Wayland - pafg55 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Immigrant to Virginia prior to1720, Thomas Wieland and related lines

John WEAVER was born about 1800.

He had the following children:

  M i James Madison WEAVER

Cornelius CARPENTER [Parents] was born about 1760. He died on 8 Mar 1846 in , Madison Co., Virginia. Cornelius married Mary "Mollie" WEAVER about 1777.

NOTE: A, p.16, Other children given in this reference.

In 8/98, I received a letter from Winton Cain, 1200 Briarcliff Rd., Warner Robins, GA 31088. His line down from this Cornelius is: Cornelius; Jonas; Willis Horace, his wife's g-grandfather.

Mary "Mollie" WEAVER [Parents] was born on 2 Nov 1760. She died on 11 Mar 1847 in , , Virginia. Mary married Cornelius CARPENTER about 1777.

NOTE: A, pp.16,17

She marries her first cousin. Her father, Mathias Weaver, and the mother of her husband (Cornelius Carpenter), Barbara Weaver, were brother and sister.

They had the following children:

  M i Benjamin CARPENTER

Johannes GAHR was born on 17 Nov 1657 in Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. He died on 22 May 1738 in Frankenhofen, , , Germany and was buried in Illenschwang Par. Johannes married Barbara Elizabeth SCHUEBEL on 24 Oct 1682 in Aufkirchen, , Germany.

Ms. Bunny Crisler has this line back a couple of more generations.

Barbara Elizabeth SCHUEBEL was born on 8 Jun 1663 in Frankenhofen, , Germany. She married Johannes GAHR on 24 Oct 1682 in Aufkirchen, , Germany.

Ms. Bunny Crisler has this line back a few more generations.

They had the following children:

  M i Andreas GAAR

Johannes BROYLES [Parents] was born on 1 May 1679 in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany and was christened on 1 May 1679 in Lutheran Church, Dusslingen, Wurttemburg, Germany. He died on 5 Feb 1733 in , Spottsylvania, Virginia and was buried in 1733 in Spottsylvania, , Virginia. Johannes married Ursula RUOP on 6 Nov 1703 in Lisheim, , Germany.

NOTE: Germann Record No. Six, p.19

John was one of the older original Germanna immigrants, arriving with the others in 1717, worked his importation, sued by Gov. Spotswood in 1724, and granted land in 1726 (Grant Book 12, p.476). Another source says that he was buried on his property in Madison Co., VA. Please see long notes under wife.

The following came from the Broyles net page at:


Though born in the village of Dusslingen in Wrttemberg, Johannes moved, perhaps around the year 1700, to tisheim, a small village approximately 40 miles north as the crow flies. There he met and married Ursula Ruop, daughter of a local gravedigger. And there he and Ursula began raising their family.

Johannes' father Conrad was a farmer, and Johannes was the eldest son, thus entitling him to a good inheritance, but he forsook this to make his living as a weaver in tisheim. Perhaps it was this sense of trying the unknown that prompted him and Ursula to join a group of families making the voyage to the New World.

There can be no doubt that Johannes and Ursula Breyhel of tisheim are identical to John and Urseley Broyle of Germanna. The names and ages of their children match perfectly with what is known, and they disappeared from the tisheim records at just the right time.

1717 - Johannes and family emigrate to America with about 20 other German families, and come to live at Germanna, in Virginia.

24 Jun 1726 - John Prial is granted 400 acres in the "first fork of the Rapidan River." [1]

2 May 1727 - John Bryoll proves his importation. He is granted the right to take up 200 acres. He states that he came to this country about nine years since with Captain Scott, and that he brought with him his wife Urseley, and children Conrad and Elizabeth. On the same day, Jacob Bryoll (John's son) proves his right to take up land, and is granted 50 acres.

