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Immigrant to Virginia prior to1720, Thomas Wieland and related lines

Thomas GORHAM [Parents] was born in 1740 in Virginia. He died in 1814 in Kentucky. Thomas married Margaret COTTON in 1761 in Virginia.

I am not certain that all of these children are correct.

This was "from the files of W.B. Ardery:"

" THOMAS GORHAM, probably born in Delaware or one of the New England states, came to Kentucky at an early date form Loundoun County, Virginia, where he had lived at least during a part of the Revolutionary period. His name appears among the Revolutionary Public Claims for Loundoun which are filed at the Virginia State Library showing patriots' service record established. According to family tradition his wife was, before marriage, Margaret Taylor, and deeds filed in Bourbon county, Ky., show that her given name was Margaret. The names of Thomas Gorham and his son, Sanford Gorham, appear as signers of early petitions to the Virginia Assembly sent by Kentucky pioneers (see Petitions as published by the Filson Club).

Olan sent me this 9/99:

"After coming to Kentucky Thomas Gorham Sr. lived for a time in Bourbon county, where he deeded portions of a track he had purchased of James Parberry September 1787. This deed is mentioned in a suit filed in Bourbon county and in it Thomas Gorham is mentioned as "of Fayette county," and it was witnessed by Thomas Gorham Jr. (Thomas was at least 21 yr.. of age), and also witnessed by John Gorham. In this same suit (box 403, Thompkins Barlow vs. Geo. Hairston and hrs. of Jas. Parberry dated 1808 but not settled until after the death of Thomas Gorham in year 1814) we find the heirs were as follows: Sanford Gorham, Thomas Gorham, Alexander Gorham, John Gorham, Franky Gorham, who married George Burnoe, (see here-after). Peggy Gorham who married Thomas Redmon, William Gorham, Ann Gorham, who married Abner Clarke, Susannah Gorham, who married John Boyd and Joshua Gorham. Before the final settlement of this suit in 1817 it is shown by an amended bill that Sanford Gorham had died leaving children and heirs and that George Burnoe had died leaving heirs."

NOTE: Another source gives this Thomas' parents as Nathaniel Gorham and Sarah Cotton, who may have been brothers and sisters to those given here that are more likely.

This old letter give a lot of valuable information (but it has things added to it that could not possibly be written by author as they are after her death). It is found at:


My added comments are in [brackets].

"My Father's Ancesty"
by Mary J. B. Gorham Ingram, 1880

ther until it was made a free state. An unknown brother sold his slaves and went to Massachusetts and Thomas Gorham went to Louduon Co., Virginia with his slaves. There he met his wife and married her, Miss Frances Cotten. [I have Margaret Cotton.] They had 13 children, seven girls and six boys. [I have 7 boys and 6 girls.] John was a farmer, who lived near Georgetown, Kentucky. William also a farmer lived in Logan Co. Kentucky. Sanford kept a Hotel in Russelville, Kentucky. He fell through the 2nd. floor of the hotel and was killed. Elick lived in Kentucky. He and his wife and triplets. The story goes.... He walked up and down the porch when one of the attendants came out and told him, "You have a fine daughter". He answered "very well, madam" and continues his walk. She camed out again and said "Mr. Gorham you have an other fine daughter" and again he answered, "very well, madam" and kept on walking and again she came, saying, "Mr. Gorham, you have another fine daughter," he stopped, threw up his hands and exclaimed, "O'Lord have mercy on me and my children."

Joshua lived in Kentucky. Thomas crossed the mountains on horseback and settled in Logan Co., Kentucky when the Indians were so bad. He was the first of the family to go to Kentucky where his father and brothers soon followed. He went in partnership with Mr. Dunn in a dry good store and they also entered land in partnership. He soon exchange his goods for land and lived on the farm. He married Miss Sallie Williams who died in a few months and then he married Miss Sara Childs [I have Sarah Sugg] and they had 12 children, six of whom died, Patsy, Thomas, Elizabeth, Simeon, Malinda, Tolman, Frances, Henry, and me, Mary Jane. Patsy married Dr. William Fort and they had seven children. Thomas married Miss Burvilla Burton and had five children. Malinda married Dr. John Lowery and had 12 children. Fannie married Robert Dysart and had 11 children. Tolman married Miss Martha Vivian and had one daughter named Frankie.

