Richmond Daily Dispatch

Richmond Daily Dispatch - 1860-1865

Richmond Dispatch.
Monday...december 11, 1865.
local matters.
Court of Conciliation.
--The following cases were disposed of in this Court Saturday: 

Putney & Wann against Wm. H. Beveridge. On motion of the plaintiffs, and by consent of the defendant, it was ordered that the defendant pay the sum of $202.26, with legal interest thereon from September 21, 1865, till paid, and the costs expend by the plain tiffs in the suit. 

Wm. B. Jones & Co. against Wm. H. Beveridge. On motion of the plaintiffs, and by consent of the defendant, it was ordered that the defendant pay the sum of $100, with legal interest on $50 from the 28th of November, and on $50 from the 9th of December till paid, and costs. 

The cases of Samuelson, Jacobson & Co. against W. D. Penfield, agent, Daniel Hunt against G. B. Sloat, and Z. R. Bliss against ", were partly heard and continued that Weekly. 

Charles M. Ragland against Joseph Farley. Ordered that the defendant pay to J. C. Hill; executor of Charles M. Ragland, deceased, the sum of $20, in full of the balance of rent due for premises occupied by him for the month of September last, and the further sum of $56.34 for rent of said premises from the 1st of October to the 5th of December, and costs. 

False pretences.
--Samuel W. Scott, a young man of genteel appearance, was arraigned before Judge McEntee, in the Provost Court, on Saturday, charged with obtaining goods under false pretences and with swindling generally. The following testimony elicited will give an idea of the case: 

Charles M. Chambers sworn.--I saw the prisoner, Scott, one night, four or five weeks since, at a dance at Canterbury Hall. A friend and myself got into a dispute there, when the prisoner approached us and represented himself as a United States detective. I remarked, "Well, if you are a detective, I hope you will let us out of here." He replied, "Oh yes, I will pass you out" but a crowd assembled in front of us, and I drew a small knife and threatened to stick some of them if they did not let us pass. We finally succeeded in getting out, and some two or three days afterwards the prisoner had me arrested on a charge of attempting to take his life. The Chief of Police dismissed the case as extremely frivolous. A short time after this, the prisoner came to me and demanded of me fifty dollars, stating that he was a Government detective; that it was not his desire to have me arrested, but he had been obliged to do it; that it was done by the order of Major Croft, and that he could have sent me just where he pleased. He further stated that he was drawing $180 per month from the Government. 

Parker Wescott sworn.--I was in a buggy with Charles Chambers when the prisoner had him arrested. Heard the prisoner say he was a United States defective, from New Orleans; that Chambers had promised him fifty dollars for getting him off at the police office when he was arrested. 

James Millward sworn.--I am one of the proprietors of the Spotswood Hotel. Scott, the prisoner, stayed at the hotel during a part of October and November last. When he first came there he registered his name as Samuel W. Scott, and took a room on the second floor. Some two or three days afterwards he entered the office and inquired for one of the proprietors. I invited him in, and he made a statement, in effect, as follows: That he was a United States detective, from New Orleans, and that he was here for the purpose of recovering a quantity of jewelry which had been stolen; that he was employed by the firm of Brutus Long & Co. to ferret the matter out; that he did not know but he might be detained here some time, and asked whether I could not board him cheaper than I was doing. I informed him that he might take a room on the upper floor for $75 per month; and he agreed to do it. He was, I think, at the house seventeen days, but has never paid his board bill.--About a week after his arrival, Major Croft asked me whether I knew him or not. I then told the Major what Scott had stated to me, and he expressed some distrust concerning his (Scott's) honesty. I then questioned Scott about his being a detective, and he said he was here with one of the chief detectives of Philadelphia, named Franklin. After this, I telegraphed Deputy United States MarshalJ. W. Sharkey, of Philadelphia, to learn whether Scott's statements were true or false. The answer received (which is here produced) was that Franklin had not been in Richmond since the evacuation. I then had Scott arrested, and requested him to show his authority for representing himself as a United States detective.--He replied that he could not do so. It was in consequence of his representations that he was a secret agent of the Government that I gave him credit for his board. 

W. F. Corkery, the other proprietor of the Spotswood, testified that he was present when the conversation occurred between Mr. Millward and the prisoner; that he was acquainted in New Orleans, and never heard of such a firm as Brutus Long & Co. 

Mr. Millward recalled.--Scott owes the Spotswood Hotel a bill of forty dollars. 