7 Mar 1732 - John Broyle makes his will, Spotsylvania Co., Va., Book A, page 209: "I, John Broyles, being willing to setel my affairs, knowing that in this trancitory life we are in ye mids of death. I does after by wife's deceas leve my land, Goods, and catel to be "be" equally divided amongst all my children mail and female as witness hand. This being my last will Testament his John / Broyles mark wit: Michael Holt, Balthasar (Paultus) Blankenbaker, and Nicholas Blankenbaker.

5 Feb 1733 - At a court held for Spotsylvania County: "Urseley Broyle, widow of John Broyle decd Exhibied the above will which was proved by oath of Paultus Blankepaker one of the witnesses thereto and desired the same might be recorded which was granted."

26 Jul 1744 - Jacob and Conrad Broil convey to Adam Wilhite 200 acres of land patented 24 Jun 1726 by John Broil, and bequeathed to them. This was their inheritance, and would indicate that their mother had died. Since it appears that John Broil owned 400 acres at his death, this would also indicate that he had four children who survived him, because the estate was to be divided equally among his heirs.

The below was posted to the Germanna group on 1/26/00:

The eight hundred and second note in a series on the Germanna Colonies

I continue with the families who are candidates to be included in the Second Colony. One family is the Barlow family which had a land patent in 1726 and was sued by Spotswood, two good criteria. Unfortunately, this family has never been found in Germany. In fact, the German name is uncertain which makes the search more difficult. Though many church records have been filmed, not all have. You will notice that the primary search is made in the church records. One does not need the complex German for these as would be the case with civil records.

Conrad Amberger was sued by Spotswood and had a land patent in the year 1728, two years later than most of the Second Colony members. The delay in the land patent may have been due to the location which was southeast of Mt. Pony and outside of the Robinson River community. The Amberger family has many associations with the village of B�nnigheim though other locations are involved also. The "Before Germanna" monographs have a rich history for
Conrad's ancestors and descendants who plan on visiting the "home country" should consult this information. Just recently, the villages of Brackenheim, Botenheim, and Cleebronn were mentioned. You could walk from any one of these to B�nnigheim before Fr�hst�ck (breakfast). B�nnigheim is a little larger than the average village; it has two churches.

John Broyles has excellent credentials for membership in the Second Colony. He was sued by Spotswood, he had land in 1726, and his proof of importation says he came in 1717. Can't beat that. Johannes Breyhel is associated with two villages, Du�lingen, where he was born, and �tisheim where he married Ursula Ruop and lived until he came on to America. These two villages are farther apart than you would want to try and walk in one day and the reason for the move is not known. Du�lingen is about twenty miles almost due south of Stuttgart so that this community (one church) is about fifty miles away from the "center of mass" of the Second Colony villages that have been discussed. �tisheim is about six or seven miles south of Oberderdingen where Matthias Blankenbaker was living. Oberderdingen is on the southwest corner of the region we have been talking about so �tisheim is definitely outside the region that has been discussed so far.

Excepting Du�lingen, all of the Second Colony villages are on one page of my atlas which has 176 pages for the old West Germany. One page would be more than ample in size for the villages of the First Colony. In the name Du�lingen, the third character is "ss" for which the Germans have a special character.

John Blankenbaker ([email protected])

Ursula RUOP [Parents] was born about 1680 in , , , Germany. She died about 1743 in , , Virginia. Ursula married Johannes BROYLES on 6 Nov 1703 in Lisheim, , Germany.

NOTE: Germanna Record No. six, p.19. Supposedly buried beside her husband.

Note the following rec'd 2/1/98 from: "George W. Durman"

"Hi Cousin John. You might want to read the home page concerning John BROYLES and Ursula BLANKENBAKER. John's wife was actually Ursula RUOP (ROOP,RUPP).

That Ursula BLANKENBAKER was a myth started many years ago by a well-meaning, but ill-informed lady who has since passed away. There is documentation on the BROYLES/BRILES website to show that Ursula RUOP was the actual name of John's wife. Church records,etc.


