice plant and warehouse near Buffalo, where he stores his winter
apples until late in the spring.
Van Horn says that apples packed in October will shrink
inside of a month if not packed in cold storage, but fruit like the Baldwin
apple if packed when picked and immediately placed in cold-storage will be
first class when placed on the market next spring. With this means of keeping
Hood River apples, the new chemical storage plant of the Davidson Fruit company
will mean much to the apple growers of the valley.
The cold storage ware rooms will be useful in the berry
season. Berries received in the heat of the day will be shoved into the cooling
room before being placed in the refrigerator cars. Mr. Davidson says he has
found out from California shippers that it is the sudden changes of temperature
and moisture precipitated in the refrigerator cars by the warm fruit placed
therein and allowed to cool that produces mould on the fruit. The fruit melts
the ice and send the temperature up in the car. When the car is re-iced the
temperature suddenly goes down again. It is this change of the temperature
that is believed to cause the mould.
California fruit men are able to ship cherries all the
way to New York by cooling the fruit before putting it in the refrigerator
cars, while Hood River cherries spoil in going to Denver.
"Whether or not this plant will be erected the spring
depends the spring depends altogether on the weather," said Mr. Davidson.
If the weather is such as to permit us to begin building operations in February
there will be plenty of time to complete the work before the berry season.
"If we cannot begin in February operations will have to be postponed until
later in the summer, as such a delay would throw the works into the shipping
© Jeffrey L. Elmer