Major J. N. Croft, Chief of Police, sworn.--Scott came to my office about the 30th of October and inquired whether I had received a package for him. I told him I had not, when he expressed much surprise, and went on to tell me that he was a United States detective from New Orleans, and was here on very important business; that a firm there had been robbed of diamonds to a large amount, and that he was employed to ferret the matter out. He seemed to be well posted in regard to detectives in the country. I subsequently learned that he was not what he claimed to be, and that he was obtaining credit about the city through his false representations. I then telegraphed to New Orleans, and received a reply from the Chief of Police of that city that no such man as Scott was employed on their detective force. I then arrested him, and told him what I had learned; that he was no detective, and that he had been swindling people about here through his deceptions, when he voluntarily confessed that he had acted wrong, and was no detective. 

Judge McEntee then found the prisoner guilty of obtaining property by false pretences, and asked him if he had anything to say. 

The prisoner replied: "I have been a United States detective, and was honorably discharged. I came to this city and made a lying braggadocio of myself. I desire to thank Major Croft for his kindness to me before and after my arrest." 

Judge McEntee: "Well, sir, I sentence you to confinement at hard labor in the Virginia penitentiary for the period of one year." 

The prisoner: "Very well, that is a lighter sentence than I expected." 

The prisoner was then taken away under guard. 

Mayor's Court.
--Mayor Saunders held his Court on Saturdaymorning at 11 o'clock, when the following cases were brought to his notice: 

Isabella Ould, charged with shooting R. H. Meade with intent to kill. This affair occurred some three months ago, at a drinking saloon kept by the parties on Franklin street, and was caused by jealousy. Meade was severely wounded, but now seems to have entirely recovered. Mrs. Ould appeared in Court quite fashionably attired, wearing a jaunty hat, with any quantity of beads, bugles and lace. Several witnesses were called for the Commonwealth, but the only ones who responded were R. H. Meade, Edwin Tyler and Dr. White. None of the witnesses for the defence were present. Mr. Marmaduke Johnson, counsel for Mrs. Ould, stated that they had not had sufficient time to summon their witnesses, whose presence was necessary in order that his client might have a fair hearing. He therefore asked a continuance of the case. To this proposition the Mayor assented, and postponed the hearing until Thursday next. Mrs. Ould was admitted to ball in the sum of $1,000, with William J. Brown and D. D. Farquhar as sureties, and the witnesses for the Commonwealth were recognized to appear. 

John T. West was charged with buying thirty-two law books, knowing the same to have been stolen. J. L. C. Danner, the only witness in the case, was called, but failed to respond, and the Mayor postponed the hearing until Monday, admitting the accused to ball in the sum of three hundred dollars, with Stephen Mason as surety. 

D. D. Mott was charged with stealing a watch, valued at twenty dollars, from Marshall Ames. The accused was formerly an officer in the United States army, and stationed in this city. Mr. Ames testified that, about the first of last month, he let Mott have the watch for the purpose of selling it; that two or three days afterwards, noticing that Mott did not have the watch, he questioned him, and was told that he had sold it. A gentleman came in and accused Mott of pawning the watch and falling to redeem it, and hard words passed between them. Mott had repeatedly promised to get the money for witness, but had never done so. (The witness was cross-examined by Mott, who conducted his own defence, but nothing of importance was elicited.) Mr. Richardson testified to the fact that the watch was pawned to him by Mott as security for a claim he held against him; also, that none of the parties concerned attributed any dishonorable motive to the accused at the time of the transaction. The Mayor, after hearing this statement, concluded to dismiss the case. 

G. E. Delarue was charged with creating a disturbance on one of the streets of the city Policeman John Horan testified to the facts in the case, as he understood them, and stated that while he was endeavoring to keep Delarue quiet, about 1 o'clock in the morning, the latter called him a d — d Yankee something not mentionable to ears polite. J. A. Owens, a witness for the defence, testified that Delarue did not make a disturbance, nor use the phrase attributed to him by the policeman. Nevertheless the Mayor required security in the sum of three hundred dollars for his good behavior for twelve months. 

Provost Court.-- Lieutenant-Colonel McEntre Presiding.
--Andrew Fisher, a negro, was arraigned on Saturday, charged with attempting to assault a policeman while in the discharge of his duty. Found guilty and sent to Castle Thunder for thirty days. 

Samuel Dickerson, a negro, who escaped from Castle Thunder last Thursdaynight, having been re- arrested, had one month's confinement added to his former sentence. 

Michael Farley and Daniel Maloney, Eleventh United States Infantry, found in the city without passes, were sent back to their regiment. 

Methodist Sunday School Union.
--The third regular monthly meeting of the Methodist Sunday School Union was held yesterday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Clay Street Church. For an hour previous to the [ commencment ] of the exercises the members of Sunday Schools were constantly arriving, and by the time the meeting opened the body of the church was crowded with bright and happy looking children. The meeting was otherwise largely attended. Mr. Asa Snyder presided, and the proceedings were opened with prayer, after which "The Beautiful Land of Rest" was sung. The following schools were reported present: Broad Street, Centenary, Trinity, Union Station, Clay Street, Manchester, Sidney and Rocketts. The statistics show that in eight schools the average attendance for the past month was eight hundred and fifty, and the number of conversions during the same period, forty-two. 