The source of data for this note is a 1991 copyrighted monograph by Stephen H. Broyles entitled "Additional Information Regarding the German Origin of the Broyles/Briles Family" and used here with permission. When Steve started this work, he publically stated that he had no qualifications for the task. Of course, that is not totally true as he had the essential qualification of desire. But he did admit that there was a learning curve to the work which he insisted others could duplicate also. Other individuals, who heard Steve describe his work, have agreed with him.

The family in Germany was Johannes and Ursula (Ruop) Breyel which came in the group that made the Second Germanna Colony. In Virginia, the spelling of the name became Broyles or Briles. Johannes Briel/Breyel was the oldest son of Conrad and Margaretha and was christened on 1 May 1679 in Dulingen, Wrttemberg. Conrad Breyel died 8 October 1703 in Dulingen, five days after breaking his back.

This accident was described in the death register as the result of falling "over" a crabapple tree. How "over" (ber in German) is to be interpreted is a debated but it seems logical that Johannes was in the top of the tree when he fell or it broke.

Less than a month after Johannes Breil's father, Conrad, died, Johannes married Ursula Ruop, daughter of Hans Jacob Ruop, gravedigger, on 6 Nov 1703. What was so unusual or questionable is that this marriage took place in a village, tisheim, that was forty miles away. Since Johannes was 24, he was of a marriageable age. But his father, Conrad, had been the miller and, as the eldest son, Johannes could have expected to inherit the mill.

Therefore it seem unlikely that he would leave the village of Dulingen, but he did. This had bothered Steve Broyles and he wanted confirmation that we were talking about the same Johannes. Fortunately, there is a notice in the Dulingen parish marriage records of the marriage of Johannes and Ursula in tisheim which resolved this question without any doubts.

Johannes and Ursula had the following children in tisheim:

1. Hans Jacob, twin, christened 26 Mar 1705.
2. Conrad, twin, christened 26 Mar 1705. Presumably he died young.
3. Mattheus, christened 24 Nov 1706, d. 24 July 1708.
4. Conrad, christened 2 Jan 1709.
5. Jerg Martin, christened 1 Aug 1711, no further information.
6. Maria Elisabetha, christened 5 July 1716.

The birth of Maria Elisabetha is the last record found in the German records which would be consistent with emigration in 1717. Later, in Virginia, more children would be born.

As a result of his research, Steve discovered the birth of the twins which had been reported earlier as one son with the three part name: Hans Jacob Conrad. The twin, Conrad, is presumed to have died because the name was reused again in 1709. Steve was also able to correct the christening date for the 1709 Conrad.

The reuse of names is not unusual.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

They had the following children:

  M i Jacob BROYLES
  M ii Mattheus BROYLES was born in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany and was christened on 24 Nov 1706 in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany. He died on 24 Jul 1708 in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany and was buried in 1708 in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
  F iii Appellomia BROYLES was born about 1707.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
  M iv John BROYLES was born in 1708/1709 in , , , Ger. He died in , , Virginia and was buried in , , Virginia.
  M v Conrad BROYLES was born in Oteisheim, Wurtenburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany and was christened on 2 Jul 1709 in Oteisheim, Wurtenburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany. He died on 13 Sep 1783 in , Randolph, North Carolina and was buried in 1784 in Randolph, NC.