I married James Samuel Ingram and we had 13 children. the eldest died in infancy. Mary Frances Ingram was born in the year of our Lord 1832 August 6th., was married to Alfred James Allison in 1850, Nov 28th. died in 1908, Febuary 11th. [Date had to be added to typed letter as it is after author's death. Makes you wonder how many other dates were added to this letter, questioning legitimacy.] Sarah Tolman Ingram 1835, Feb. 7th and died Oct. 15, 1851. Thomas William Ingram born 1837, May 20th and was killed at the battle of Lone Jack, Missouri. Ann Ingram was born in 18 July 16th. married William Fretwell Gaines and died 1910. [How could letter's author possibly have this date in it?] James Robert Ingram born 1840, June 13th. ,Rufus Henry Ingram born May 19th, 1842, Martha Jane Ingram born Dec. 11th, 1844 and died Sept 26, 1846; Virginia Adeliza Ingram born March 16, 1847 married Edwin Boyd. James Gorham Ingram born July 17th. 1849; Armid Lowery Ingram born April 3rd. 1852, married John Ballard, Lavinia Arnett Ingram born Oct 14, 1854, Robert Boyd Ingram born Nov. 18, 1851.

Thomas Gorham Sr. [actually Jr.] cross the line to Borentson Co. Tennessee, where he had two mills built on the Red River, lived there about seven years then moved to Howard Co.,MO in 1820. He came to Missouri in 1___ to land sales and brought a good deal of land. He drove his cattle and horse with him and lived here 13 years. Then moved to Hirses Co. Mississippi and staid ther 3 years then moved to Louisiana where he died in Clairborn Parish. [I thought that he died in MO...the move to LA is news to me.] At the land sales on ____ he brought 8020 acres. When he moved in 1820 he brought 35 heads of cattle, 40 heads of horses and between thirty and forty negroes.

Great grandfather on the Ingram, Samuel Ingram was an Englishman and he married a Miss Stewart, a Scotch woman and had a son William and he married Miss Mary Currin and they had four children, Ann, Jemina, James Samuel, Robert P.. Ann married Annaias Davidson; Jemina married Andrew Boyd, Robert P. married Mary B.J. Gorham. James Samuel Ingram was born in 1802, April 4th. and was a son of William and Mary Ingram. Died Sept. 19th., 1878 was born in Montgomery Co. Virginia. He married Mary B. J. Gorham in 1830, Oct 28th. She died July 17, 1899 was born in Robinson Co. Tennesse, June 24, 1814.>

Margaret COTTON [Parents] was born in 1745 in Virginia. She died in 1817 in Kentucky. Margaret married Thomas GORHAM in 1761 in Virginia.

"Old Families of Randolph County, Missouri" p. 178 gives her first name as Sarah.

But, her name is given as Frances in a letter supposedly written by her granddtr. at:


This site says that the couple had 13 children, 7 girls, 6 boys.

They had the following children:

  M i John W. GORHAM was born about 1762.

Was a farmer and lived near Georgetown, KY, according to letter in father's notes.
  M ii Sanford GORHAM
  M iii William B. GORHAM was born about 1766.

Was a farmer and lived in Logan Co., KY, according to letter quoted in father's notes. In 10/99 Paula sent me:

"They had William B., Joshua, Sanford, Thomas, Susan, Alexander, John W., Frances, Margaret, Mary Ann, and Elizabeth Betsy."
  M iv Thomas GORHAM Jr.
  M v Alexander GORHAM was born on 3 Aug 1770.
  F vi Frances GORHAM was born about 1772 in Virginia.
  M vii Elick GORHAM was born about 1775.