The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Jacob Manning, a well known and very pious minister of the Virginia Conference, who has lately been appointed missionary to labor exclusively for the Sabbath school cause in the city of Richmond and its suburbs and in Manchester. This denomination has recently awakened to a lively sense of the importance of this cause, and is putting forth extraordinary efforts to push it forward. Mr. Manning, in his remarks, adverted to the remarkable scene before him — the bright faces and beaming eyes of the little boys and girls — as a beautiful sight. He also spoke of the importance of the missionary enterprise for which he had been selected. He should feel happy in going out into the highways and byways of the city to bring in all the children to the Sunday school; but he urged the friends of the schools, the officers and teachers, not to relax their efforts, but to co- operate with him and labor as perseveringly as they had ever done before for the good of the cause. 

After the close of Mr. Manning's remarks, a collection was taken up to aid the cause, and twenty life members were made by the payment of ten dollars each — making a total of two hundred dollars. 

The meeting was also addressed by the Rev. John E. Edwards, who urged the members of the Union to persevering efforts to push forward the cause. He congratulated the association that they had a good President, a good missionary and such liberal friends. Alluding to the statistics presented, he said the forty-two conversions reported for the month among the scholars was an interesting fact, and he earnestly hoped that during the coming year God would more abundantly than ever bless the schools. 

The exercises were interspersed with the singing of beautiful hymns, conducted by the Sabbath School of Clay Street Church, and performed in a very creditable manner. 

The interest of the meeting was kept up until a late hour in the afternoon, when the children and their friends dispersed with a feeling of renewed attachment to the cause. Much good, we are assured, will result from the workings of the Methodist Sunday School Union. 

The next meeting will be held on the second Sunday in January, at half-past 2 o'clock in the afternoon, with the Manchester Sabbath School. 

Baptist Sunday School Union.
--The largest Sunday School meeting which has been held in this city for four years took place at the First Baptist Church yesterday afternoon. There were from twenty-five hundred to three thousand persons present, a large majority of whom were children, and a look at their smiling, happy faces was a sight which did our heart's good. Interspersed with the business of the meeting were a number of those beautiful hymns from the "Golden Censor," sung by the whole congregation; and the union of earnest, cheerful voices raised a chorus which those who heard will not soon forget. 

The exercises of the occasion were presided over by the Rev. Dr. Burrows; and the following report of average attendance of officers, teachers and scholars was read: 

First Church 45 teachers, 295 scholars. 
Second Church 24 teachers, 164 scholars. 
Grace Street Church 26 teachers, 180 scholars. 
Belvidere Church 14 teachers, 113 scholars. 
Leigh Street Church 50 teachers, 322 scholars. 
Sidney Church 6 teachers, 18 scholars. 
Manchester Church 23 teachers, 215 scholars. 
Total 183 1,307 

Forty-four scholars belonging to the different schools had been baptized and joined the church during the month. 

After the reports had been read, short addresses were delivered by the Revs. Mr. Hutchin, of Manchester; Dickinson, of Leigh Street; Jeter, of Grace Street; McCarthy, of Oregon Hill, and Burrows, of the First Baptist Church. The exercises were concluded by a prayer and the benediction from the latter. 

Religious Services.
--Rev. Dr. Pryor, who is now an Evangelist of East Hanover Presbytery, is preaching in this city, at the Third Presbyterian Church, Church Hill. He began his labors acceptably on yesterday, and will preach again to-night at half-past 7 o'clock. His sermon yesterday morning, on the "Victory of Faith," was an impressive discourse, as was evinced by the attention and interest of the audience. 

--The following arrests, among others, were made by the military police on Saturday: John Evans, a Hanover negro, for stealing meat in the First Market; Policeman Gillbry for assaulting a negro; Policemen Burns and Agan for assaulting Policeman Daby in quarters; Frank Smith, aged thirteen years, for assaulting J. G. Mattox with a rock; Edward Jones, negro, for stealing a shirt from Mrs. Coady; Louis Dessendore, of the Eleventh United States Infantry, dressed in citizens' clothing, for striking a negro named Alfred Rocks. Twelve prisoners occupied the cells at the police station-house yesterday morning. 

Spoiling a skating pond.
--On Saturday last the water was drawn from the pond lying north of Broad street, just beyond Trinity Church. It appears that the boys had stopped up the culvert with the view of making a good skating pond, and the water rose to such a height that it threatened to overflow its banks. Accordingly, the county authorities ordered an "abatement of the nuisance, " which was done, as above stated. A boat had to be procured to approach and break open the culvert. The boys lament the loss of their pond, though they think the "suspension" will be only temporary. 