The below was posted to Germanna group 1/00. It has a different line back in Germany, but I think it is referring to this man, as he is in NC:


1 John BRILES; b. 10/9/1814, Randolph, NC; d. 1/24/1886, Peoria, Franklin,
�+Priscilla HALE; b. 1814, NC; m. 10/8/1834, Randolph, NC; d. 1859, Randolph,
��..2 Felix BRILES; b. 1837, Randolph, NC; d. 1862
��..2 Nancy Jane BRILES; b. 1839, Randolph, NC
��..2 John Wilborn BRILES; b. 1841, Randolph, NC
��..2 Ruth Maria BRILES; b. 6/17/1846, Randolph,NC; d. 1919, Peoria,
Franklin, KS
���...+Ithamer RICHARDS; b. 1841, Ross ?; m. 2/21/1867, Franklin, KS; d.
7/5/1910, KS
�����..3 Minnie Jane RICHARDS; b. 11/23/1868, Peoria, Franklin, KS; d.
4/9/1947, El Monte, CA
�����..+Marcus Edward TATE; b. 5/18/ 1856, Albia, Monroe, IA; m. 1/1/1896,
Ottawa, Franklin, KS; d. 8/11/1936, El Monte, Los Angeles, CA
��������4 Thomas Fred TATE; b. 4/7/1897, Ottawa, Franklin, KS; d.
11/30/1919, El Monte, Los Angeles, CA
��������4 Ruth Marie TATE; b. 8/24/1898, San Bernardino, San Bernardino,
CA; d. 1/26/1981, Covina, Los Angeles, CA
��������4 Mark Edward TATEe; b. 8/12/1900, San Bernardino, San
Bernardino, CA; d. 5/6/1926, Santa Fe Springs, Los Angeles, CA
��������4 John William TATE; b. 11/13/1904, San Bernardino, San
Bernardino, CA; d. 4/4/1996, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA
��������+Ila Mae HALL; b. 2/13/1910, Upland, San Bernardino, CA; m.
4/5/1930, Upland, San Bernardino, CA; d. 11/13/1989, Morro Bay, San Luis
Obispo, CA
����������5 Jean Louise TATE
����������+Howard Woodrow WHEELER
������������.6 Howard William WHEELER
������������.+Heidi Ann JENSEN
��������������...7 David Alan WHEELER
������������.6 Robert David WHEELER
������������.+Karen Marie KARNOWSKI
��������������...7 Anna Catherine WHEELER
������������.6 James Michael WHEELER
�����..3 Etta A. RICHARDS; b. 1870, KS; d. 1962 Franklin, KS
�����..+William B. ADKINS; b. 1870; m. 6/20/1889, Franklin, KS; d. 1938,
Ottawa, Franklin, KS
��������4 Winnie ADKINS; b. 11/21/1889, Ottawa, Franklin, KS; d. 1938,
Ottawa, Franklin, KS
�������... +John W. O'FLAHERTY; b. 1888; m. 3/16/1910, Franklin, KS
����������5 Daughter O'FLAHERTY
����������+Thomas R. ROBERTS
������������.6 Hubert ROBERTS
������������.6 Richard ROBERTS
������������.6 Myrtle ROBERTS
��������4 Richard W. ADKINS; b. 11/22/1900, KS; d 5/1984, KS
����������5 Betty ADKINS
�����..3 Ida RICHARDS; b. 1879, KS; d. 3/1960, KS
�����..+Wile REEVES (REAVES)
�����..3 Lydia "Pet" RICHARDS; b. 1885, KS; d. 1955, KS
�����..+Laurence Weldon SMITH
��������4 Son SMITH
��������4 Son SMITH
��������4 Son SMITH
�����..3 Cora Myrtle RICHARDSs; d. 1887, Peoria, Franklin Co., KS; d.
1948, KS
�����..+John SHADE; m. c1910
��..2 Sarah Priscilla BRILES; b. 1850, Randolph, NC; d. 1860, Randolph, NC
��..2 David Alexander BRILES; b. 1855; d. 1858
2nd wife of John BRILES:
�+Julia Ann ARMSTRONG; b 1837, MO; m. 1864; d. 1890, Peoria, Franklin, KS
��..2 Mary Drucilla BRILESs; b. 2/23/1865, Franklin, KS; d. 7/15/1865,
Franklin, KS
��..2 William Cusick BRILES; b. 6/11/1866, Ottawa, KS; d. 2/1943, Ottawa, KS
���..+ Mary Elizabeth BARNET (BARNETT); b. 1882; m. 11/24/1898, Paola,
Miami, KS;
d. 1956, Ottawa, KS
������3 Clarence Arnold BRILES; b. 12/3/1902, Ottawa, Franklin, KS; d
7/29/1962, Franklin, KS
������+Hazele CAYLOR
��������4 Twila Ann BRILES
��������4 Maynard GOINGS
������3 Nelson Edgar BRILES; b. 9/21/1909, Ottawa, Franklin, KS; d.
2/1982, Ottawa, Franklin, KS
������+Carrie ??
��������4 Phoebe BRILES
��������4 Belle BRILES
��������4 Ruth BRILES
��..2 James T. BRILES; b. 3/29/1868, Franklin, KS; d. 2/23/1869, Franklin,
��..2 Charles F. BRILES; b. 11/1/1870, Franklin, KS; d. 7/31/1872,
Franklin, KS
��..2 Bertha L. BRILES; b. 6/19/1873, Franklin, KS; d. 8/27/1873,
Franklin, KS
��..2 Luann Dorcas BRILES; b. 1876, Franklin Co., KS; d. 1960, Alva, Woods,
���..+Fred BLACK; b. 1873; m. 2/25/1894, Franklin, KS; d. 1942
��. 2 Elizabeth Bess BRILES; b. 1878, Franklin, KS, d. 1920
���..+James Allen BLACK; b. 1870; m. 11/7/1894, Franklin, KS; d. 1964
�����..3 Ernest Earl BLACK; b. 1895; d. 1964
����.�.3 Orlie BLACK; b. 1897; d. 1918, France

