The first will recorded in Suffolk County is that of Josiah Stanborough, who lived at Sagaponack, in the town of Southampton. It was dated July 16, 1661, and proved at the "Quarter Court," held in Southampton, September 3, 1661. At that time the town was under the jurisdiction of Connecticut, and the probate was according to the laws of that Colony. It may be found in the second volume of Southampton records.
(from the Introduction to Early Long Island Wills of Suffolk County, 1691-1703, published by Francis P. Harper in 1897.)
Will of Josiah Stanborough
In the name of God, amen, I Josiah Stanborough being sick in body but in perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament this 6th of July 1661.
First I
give my soul to Almighty God, and my body to bee burried at
Sagaponack by my former wife. I appoint my son Peregrine sole
executor. I give my wife Alce 1-3 of my land at Sagaponack within
the fence, provided she maintain 1-3 of the fence, and after her
death the land and the fence to return to my son Peregrine. I
bequeath to my wife Alce 12 head of Cow cattell proportionably
old and young, and 20 sheep. I bequeath to my dawter Sarah 12
head of cow cattle(those which she calculates her own to be part
of them) also 20 sheep. I bequeath to my dawter Mary 10 cattle
and 20 sheep. I give my son Josiah 10 head of cattle, and 20
sheep. I give my wife Alce my horse on which I used to ride. I
give my daughter Sarah my old mare. And to my daghter Mary a
filly about 3 years old. I give my son Josiah my young horse
lately gelt. I give to my son Josiah all my land at Sagaponack
with out the fence. I give my children Sarah Mary and Josiah 18
parcels of pot ware. I give my wife Alce 6 parcels of pot ware,
now in use in the House. I give my daughter Sarah one feather bed
and bowlster and a pair of blankets that are to come from the
waevers, and 50 Ibs. of wool. I give my daughter Mary a feather
bed, boulster, and pair of blankets. I give my daughter Mary a
piece of stuff greene grogram to make her a gowne. I give my wife
Alce 3 yards of broad cloth. I give my daughter Sarah 12 yards of
black grogram to make her a gowne. I give to my daughter Mary two
pieces of red peniston to make her a petty coat. I give to Josiah
soe much yellow cotton as will make him two waist coats. I give
him half my wearing clothes. I give my 4 youngest children each a
bar of iron. I give the poor of Southampton 5L. I give my wife
Alce at her request a bed made of hemp with boulster. I give my 2
daughters each 2 pairs of sheets, and my wife is to yield up her
right to the land of Goodman Jessup hee bought of mee. I doe
appoint my wife and children to live together and to be supplied
with corn for provisions, and seed out of the stock.
Unto the truth of the premises wee are eye and ear witnesses
Inventory of Estate: Josiah Stanborough
L s. d. 16 cowes 64 00 00
2 old oxen 16 00 00
4 young oxen 21 00 00
8 steers come 4 years old 44 00 00
7 steers & 2 heifer cows 3 years old 38 10 00
3 steers & 2 heifers come 2 years old 15 10 00
13 calves 13 00 00
150 sheep 70 00 00
12 horses 10 00 00
A goat 00 06 08
a mare and horse 21 00 00
a bay mare & filly 20 00 00
the old horse 09 00 00
the young horse 22 00 00
the hay and wheat 22 00 00
3 acres of Indian corne 05 00 00
6 little iron pots 02 08 00
4 pots 02 12 00
5 iron kettles 01 10 00
6 skillets 01 10 00
4 mortars 14s.
4 pots 4L is 04 14 00
2 iron kettles 02 10 00
5 barres of iron 03 10 00
wheels and old iron and other lumber 05 00 00
4 iron pots 02 15 00
iron ware sold to East Hampton 11 10 05
board ax Jack and other tools 01 15 00
hookes 02 10 00
92 Ibs of wool 06 00 00
6 pair of sheets 06 00 00
a bed & 2 rugs 03 00 00
bed tick and pair of blankets 03 06 00
a fether bed and bolster and some other old bedding 03 10 00
wearing clothes 08 00 00
2 hats broad cloth kersey and stuff 08 00 00
2 peeces of stuff 07 14 00
a piece of broadcloth 03 00 00
a gun sword & pistol 03 00 00
2 chests & boxes)! 01 00 00
a table &10 barrels 01 10 00
pewter and some other things 01 10 00
a grind stone & pails 00 10 80
a firkin of butter 01 08 00
the howse land and accommodations 150 00 00
4 brass kettles, a friing pan a tramell and 2 pair of pot hooks
06 00 00
buttons silke cardes aremnant of cotton and other lumber 02 10 00
a fether bed, 2 bolsters and a blanket and 2 pillows 05 00 00
a winnow sheet, and woolen yarn and some other things 01 10 00