To-Day the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond holds a session at the City Hall. Among the first cases to occupy its attention will doubtless be that of Mrs. Kirby, who was recently sent on for examination on the charge of killing her husband, Robert F. Kirby, on the 21st of November. The accused, it is known, has given decided indications of mental derangement. 

The City Council will hold its regular monthly meeting this afternoon at the Council Chamber. 

Horses stolen.
--On Wednesdayevening last, the stables of Mr. James Lyons, adjacent to his residence, at the corner of Foushee and Franklin streets, were broken into and a pair of valuable horses stolen therefrom. They were valued by the owner at five hundred dollars each. 

Train discontinued.
--The traveling public will notice that the night mail train on the Virginia Central railroad will be discontinued after to-night. 

Lecture postponed.
--The lecture which was announced by the Young Men's Christian Association to have been delivered on Saturdaynight by the Rev. Dr. Dabney, on "General Jackson's Origin and Early Years," was postponed on account of the inclement weather until to-night, at Dr. Moore's Church. The pecuniary object of the course of lectures of which this is the introductory, is to enable the Association to re-organize its various departments of benevolence and usefulness and to replace its library; and we hope the enterprise will be liberally encouraged by our citizens. 

Our orphan asylums.
--The orphan asylums of Richmond, both Protestant and Catholic, are stated to be in state of almost perfect destitution, with a very limited supply of either fuel, food or clothes. This is doubtless true, and the sufferings of the poor, helpless children during the trying months of winter are painful to contemplate. If there is any wealth in Richmond, it cannot take a better direction than by bestowing a portion upon these really benevolent institutions. 

A Contrast.
--While on Saturday the weather was as disagreeable and inclement as the most confirmed misanthrope could have desired, yesterday it was pleasant enough to satisfy any ardent lover of sunny skies and balmy atmosphere. It was, in fact, much more like April than December, while on the previous day the rain and sleet rendered the outside world dismal and cheerless. 

--On Wednesdaynight last, a soldier named John Clemment, who had just been released from a military prison in Richmond, where he had been confined on a charge of desertion, fell overboard from the steamer Dictator, on her trip from Norfolk to Baltimore, and was drowned. He belonged to the First New York Mounted Rifles, and hailed from Poughkeepsie, in that State. 

Grand larceny.
--Robert Pleasants, William Taylor and Charles Thomas, negroes, were tried in the Provost Court on Saturday on the charge of stealing a cow and calf from J. A. Fields, Judge McEntee found them all guilty of grand larceny, and sentenced each to two years imprisonment at hard labor in the Virginia penitentiary. 

Horse stealing.
--George Tripp, a negro, was arraigned before the Provost Judge on Saturday, charged with stealing two horses, each valued at forty dollars. He plead guilty, and was sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary at hard labor for a term of three years. 

Negro Marriages.
--Under the regulations of the Freedmen's Bureau, the office of the Freedmen's Court is made the place for negroes to apply for marriage licenses. The necessary documents will there be issued by the clerk, Temple Ellett, Esq. 

--The Governor on Saturday appointed the following notaries public: Charles S. Stringfellow for the city of Petersburg, Thomas H. Tutwiler for the county of Fluvanna. 

We return thanks to Adams & Co.'s Express for Northern papers of Saturdayafternoon. 

Telegraphic News.
Associated Press Dispatches.
The constitutional amendment.
Washington, December10. 
--Official information has been received at the State Department of the ratification of the slavery amendment of the Constitution by Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Massachusetts. Ohio, Missouri, Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Minnesota, Kansas, New York, Connecticut, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Maryland, Vermont, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia, making twenty-three States. 

Telegraphic information has been received of the adoption of the amendment by North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. 

No information of any kind has been received of the adoption or ratification of the amendment by Indiana, Iowa, California, Oregon, Florida, Mississippi or Texas. 

Official information of its rejection by Kentucky, Delaware and New Jersey has been received. 

Immediately after the passage of the resolution by Congress, an attested copy of the amendment was forwarded by the Secretary of State to the Governors of each State, and some time since the Secretary also sent a circular to the Governors, reminding them of the duty imposed upon him by the act of Congress of April 18th, to give public notice when the amendment shall be ratified by the requisite number of States. 

The President's policy, &c .
Washington, December10. 
--Major-General Logan was for a long time in consultation with Secretary Seward yesterday on the subject of affairs connected with Mexico. 

Whatever truth there may be in the recently-published rumors respecting the President's contemplated action with regard to the Southern States, it is well known here that he acts on all cases affecting the restoration as they arise, and that while engaged in that work, is the best exponent of his own policy, none being authorized to declare what course he will pursue in the future. 