  M vi Jerg Martin BROYLES was born in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany and was christened on 1 Aug 1711 in Oteisheim, Wurtemburg, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
  F vii Maria Elisabetha BROYLES

Cyriacus FLEISCHMANN [Parents] was born about 1660 in Klings, , , Germany. He died after 1748 in , Spotsylvania Co., Virginia. Cyriacus married Anna Barbara SCHOENE on 5 Mar 1701 in Neuenburg, , Germany.

NOTE: Germanna Record No. Six, p.25. Name is also "Ziriakus."

1717 Colonist, sued by Col. Spotswood in 1724 and granted 390 acres in the Robinson River section June 24, 1726 (Spotsylvania Grants, Book 12, p.474). He and son Peter (who was adult when he also came in 1717) were jointly granted 400 acres in the same section Sept. 28, 1728 (Book 13, p.477). He last appears when he deeded 120 acres to Henry Huffman in 1748.

This relates to the 1717 colonists:

[The three hundred and ninetieth note in a series on the Germanna Colonies

In the last note, recognition was taken of B. C. Holtzclaw's error in saying the Second Colony came with Capt. Scott. In the colonial records there is no captain named Scott but there was a ship named the Scott. This ship was engaged in the Virginia tobacco trade where tobacco was brought back from Virginia and trade goods and passengers were taken to Virginia.

Custom officials were caught once for taking bribes from the captain of the Scott for allowing tobacco to pass through customs without the payment of the mandated tariffs. (The custom officials lost their jobs because of this.) The record is important to us because it establishes two facts. First, it names the captain who was Andrew Tarbett. Second, it tells a lot about the character of Tarbett whose morality put economics above principles. Knowing the name of the captain of the Scott, another search was made of the Virginia colonial records. One other record was found in which Tarbett appears. In the spring of 1717 he lost a ship to pirates off the Virginia coast (the pirates sank the ship). Tarbett had to give a disposition to the Governor of Virginia, Alexander Spotswood which has been preserved. The important point here is that Tarbett was speaking to Spotswood early in 1717. At this time, not long after the land scouting junket known as the "Ride of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe," Spotswood was embarked on a western land development program on the frontier. (These lands went past the present Culpeper courthouse.) What was needed was a group of settlers who could be placed simultaneously on the land. Spotswood let Tarbett know of his interest in Germans, a whole shipload of them if possible.

