Will of John Sullevant


Source: Lunenburg County, Virginia, Will Book No. 1,
With Inventories, Accounts, Etc, 1746-1762


Page 147. Account Current of the estate of John Sullevant, deceased.

Debits. To paid: Mr. Thos. Boulden; Wm Goode; Wm Newsum; James Breedlove; Jos. Chandler; Abr. Vaughan for rolling 2 hogsheads of tobacco. 1754. To paid: Clem't Read; funeral charges; the appraisers; for finishing the crop.

Balance - £ 25.17.7.

Credits. By: 2 hogsheads sold Newsum; cash recd of Richard Hix for a steer sold him of the estate; cash recd of Owen Sullivan; cash recd of Charles Sullivan; cash received of Robert Williams. Total: £ 39.1.8.

Apr 1, 1755. Acct adjusted and settled - Clem't Reed, Tho.(?) Nash. Recorded Apr 1, 1755.


Page 148. Further Inventory of part of the estate of John Suillvent {Sullevent} (Sullevant), deceased: 1 mare and colt and 3 pair of screws. Total: £ 6.0.0.

Signed - Charles Swillevant.
Signed - Wilson Mattox, Henry Isbell [appraisers].
Recorded Apr 1, 1755.

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