Washington,December 10.--A Washington special correspondent telegraphs to Forney's Press as follows: "The Union members of the Senate will hold a second caucus on Mondaymorning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of considering the reconstruction resolution offered by Mr. Stevens on Saturdayevening, the second of December, and adopted in the House on Monday after the election of Speaker Colfax. Some ambiguity in the resolution will necessitate a change, and a number of Senators are themselves in doubt whether the Senate ought to concur in its general scope and object. There seems to be a determination to stand by the President among the Republicans in Congress. His message has given such general satisfaction as to secure him the confidence even of those who do not agree to all his suggestions. It may be said of the President that he is the most successful of our statesmen, because he has presented the most generally acceptable plan for the solution and settlement of our national disturbances." 

The Fenians.
New York, December10. 
--John O. Sullivan, signing himself "late Centre from Ireland." has sent a card to the newspapers stating that William R. Roberts, now President of the Fenian Senate, declared to him that he would destroy the present organization and substitute a new one in its place; and others of the Senators, whose names are published, asserted they would tear down the present brotherhood and erect one suited to themselves. He says the Irish recognize O. Mahoney as the chief head. 

Important arrests.
Washington, December10. 
--Information has been received from Savannah that Messrs. G. B. Lamar & Son were arrested in attempting to bribe the Treasury agents who had charge of the captured cotton. 

Seizure of goods.
Philadelphia, December10. 
--The Collector of Internal Revenue has seized 100,000 cigars and fifty-five barrels of whisky, liable to forfeiture for being offered for sale without the internal revenue tax being paid. 

Army officers.
Savannah, December10. 
--Major-General Howard arrived yesterday and left to-day for Brunswick, Ga.

Brigadier-General Salm Salm has been relieved from command at Fort Pulaski. Commodore Tatnall, of the late Confederate Navy, left for Baltimore yesterday. 

Telegraphic News.
by Johnson's Independent Agency.
Aid for Southern Pasters.
Louisville, December8. 
--At 7 o'clock last evening, notwithstanding the adverse weather, the several Presbyterian congregations of this city assembled in the Second Presbyterian Church to take action in behalf of the Kentucky Board of Aid for Southern Pastors. The Chair introduced the services by singing "Glory to God in the Highest on Earth, Peace and Good Will to Men. " Rev John Young then offered prayer, and stated the object of the meeting, and upon calling for an organizations appropriate to the occasion, the following officers were elected, viz: Hamilton Pope, President; General J. T. Boyle, Hon. P. B. Muir and Hon. W. F. Barrett, Vice. Presidents, and Rev. R. Morrow, Secretary. After the congregation had united in singing, stirring addresses were delivered by Rev. J. D. McKee, Rev. John C. Young, city pastors; Hamilton Pope, General Boyle, Hon. W. F. Barrett and others. 

Letters were read from Rev. E. P. Humphrey, D. D., and Rev. R. G. Brank, heartily endorsing the Board and expressing an earnest desire to promote its success by active co-operation. An appeal was now made to the audience to demonstrate their earnestness in this cause, which was responded to in a spirited manner, resulting in a few minutes' contributions to the amount of $4,000. This was highly gratifying, as the work has but fairly commenced, and testifies that the hearts of this people are truly in the work of relieving the destitution of their brethren from all quarters of the State. Reports come to the Board that the Presbyterians are fully awakened to the importance of immediate action, and a liberal support is confidently hoped for. The Board have perfected all the arrangements necessary to effect a prompt distribution of the funds to its hands. 

After singing the doxology. 

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow," the congregation dispersed, while the choir sang "Haydn's Hallelujahs to the God of Israel." 

Thus closed one of the most harmonious and interesting occasions in the history of the Presbyterians in this city. 

Troubles among the Fenians.
New York, December9. 
--At the session of the Senate of the Fenian Brotherhood, held in New York on the 7th instant, articles of impeachment were filed against John O'Mahony, President of the Brotherhood, for perfidy and malfeasance in office. The charges and specifications, which are very minute and voluminous, were served on Mr. O'Mahony, on the following day, with notice to put in a plain response, within twenty-four hours, under penalty of having judgment by default recorded against him. Mr. O'Mahony having taken no steps to meet the indictment against him, the Senate to-day resolved itself into a Court of Judicature, according to the provisions of their institution, and having investigated the charges, declared them proved, and deposed O'Mahony from the position of President. A unanimous vote was then passed calling on the Vice- President, Mr. W. R. Roberts, to qualify by taking the oath of office, on which that gentleman was sworn into office, stipulating beforehand that no compensation should be attached to the position while he occupied it. The Secretary of the Treasury, R. D. Killan, has also been deposed on grounds similar to those advanced against Mr. O'Mahony. An address to the Circles has been issued by the Senate and forwarded by mail. 