Late that summer or in the early fall, Tarbett was back in London with a new ship (the Scott) when a group of Germans arrived in London seeking transportation to Pennsylvania. Tarbett promised them he would take them but he knew even then that his destination would be Virginia. Tarbett was taken to debtors' prison, perhaps because of losing a ship and cargo to pirates, but he negotiated his release and the voyage commenced.

The Germans were very surprised when the land they saw was Virginia and not Pennsylvania. Who was to blame? Mostly, Tarbett who was of a weak character. Spotswood had placed temptation in his path and Tarbett couldn't resist.

[The story is told in more detail with copies of the records in the September 1997 issue of Beyond Germanna, published by the below, who wrote the above.]
John Blankenbaker
Beyond Germanna
PO Box 120
Chadds Ford, PA 19317

"There is no doubt that Cyriacus Fleshman was married at least a second time after Anna Barbara to Margaret. I doubt that there were any children of this marriage. My reasons go to the distribution of his property that Cyriacus made before his proposed trip to Germany. Not wishing to leave his estate hanging in case he should die on the trip, he disposed of all of his
property before hand. I do not believe that anything in the disposition of this property suggests there was a child(ren) by Margaret.

Though he made his preparations and had official permission to make the trip, I do not know of any proof that he made the trip. And if he did make the trip (which he obviously wanted to do), there is no record of whether he returned. Thus, any statements about where he died are guessing and lack proof.

John Blankenbaker ([email protected])"

"The eight hundred and thirteenth note in a series on the Germanna Colonies

I have written about the emigration of the First Germanna Colony (of about forty-odd people) and of the Second Colony (of about seventy-odd people). Both of these colonies, being early emigrants from Germany, had to find a way to London where they were to find a way of going on to their destination. Each Colonies had a major disaster in London.

The First Colony had been expecting Christoph von Graffenried to meet them and to have the tickets for the balance of the journey. On the contrary, Graffenried was not there and, when he did come in, he was broke. Furthermore, his initial help for the Germans was to advise them to go home to Siegen. Imagine the looks of shock on their faces when they heard this.

The Second Colony signed on with Capt. Tarbett, master of the ship Scott. Barely had they agreed with him for a trip to Pennsylvania, then he was thrown into jail, probably debtors' prison. This put them into a limbo. Perhaps they had already paid him some advance money. Certainly they were left wondering what was going to happen next. And the time schedule became very uncertain.

Apparently each group survived its individual woes and remained a group with a common purpose. How did they do this? Surely there were many different opinions about what should be done. I suspect that one individual came to be accepted as the spokesperson or leader for the group. While not everyone might have agreed fully with this person, they accepted the decisions of this person.

In the First Colony, I would nominate Jacob Holtzclaw as the natural leader. We have seen on more than occasion that he seemed to be a leader. He kept the records when the group worked on developing the mines for Spotswood. He was one of the trustees for the land purchase at Germantown. In recent notes we have seen that he led the 1734 emigration from the Virginian side. The individual that the Moravian missionaries called on during their visits to
Germantown was Holtzclaw. The one other individual whom the group might have listened to was Rev. H�ger but he probably declined an active role due to his age and lent his support to Holtzclaw.

In the Second Colony, if I had to name one male individual of the group, it would be Cyriacus Fleshman. He was married to Anna Barbara who was the head by blood of the largest sub-contingent in the Colony. Later in Virginia, Fleshman signed petitions to the government. (I have certainly wondered about the role of Anna Barbara herself due to her unique position.)

In both groups, despite severe troubles, they seem to have held together as acceptance of a leadership role by one member provided the focal point and concentration that was needed. The members rallied around the leader's decisions and supported him.