Letter in father's notes says, "Elick lived in Kentucky. He and his wife and triplets. The story goes.... He walked up and down the porch when one of the attendants came out and told him, "You have a fine daughter". He answered "very well, madam" and continues his walk. She camed out again and said "Mr. Gorham you have another fine daughter" and again he answered, "very well, madam" and kept on walking and again she came, saying, "Mr. Gorham, you have another fine daughter," he stopped, threw up his hands and exclaimed, "O'Lord have mercy on me and my children."
  F viii Nancy GORHAM was born about 1777 in Virginia.
  F ix Elizabeth GORHAM was born in 1780.
  F x Mary Ann GORHAM was born on 11 Sep 1782.
  F xi Margaret GORHAM was born about 1784.
  M xii Joshua GORHAM was born about 1786. He died about 1851.

Letter says that he lived in KY.
  F xiii Susannah GORHAM was born on 27 Jan 1788.

John Jefferson LOWRY Jr. [Parents] was born on 3 Sep 1825 in , Howard Co., Missouri. He married Wilmouth E. MAUPIN on 3 Oct 1850 in , Howard Co., Missouri.

On p. 189a of the 1850 Howard Co. Census is John J. Lowery, age 24, and Wilmouth E. Lowery, age 16. Value $3,000, both born in MO. They are right next to H.T. Fort and his wife Frances J. Lowry, so it is likely that they are on land given them both by John and Frances's father and are brother & sister.

The book, "A Family Called Fort" gives marriage date as 3 Nov 1850. It also only gives one child, Willie Maupin Lowry.

Wilmouth E. MAUPIN was born in 1834 in , , Missouri. She married John Jefferson LOWRY Jr. on 3 Oct 1850 in , Howard Co., Missouri.

They had the following children:

  F i Willie Maupin LOWRY was born about 1853.
  F ii Lucy LOWRY was born in Jul 1855. She died on 5 Jul 1867.

Have photo of tombstone and that was the only information which I had of her existance. It is 1125.jpg. Although with these parents, she may not be their child. The book, "A Family Called Fort" gives the name of the only dtr. of them as being "Willie Maupin Lowry."

John NUTTLE [Parents] was born about 1580 in , Cottonhall, Cheshire, England. He died after 1644. John married Mary HYDE in 1608 in Of, Norbury, Cheshire, England.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

Mary HYDE [Parents] was born about 1586 in Stockport, Cheshire, England, England. She married John NUTTLE in 1608 in Of, Norbury, Cheshire, England.

From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.

They had the following children:

  M i John NUTHALL

Thomas GORHAM Jr. [Parents] was born in 1768. He died in 1833 in Howard Co., MO. Thomas married Sarah W. "Sally" SUGG on 5 Oct 1795 in Davidson Co., TN.

Other marriages:

Thomas served in the Rev. War in Loundoun Co., VA under Captain Richard Spurr, husband of Frances (Cotton) Spurr, who was the brother-in-law to Margaret (Cotton) Gorham. This was in a letter reportedly written by granddtr (but full of errors...for instance, she is talking about Thomas Jr.):

"...Thomas Gorham Sr. cross the line to Borentson Co. Tennessee, where he had two mills built on the Red River, lived there about seven years then moved to Howard Co.,MO in 1820. He came to Missouri in 18xx, [according] to land sales, and bought a good deal of land. He drove his cattle and horse with him and lived here 13 years. Then moved to Hirses Co. Mississippi and staid ther 3 years then moved to Louisiana where he died in Clairborn Parish. At the land sales on ____ he brought 8020 acres. When he moved in 1820 he brought 35 heads of cattle, 40 heads of horses and between thirty and forty negroes..."

This is the only evidence that I have seen that he moved out of MO and died in LA, and I am not sure that I believe it.