The test oath--Southern members — interesting wedding.
Washington, December9. 
--It is understood the constitutionality of the act of Congress presenting the test oath is now before the Supreme Court in the application of A. A. Garland, of Arkansas. The whole question will be presented on Friday next. 

The Southern members elected to Congress are still here. Some of them, believing that it will be a long time before they are admitted, contemplate returning home and remaining there until the door is opened to receive them. 

There was quite a crowd of visitors at the White House to-day, including members of Congress. The Representatives from Ohio and Kentucky were among those who were admitted to an interview with the President. 

Fridayevening last, a wedding of an interesting nature took place in Washington between Colonel N. W. Sanders, of Louisiana, and Miss.Cora V. L. Scott (formerly Hatch), of spiritualism reputation. Rev. John Pierpont, poet, performed the marriage ceremony. 

From Baltimore.
Baltimore, December9. 
--Daniel W. Lawrence, of the Thirty-ninth Illinois regiment, formerly a New York lawyer, jumped overboard from a steamer in the Chesapeake yesterday, and was drowned. 

On Wednesdaynight, John Clement, a member of the First regimentNew York Mounted Rifles, fell overboard from the steamer Decatur, in the Chesapeake, and was drowned. 

Manager Ford, of Holliday and Front street Theatres, proposes benefits at both houses soon, to aid in erecting a monument to the memory of Edgar A. Poe. 

The scholars of the Baltimore public schools are raising handsome donations for the same purpose. 

Robberies around the outskirts of Baltimore and throughout Maryland are increasing alarmingly. 

From New Orleans.
New Orleans, December8. 
--Cotton dull — sales to-day 3,500 bales; sales for the week, 2,000 bales. Middlings, 50@51 cents. Sugar depressed — fair to fully, 171-2@18 cents. Molasses, prime to choice, $10 21-2@105. Gold, 49 1-4. Exchange on New York, 1-8 @1-4. Discount freights easy. Cotton to New York, 7-8@1. 

The Governorship of North Carolina.
Raleigh, N. C., December9. 
--The Legislature of this State to-day counted the vote recently cast for Governor: Worth, 32,539; Holden, 25,809--majority for Worth, 6,730. Vance, 132; Stamper, 52; R. F. Hoke, 22. 

The Legislature had passed a joint resolution to inaugurate Mr. Worth to-day, but rescinded it this morning, and passed a resolution to adjourn on the 18th instant to meet on the 1st of February.

Negro Suffrage.
Washington, December9. 
--General Banks and Speaker Colfax have promised to lecture before the Negro Suffrage Association. It is understood they take strong grounds in favor of negro suffrage. Mrs. Swisshelm's new paper to be started here will advocate negro suffrage. 

Snow storm.
Philadelphia, December9, 4 P. M.
--A heavy snow storm prevailing. 

Richmond Dispatch.
Monday.....december 11, 1865.
General Assembly of Virginia.
Saturday,December 9, 1865.

The Senate met at the usual hour, Lieutenant-Governor Cowper in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Price. 

A bill, communicated from the House of Delegates, incorporating the Petersburg Iron Works, was passed. 

A message from the House, asking the concurrence of the Senate in a bill requesting the President of the United States to grant a general amnesty to the citizens of Virginia, was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations 

A joint resolution, asking the appointment of a committee of five on the part of the Senate and eleven on the part of the House to consider and report such action as may be proper it making an application for the release of Jefferson Davis and other political prisoners, and for the restoration of the habeas corpus.

Messrs. Gilmer, Cabell, Meade and Gray spoke in favor of the resolution, and it was opposed by Mr. Mercier, who subsequently withdrew his objection, and the resolution was passed unanimously. 

A bill to empower the Central Railroad Company to borrow money was ordered to be laid on the table and printed. 

House bill providing for repeal of the act of 1862, prescribing an oath in certain cases, was passed. 

A bill to give validity to the acts of the courts of justice during the late civil war was referred to Committee on Courts of Justice. 

House bill to incorporate the Catawba Coal and Iron Company was referred to Committee of General Laws. 


House of Delegates.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Price, of the Third Presbyterian Church. 

Senate joint resolution in reference to the appointment of a joint committee to take into consideration the subject of emigration was considered and passed. 

House resolution of concurrence relative to the election of Secretary of State and other officers, sent back from the Senate with an amendment, was taken up; and the Senate amendment, fixing the 21st instant as the day of election, instead of to-morrow, having been concurred in, the resolution as amended was passed. 