John Blankenbaker ([email protected])"

The eight hundred and thirtieth note in a series on the Germanna Colonies

Another family, or perhaps more exactly a person, who had moved within
Germany prior to the emigration to America was Cyriacus Fleischmann. The
records at the church imply that he was from Klings, Fischberg, Eisenach,
Henneberg, Saxony. Some of these names are thrown in just to help located
the area. Before the modern reunification of Germany, this was just over the
border in East Germany. Also no research has been done in the churches
there, largely because no microfilming was permitted.

John Blankenbaker

Anna Barbara SCHOENE [Parents] was born in Sep 1664 in Neuenburg, Kraichtal, Baden and was christened on 29 Sep 1664. She married Cyriacus FLEISCHMANN on 5 Mar 1701 in Neuenburg, , Germany.

Other marriages:
SCHLUCHTER, Johann Jacob

They had the following children:

  F i Maria Catharina FLEISCHMANN was born on 8 Mar 1702. She died before 1704.
  F ii Maria Catharina FLESHMAN

Hans Jacob RUOP was born about 1650.

He had the following children:

  F i Ursula RUOP

Weltin FLEISCHMANN was born about 1630 in Kings, Fischborg Amt, Saxony, Germany.

Name is also given as "Veltin" (the way Germans would pronounce "Weltin."

This note was on the web:

I do not have actual documentation on the marriage of Emily Fleshman and William Ripperdan. However, the info I have which has been gleaned from gedcom's, family notes and such is:

Emily's parents, Ephraim Fleshman and Susannah Yeager born in Virginia (Culpeper County). Married in Virginia and kids started coming. Ephraim moved first to Kentucky where Emily was born in 1805. Then moved to Harrison County, Indiana in 1807 and died two years later after drinking water poisoned by Indians. Perhaps a query on the Harrison County GenWeb site may get you closer to actual proof.

Also, check your local LDS center for a book by Larry Shuck, "The Fleshman's, ca. 1675-1981" on microfilm. The Greenbrier Historical Society has a newer edition of his book available. Larry's book is probably one of the best sources on the Fleshman's. The GHS url is:


Hope this helps.
Richard H. Blake
2922 Thomas Avenue
Huntington, WV 25705-2810
[email protected]

He had the following children:

  M i Cyriacus FLEISCHMANN

Philipp Joseph WEBER [Parents] was born about 1687. He died before 1726. Philipp married Susanna CLORE on 26 Jan 1706 in Gemmingen, , Germany.

One source says that his father was "Johann Georg Weber" born 1635 in Germany, died 7 Aug. 1712, Baden, Germany.

Susanna CLORE [Parents] was born about 1692 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany. She died after 6 Apr 1764 in , , Virginia. Susanna married Philipp Joseph WEBER on 26 Jan 1706 in Gemmingen, , Germany.

Other marriages:
YAGER, Nicholas

on April 3, 1734, Susanna Crigler gave bond in
Spotsylvania County, as administrator of his estate. She later became the second wife of Nicholas Yager of the 1717 Germanna Colony. She last appears
in the records on April 6, 1764, when she deeds slaves to her two sons by
Jacob Crigler. (Reference - Mr. W. C. Barrickman and Dr. Arthur Leslie
Keith.) From a post by: Cindy Crigler [email protected]

John Blankenbaker says:

"There have been recent questions about Susanna Klaar (Clore) who married Joseph Weaver, Jacob Crigler, and Nicholas Yager. All three of these men had wives, at least at one time, named Susanna. Was it the same Susanna?

The evidence is circumstantial and not entirely strong. For example, Susanna Yager gave slaves to Crigler men which is evidence that she was married to Jacob Crigler. For the significance, genealogically speaking, of the question of the Yager marriage, this is enough evidence. The Clore - Weaver - Crigler connection is significant because the Clore connection establishes her ancestry and the Weaver and Crigler connection identifies her descendants.