The reported letter from his dtr. also says that "...Thomas crossed the mountains on horseback and settled in Logan Co., Kentucky when the Indians were so bad. He was the first of the family to go to Kentucky where his father and brothers soon followed. He went in partnership with Mr. Dunn in a dry good store and they also entered land in partnership. He soon exchange his goods for land and lived on the farm. He married Miss Sallie Williams who died in a few months and then he married Miss Sara Childs and they had 12 children, six of whom died, Patsy, Thomas, Elizabeth, Simeon, Malinda, Tolman, Frances, Henry, and me, Mary Jane. Patsy married Dr. William Fort and they had seven children. Thomas married Miss Burvilla Burton and had five children. Malinda married Dr. John Lowery and had 12 children. Fannie married Robert Dysart and had 11 children. Tolman married Miss Martha Vivian and had one daughter named Frankie..."

I had his wife down as Sarah W. "Sally" Sugg, which other information says may be accurate. I'm not sure that this supposed letter is legit...things have been added to the typed supposed copy of the letter, such as dates after author was deceased. Names could have been added also...I'll accept it only after I see a scanned copy of the letter.

Another source says that Thomas Jr. had these children: Nancy Malinda, Toulman, Frances G., Mary J., Martha (Patsy) Frances Sugg, Thomas J. (which agrees with above letter).

He d. intestate (without a will), ltr. executed Nov. 6th 1833. Howard County, MO Will book 2, pp. 66,67

Know all men by these present that we Thomas Patterson John Harvey and Silas Enyart of Howard County are held and firmly bound unto the State of Mifsouri in the sum of three hundred dollars lawful money for the true payment of which will and trully to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and admin- istrators jointly and severally Sealed and dated this sixth day of November 1833.

The Condition of the above allegation is such that if the above bounden Thomas Patterson administrator of all the Singular the goods and chattles rights and credits which were of Thomas Gorham deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and sigular the goods and chattles lands and tenements rights and credits of the said deceased which have come to the hands pofsefsion knowledge of him the said Thomas Patterson or into the hands or pofsefsion of any person for exhibit in the office of the Clerk of County Court of Howard County with such times and in such manner as is or may be prescribed by law and all and singular the monies goods and chattles lands and tenements rights and credits of the deceased amoung in or amoung out of his estate which shall come to the hands pofsefsion or knowledge of the said Thomas Patterson shall well and truly administer according to law and pay the debts of the deceased as far as his afsets will extend and the law direct and further make or cause to be made just and true accounts of his said administration and make due and proper set Clements there of from time according to law or the order sentence or decree of any court having competent jurisdiction and shall (illegable) well and truly do and perform all other matters and things touching the said administration as are or shall be provided by law or enforced on him by the order Sentence or Decree of any Court having Com- petent Jurisdiction then this obligation to be void other wise to remain in full force and venture. . his
Thomas x Patterson {seal}
John Harvey {seal}
Silas Enyart {seal}

This info on Gorhams was on net (I think that the cemeteries are in Randolph Co., MO):

Gorham, Demia -- 1858-1915; burial Johnson Cem.
Gorham, James S. -- born 1855; burial Johnson Cem.
Gorham, John G. -- 20 Sep 1830-14 Oct 1887; burial Johnson Cem.
Gorham, John T. -- 25 Mar 1860-19 Nov 1938; burial Oakland Cem.
Gorham, Louis A. -- 1828-Oct 1882, aged 54y; burial Johnson Cem.
Gorham, Mary E. -- 8 Mar 1862-7 Jun 1940; burial Oakland Cem.
Gorham, Simpson -- Heirs; John G., James T., Margaret, Mary E., Martha S. Gorham; signed: G.W. Dameron; p. 15 Apr. 1856
Gorham, Susie B. -- 1862-1950; burial Thomas Hill Cem.
Gorham, Taulmarr R.B.C. -- Will; wife Martha A.F.; dau. Sarah F. Gorham; Thomas I. Gorham & William Fort, Admr's; p. 22 Aug 1837
Gorham, Thomas -- William Fort & Thomas J. Gorham, Adm'r; CRP 16 Nov 1835, son of Thomas & Margaret (Cotton) Gorman, mar. Sally W. (dau. of Noah & Murphee (Howell) Sugg), children: (1) Martha Frances Sugg Gorman mar. William Toulman Fort; Ref: John Wayland,
Gorham, William T. -- 1861-1941; burial Thomas Hill Cem.
Gorman, John Randolph -- [c1833]-?? Sep 1884, age 51y, born Ire., in MO 25 yrs.; CDR

The reference above on Margaret gives me credit for information.