House bill incorporating the Lynchburg Mining and Manufacturing Company in the counties of Campbell, Bedford and Amherst, was considered and ordered to its engrossment. 

Mr. Joynes, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, to whom were committed the subject of re-affirming the act of the Alexandria Legislature ratifying the amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting slavery, reported that the committee deemed it unnecessary to legislate further on the subject. 

The bill to amend and re-enact "an act to incorporate the Southern Express Company, " passed March 22, 1861, and to incorporate the National Express and Transportation Company, was considered, and after some amendments, was ordered to be read a third time and engrossed. 

Mr. Stearns offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of authorizing county courts to borrow a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, on the credit of the counties, for which they may issue bonds. 

Mr. Lee, of Richmond, offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of re-organizing the Public Guard. 

Mr. Langhorne, of Norfolk county, offered a resolution proposing a reduction of the pay of members to three dollars per day, which lays over under the rules. 

Mr. White, of Henrico, offered a resolution of inquiry relative to extending the time of the operation of the stay law. 

By Mr. Hardy, of Norfolk city — A resolution of inquiry relative to relieving from taxation citizens of portions of the State occupied for twelve months by Federal troops. 

By Mr. Lee, of Richmond — A resolution inquiring into the expediency of providing for the public printing by contract, to be awarded to the lowest bidder. 

Mr. Smith, of Williamsburg, offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing an investigation into the affairs of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum. 

Mr. Robertson, of Alexandria, offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of requiring insurance companies from other States to give security within this State for the just and prompt payment of losses upon risks they assure; and whether there be any efficient measure which may be adopted to prevent agents of the same from taking risks in this State. 

Mr. Clark offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of legalizing the acts of all the civil officers of the State of Virginia from July 1, 1865, to June 13, 1865, inclusive, excepting insofar as these acts were not in violation of the Constitution of the United States. 

House bill incorporating the Catawba Coal Mining and Iron Works was passed. 

Mr. Hancock, of Chesterfield, offered a resolution of inquiry relative to establishing by law certain rules and regulations for the government of negroes actually engaged in agricultural labors. 

Mr. Straughn, of Northumberland, moved to take up the resolution offered by Mr. Herst, of Norfolk, and laid on the table the previous day, relative to General B. F. Butler. He desired to offer a substitute, declaring that this House is both willing and anxious to pursue such a conciliatory course towards the Federal authorities, not inconsistent with the rights and the honor of the State, as will not retard the immediate restoration of the relations between the State and Federal Governments which existed before the war, and that any motion or resolution inconsistent therewith should not be made or offered; and if made or offered, will meet with the disapprobation of this House. 

Before any action was taken on the subject, on motion of Mr. Dunnington, of Prince William, the member from Norfolk was permitted to withdraw his resolution. 

Some other resolutions of inquiry were adopted, after which the House adjourned. 

An unfortunate Sportsman.
--The following story, decidedly French in its character, is said to have been told in Paris recently to a knot of unlucky sportsmen: 

"Gentlemen, you have heard of unlucky sporting excursions, but I doubt if you ever heard of one so unlucky as the one I am about to relate. I went out shooting one day, and after trudging over the stubble-field for twelve hours without seeing a bird, I returned home, fatigued and out of humor. I went to the opera that night, and the music increased my irritation instead of allaying it; to tell you the truth, I detested the prima donna. She was extremely popular, and was 'called out' almost as often as if the audience had been an Italian one. The opera performed that night was William Tell. 

"I carried into my box with me two fox hounds, the loudest-mouthed of my pack; for I went to the opera-house determined to annoy the prima, donna to show the public I thought its taste execrable. When she made her appearance in the second act, and began the first measures of the grand air of the second act, I twisted my fox hounds' tail with all my strength. They howled dismally and long, as if they had been baying the moon. The audience were stupefied at first, and then became furious and more furious. It began to break up the seats in the theatre. I made my escape. I soon found, however, that the riot in the theatre began to assume formidable proportions. It became an insurrection, and I had barely time to save the crown jewels and make my escape to England. This is the secret reason my brother is on my throne and I am the exiled Duke of Brunswick." 

A remarkable robbery.
--A New York correspondent of the Boston Journal relates the following: 

"The broker was inside the counter, near the safe. A man came in without a hat, and with a pen behind his ear. He walked round to the spot where the banker stood, who was talking with a gentleman, and said to him: "Please to move, sir," and the banker did. The fellow coolly took out of the safe several thousand United States bonds, and coolly walked away, and has never been seen from that time to this. Near the closing hours of business the bonds were sought for, and could not be found. The banker turned to one of the clerks and asked him for them, stating that he saw him remove them from the drawer. Fortunately, the clerk was able to prove an alibi, and then the audacity of the thief was made apparent." 