There is most excellent evidence, of a very strong, albeit circumstantial, nature in the baptisms of the children of Christopher Crigler (who married Catherine Finks). A detailed look at the sponsors answers the question. These occurred at the Hebron Lutheran Church in the period 1751 to 1778.

During this time, the sponsors were usually chosen from siblings of the parents or from the first cousins of the parents plus the spouses of the siblings and cousins. Looking at the sponsors:

Andrew Carpenter. He married Barbara Weaver, the niece of Christopher Crigler. This is an exception to the sibling-cousin rule but remember that the Weavers were a little older than the Criglers so that Barbara was closer in age to Christopher than an uncle-niece relationship might indicate. The important point here is that she was a close relative from the Weaver family. On six occasions, Andrew Carpenter was a sponsor. On two occasions, Barbara (Weaver) Carpenter was a sponsor. These two, Andrew and Barbara, show that marriage was as good a bond as blood.

John Weaver. Similar to the previous, John was a nephew of Christopher. Three times, John was a sponsor.

Dorothy and John Clore. She married John Clore, a cousin of Christopher. She sponsored five children of Christopher. On six occasions, John Clore sponsored children.

Paul Leaderer. He was a sponsor to the child, Lewis. He married Margaret Clore, the cousin of Christopher Crigler.

Two of the sponsors defy classifications. Catherine Wayland is not a known relative and furthermore her identity is uncertain. A Catherine Clore is listed also but she is not classifiable; her identity is even uncertain.

Of the 31 sponsors for the first ten children of Christopher Crigler, 29 of them come from the Clore and Weaver branches. This is extremely strong evidence of the Clore - Weaver - Crigler connection.

The sponsors for the eleventh child, William, are another completely different story. Tied in to this question is the total lack of Finks related sponsors in the first ten children who are given above."

They had the following children:

  M i Martin WEBER was born about 1707 in , , Germany and was christened on 26 Apr 1707 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany. He died on 4 May 1707 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany.
  M ii George WEBER was born about 1707/1708 in , , Germany and was christened on 23 Mar 1707/1708 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany. He died on 23 May 1708 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany.
  M iii Hans Dieterich WEAVER
  F iv Maria Sophia WEBER was born about 1713 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany and was christened on 26 Oct 1713 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany. She died about 1717.
  M v George WEBER was born about 1715 and was christened on 17 Dec 1715 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany. He died on 15 Apr 1717 in Gemmingen, Baden, Germany.
  F vi Walburga WEAVER

RUCKER was born about 1870. He married Martha Jane "Mattie" SWEARINGEN.

May be James Rooker, according to Greg Turnbaugh in 5/99.

Martha Jane "Mattie" SWEARINGEN [Parents] was born on 30 Mar 1871. She died on 30 Apr 1950. Martha married RUCKER.

She is called "Mrs. Mattie Rucker of Fayette" in mother's obit.

John WELAND was born in 1812 in , , , Germany. He married Maria BARKER on 31 Dec 1843 in , Scotland Co., Missouri.

NOTE: B, p.73,88. Found in 1850 Scott Co., MO Census, p. 156 of Mount Pleasant Township, age 38, born in Germany, occupation farmer, and a rather poor one, with only $150 value in real estate. Wife is Maria, age 22, born in Ohio.

Probably not related to the Germanna Waylands. Apparently immigrated
directly to Missouri from Germany. Also lived in Scott Co., Mo., where the others did not. Listed here for reference purposes.

Maria BARKER was born about 1828 in , , Ohio. She married John WELAND on 31 Dec 1843 in , Scotland Co., Missouri.

NOTE: B, p.73,88. See notes under her husband.

They had the following children:

  M i Henry WAYLAND was born in 1846 in , Scotland Co., Missouri.

NOTE: B, p.73,88
  F ii Catharine WAYLAND was born in 1848 in , Scotland Co., Missouri.

NOTE: B, p.73,88

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