Sarah W. "Sally" SUGG [Parents] was born about 1768. She married Thomas GORHAM Jr. on 5 Oct 1795 in Davidson Co., TN.

They had the following children:

  F i Martha Frances Sugg GORHAM
  F ii Elizabeth GORHAM was born about 1800.
  M iii Simeon GORHAM was born about 1803.
  M iv Thomas J. GORHAM
  F v Nancy Malinda GORHAM
  M vi Toulman Taylor Robert Baylor Claiborn Cotton GORHAM
  F vii Frances GORHAM
  F viii Mary Jane GORHAM
  M ix Henry GORHAM was born about 1815.

T. G. POOLE Rev. was born about 1840. He married Margaret Louise "Lurany" LOWRY on 22 Nov 1866 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

Margaret Louise "Lurany" LOWRY [Parents] was born in 1842 in , , Missouri. She died on 22 May 1924 in , Macon Co., Missouri. Margaret married T. G. POOLE Rev. on 22 Nov 1866 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

"Aunt Lou." Had three children: Claude Lowry Poole, Birdie Macon Poole, and Annie Mary Poole.

They had the following children:

  F i Annie Mary POOLE

I. H. POGUE was born about 1838. He married Arimde Van Buren LOWRY on 22 Nov 1866 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

Arimde Van Buren LOWRY [Parents] was born on 23 Jan 1840 in , , Missouri. She died after 2 May 1912 in , , Nevada. Arimde married I. H. POGUE on 22 Nov 1866 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

Known as "Aunt Van." Lived in Carson City, Nev., and reared Homer Andrae, grandson of her sister, "Bent."

James C. WILSON was born about 1835. He married Martha Macon LOWRY on 24 Oct 1867 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

Martha Macon LOWRY [Parents] was born on 19 Sep 1837. She married James C. WILSON on 24 Oct 1867 in , Randolph Co., Missouri.

Her husband was from California and that is maybe where she settled. Had 3 children: Mamie, Lucy and Floyd Wilson.

William THACKSTON was born about 1833. He died in 1866 in Howard Co., Missouri. William married Nancy Miller LOWRY on 8 Aug 1865.

Nancy Miller LOWRY [Parents] was born on 10 Jun 1833 in , Howard Co., Missouri. She died on 24 Apr 1912 in , Audrain Co., Missouri and was buried on 26 Apr 1912 in Oakland Cem., Moberly, Missouri. Nancy married William THACKSTON on 8 Aug 1865.

Other marriages:
JACKSON, William Pigg
RAINS, John R. "Wilbur"

Called "Aunt Miller." In another place, her dob is 13 July 1833, in a third it is 1837. The following was posted, but can't understand it:

Miller, John of St. Louis County Will.
Mentions Nancy Miller Lowry of Howard County, no relationship stated; Mary Lowry, dec., sister; Wilds, John Miller, son of Robert, of Howard County, no relationship stated
Volume W, page 330
11 February 1846

They had the following children:

  M i John William THACKSON

William Pigg JACKSON [Parents] was born on 27 Jul 1824 in , Howard Co., Missouri. He died on 11 Oct 1861 in , Howard Co., Missouri and was buried in Jackson Cem.. William married Nancy Miller LOWRY in 1850 in , Howard Co., Missouri.

Another source has dob as 21 Jul 1824. Tombstone photo exists.

1860 Federal census Howard Co. shows William P. Jackson, age 35, Nancy M., age 27, and Ella, age 7. Three children had just died of scarlet fever and Nancy was about to give birth to another.

There is a William P. Jackson who is on the list of soldiers in the Mexican war, which was 1846-1848. This may be this man.

