Henry Chatfield made a will Jan 26, 1636/1637 in N. Mundham, Sussex, ENG.
His will was probated Mar 3, 1636/1637 in N. Mundham, Sussex, ENG.
The will of Henry Chatfield (of North Mundham)
28 January 1636/7
To be buried in the churchyard. To the High Church of Chichester 6d. To Habell Ingram my son-in-law 12d. To my son John Chatfield 12d. To my son Edward Fowle 12d. To my son Francis Chatfield 100 pounds, providing that he surrender his estate in those copyhold lands that he is estated in unto his brother Thomas Chatfield which if he refuse to do, I give him 12d., for his portion.
To my son Norrisses children, George, Annis, and Joesph, 15 pounds to be equally divided among them at the age of twenty-one. If my son Francis die before the age of twenty-one years, reversion of his protion to my sons Thomas Chatfield and George Chatfield, equally divided. If my son Thomas die, then my lands shall go to Francis Chatfield, and if Franics died, then to George.
To my younger son, George Chatfield 10 pounds at the age of twenty-one, and if he do not live so long, reversion to my sons Francis Chatfield and Thomas Chatfield equally divided. To my wife Jane the use of my lands for life, and my best bed furnished.
Executor: Edward Fowle, Voerseers: Thomas
Peirse and John Smith, to each of whm I give 3s 4d.
{Signed} The mark of Henry Chatfield,
Wittnesses: Thomas Whighd, and John Buckner.
Proved 3 March 1636 [1636/37] by Jane Chatfield,
Edward Fowle, the executor named in the will, first renouncing.
[Consistory of Chichester, vol. 19 fo. 54)
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