Francis Marion CLINE was born on 28 Oct 1848. He married Virenda WAYLAND on 16 Feb 1875 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Virenda WAYLAND [Parents] was born on 20 Mar 1848. She married Francis Marion CLINE on 16 Feb 1875 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Laban Yager ROGERS [Parents] was born on 16 Apr 1852. He married Nancy Jane WAYLAND on 30 Nov 1882 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Nancy Jane WAYLAND [Parents] was born on 1 Sep 1850. She married Laban Yager ROGERS on 30 Nov 1882 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
John Henry BLEDSOE was born on 13 Apr 1855. He married Mary Alice WAYLAND on 1 Jul 1875 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Mary Alice WAYLAND [Parents] was born on 9 Apr 1855. She married John Henry BLEDSOE on 1 Jul 1875 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Vicki Maddox has year of birth as 1857.
Ellis WAYLAND [Parents] was born on 28 Dec 1859. He married Ida Roberts CRAIGMYLE on 11 Mar 1880 in , Gallatin Co., Kentucky.
Ida Roberts CRAIGMYLE was born on 9 Jan 1859. She married Ellis WAYLAND on 11 Mar 1880 in , Gallatin Co., Kentucky.
Jonathan WEAVER [Parents] was born about 1830.
He had the following children:
M i Sylvester WEAVER
Michael YAGER [Parents] was born on 29 Jun 1728 in , Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. He died on 1 Nov 1793 in Brightwood, Madison Co., Virginia. Michael married Elizabeth MANSPIEL about 1749.
Rev. War patriot. Another source gives dob as 2 Jun 1728 and doc as 1794/95.
Elizabeth MANSPIEL was born about 1730. She married Michael YAGER about 1749.
They had the following children:
F i Susannah YAGER F ii Elizabeth YAGER
Peter CLORE [Parents] was born about 1730. He died in 1763 in Virginia. Peter married Barbara YAGER.
Rev. War veteran.
Children1. Adam CLORE
2. Solomon CLORE
3. Moses CLORE
4. Elizabeth CLORE
5. Susanna CLORE
6. Delila CLORE
Barbara YAGER [Parents] was born on 7 Sep 1732 in , , Virginia. She married Peter CLORE.
Other marriages:CHELF, Philip
They had the following children:
M i Adam CLORE F ii Delila CLORE
Philip CHELF was born in 1728. He married Barbara YAGER.
I received a letter in June of 1995 from Beverly Przybylski of 3315 Ford Drive, Medford, Oregon 9750-4964. She said that Barbara m. first Peter Clore and second Philip Chelf. She then gave the Chelf line down as listed here, from which she is descended. I do not know her authority for this.
Barbara YAGER [Parents] was born on 7 Sep 1732 in , , Virginia. She married Philip CHELF.
Other marriages:CLORE, Peter
They had the following children:
M i Elias CHELF
John YAGER [Parents] was born on 15 Sep 1732 in Madison, , Virginia. He died on 17 Aug 1826 in Madison, , Virginia. John married Susanna BERRY.
Other marriages:WILHOIT, Mary
In one reference is called "Blind John Yager". He was called by one source, a "Rev. War Patriot."
"It was reported in The Germanna Record #10, p. 36 that John was very
religious and in 1800 he went to the factory in Pennsylvania and purchased
a pipe organ for the Hebron church which was brought by ox cart and set up
in the church in 1802. In her book on the Hull Family, Grace Hull Anderson quotes a letter sent by John to his grandson David Blankenbaker in 1818:'Here I sit as an old pilgrim, crowned with gray hairs, lost my dear
companion, entirely blind ... a great blessing I have lost, namely my
eyesight but thank God I can hear and talk and what is more precious I have
a spiritual faith, sight and living hope which I ground on the merits and
dying love of Jesus, which I would not exchange to all the temporal
pleasures in this world.'Note: See Keith, p.87,88
Susanna BERRY was born about 1740. She married John YAGER.
Adam YAGER Jr. [Parents] was born on 9 May 1738 in , , Virginia. He died in 1813. Adam married Anne DICKEN.
Other marriages:BERRY, Juriah
"Rev. War Patriot."
Anne DICKEN was born about 1745. She married Adam YAGER Jr..