Dec 3, 1860-Union Mtg at Fayette, W.P. Jackson named to committee to draft resolutions. History of H & C. Co. page 355

Slaves were sent to fight for the South sometimes in the war:

"1861-1865-Colored recruits from Howard Co. lists George, owned by Susan Jackson and Lewis, owned by W.P. Jackson Hist of H&C Co. page 281"

Nov. _, 1861-Columbia Statesman "Sheriff's sale under execution "I will on Nov. 23, 1866 sell before the courthouse door in Columbia all the right, title ___of William P. Jackson, et al SW SE qtr Sec 7, TWP 51, Range 13 & part of E half of SW of Sec 7 ___sold to satisfy a special & general -- in the care of Charles H . Hardin, Adm of Hanna Hardin vs William P. Jackson et al

Nancy Miller LOWRY [Parents] was born on 10 Jun 1833 in , Howard Co., Missouri. She died on 24 Apr 1912 in , Audrain Co., Missouri and was buried on 26 Apr 1912 in Oakland Cem., Moberly, Missouri. Nancy married William Pigg JACKSON in 1850 in , Howard Co., Missouri.

Other marriages:
RAINS, John R. "Wilbur"

Called "Aunt Miller." In another place, her dob is 13 July 1833, in a third it is 1837. The following was posted, but can't understand it:

Miller, John of St. Louis County Will.
Mentions Nancy Miller Lowry of Howard County, no relationship stated; Mary Lowry, dec., sister; Wilds, John Miller, son of Robert, of Howard County, no relationship stated
Volume W, page 330
11 February 1846

They had the following children:

  F i Ella C. JACKSON
  M ii Willie JACKSON was born on 14 Oct 1854 in , Howard Co., Missouri. He died on 12 Apr 1860 in , Howard Co., Missouri and was buried in Jackson Cem..

The three children, Willie, Lileon & Abel all died abbout the same time of scarlet fever.
  F iii Lileon JACKSON was born on 18 Mar 1857. She died on 13 Apr 1860 and was buried in Jackson Cem..
  M iv Abel Lowry JACKSON was born on 19 Dec 1858 in , Howard Co., Missouri. He died on 4 Apr 1860 in , Howard Co., Missouri and was buried in Jackson Cem..

Have a photo of his tombstone, 1125.jpg.
  F v Grace Truman JACKSON

James DYSART Rev. [Parents] was born about 1802.

Of Macon.

He had the following children:

  M i Finis T. DYSART was born on 1 Mar 1840.

Dysart, Finis T. --CSA, MO. Enlisted at the age of 21 & served for 1 year.
He was discharged because of failing eye sight. He was born in Macon Co. 1
Mar 1840 & lived in Chariton Co. after the war. He held several county offices. He married 1st Lou Bastin, she died in 1874. One child of that marriage survived, Claude. He then married Mrs. Lou Sands & they had 1
child, Anna. She died in 1881. He came close to winning the nomination for Secretary of State at the Democratic Convention in 1880. Finis started a grocery business in Moberly in 1883. Ref: RCHB84; [father Rev. James
Dysart; enlisted Price's Army CSA; mar. 1st Lou (Bastin); children: (1)
Anna, (2) Effie died infancy, (3) Claud, (4) Lou; mar. 2nd 1878 Lou
(Sands), children: (5) Anna died 1881, (6) Effie died infancy; HRM p. 397,

Following is from old Chariton Co. book:


This church was organized in 1873 with W. R. SLAUGHTER, Mary E. SLAUGHTER,
ELLINGTON, L. D. BRUMMALL and C. A. BRUMMALL as the original members.
As stated elsewhere the church property was built by the the first
presbyterians, and sold under a deed of trust, when it was bought by
W. R. SLAUGHTER and sold it jointly to the Methodist and Cumberland
Presbyterianss, the latter in 1885 acquiring entire control. Since,
the building has undergone a complete transformation, especially the
interior now is one of the best furnished churches in the city. Rev.
H. D. MANESS is now in charge as pastor, his flock numbering 125. In
addition to services being held each Sunday, well attended prayer meetings
convene each Wednesday evening and a number of societies from time to

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