A Petersburg in Trouble.
--Thursdayevening, a box containing one hundred dollars was stolen from a wagon in Washington City. A man named Williams, who said that he lived at Petersburg, Va., was arrested, but they found nothing on him to show that he committed the robbery. They, however, turned Williams over to the police. Yesterday morning they found the money-box near where the theft was committed. 

The cholera — how Propagated.
Correspondence of the New York TribuneGeneva, Italy, November14, ? 1865. 
--I chief object in these notes is to warn your readers against the doctrine that cholera springs out of the ground wherever that ground is very dirty. So far as we know, every visitation of it in Europe can be accounted for by importation, and it is criminal to neglect precautions against its being brought into the country. It is true that its ravages are most fearful in dirty and closely built towns; but it appears also in the most cleanly and airy locations. There is a small village, inhabited by a few coal-burners, on the divide between Nice and Aqui. The air could not be purer and the people were employed in a healthy occupation. Cholera broke out there and half the people were attacked. I saw the case reported as a proof of the incomprehensible nature of the disease; but on inquiry I find that a family, flying from cholera at Marseilles, sickened and died of it in this mountain village, and that other people in the same house caught the disease from these unfortunate fugitives. In the circle of Melozzo one hundred and twenty-one cases and sixty-eight deaths resulted from a similar importation, though the region of Melozzo is a healthy and cleanly one. 

That rulers can be so short-sighted as to conceal facts of this nature, passes my comprehension. Rumor will outrun reality, and if the facts are suppressed, rumor has the field. If the Government says there are no cases of cholera at Naples, when the public knows there are some, and there are actually ten, rumor will report that there are twenty. Beside when information is denied, people are uneasy and alarmed, because they are like men who grope about in a dark house where they know enemies are concealed. 

A Perfect was sent to Messinafour months ago to restore order among a people on the verge of revolution, because they believe the Government was determined to leave the doors open for cholera. That Perfect reversed the whole order of government here. For a thousand years, the people had been taught to look upon power as a silent monster, meditating evil to them. The new Perfect issued a bulletin, morning and evening each day, informing them exactly what he thought and what he did to keep off the dreaded enemy. In a week they understood each other, and Messina was as quiet as New Orleans under Butler. Six weeks later the Perfect died, and all Messina mourned for Lorenzo Valerio as a kind and provident father. I mention this as one proof of the benefits resulting from the frank conduct of the Italian Government. 

But to return to the route which the cholera pursued in reaching Naples. It traveled from Ancona through a series of villages scattered across Apulia and through the mountain range behind Naples, and fell upon a village called San Teduccio, on the 1st of October.--This village is situated a few miles from Naples, and in spite of all precautions the disease stole into the city. We are informed that some cart loads of rags, gathered from the sick rooms of Ancona, transported the disease across the Appenines into San Teduccio. Naples is, you know as famous for the rags trade as Oil City is for petroleum, and probably owes her present affliction to this circumstance. Whatever be the fact about the rags, the line of [ afilicted ] villages can be traced from Ancona to Naples. 

A Memphis man has sent to the Governor of Mississippi the draft of a plan for shortening the Mississippi river. The proposition is to lessen the distance between Cairo and New Orleans three hundred miles, by damming the [ the ]Red river near its junction with the Mississippi, so as to throw the waters which seek an outlet through Red river into the Atchafalaya and Berwick is Bay. To avoid damaging the commerce of New Orleans, an iron lock is to be placed in the dam, so as to let boats into and out of the Mississippi through Red river. Another part on the plan contemplates opening all the outlets, both natural and artificial, from near the mouth of Red river, on the west bank of the Mississippi river, to Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and straightening small streams, thus opening a system of drainage through a country embracing the best portions of Arkansas. 

In one of the cholera hospitals in Paris visited by the Empress, a patient, mistaking her for a Sister of Charity, replied to one of her questions: "Yes, Sister," The Sister of Charity said to the patient: "Tis not I who speak to you! Tis the Empress." The Empress instantly replied: "Oh! don't reprove him! Sister is the noblest name he can give me." This speech has increased her popularity wonderfully. 

Fires occurred yesterday at McGregor, Iowa, consuming the post-office, the McGregor House and other buildings — loss, one hundred thousand dollars; and in Chicago, burning five buildings on Clarke and Jackson streets, and the Freewill Baptist Church--loss, seventy- eight thousand dollars. 

Accidents on the ice begin early this season. At Oroville, Maine, Friday, Charles Shaw, his wife and child were drowned while skating on Pleasant Pond. Three sons of Mr. Bunker, of Franklin, Maine, were drowned on Thursday while skating on a pond. 

A "Society of the Oldest Inhabitants" has been organized in the city of Washington. To be eligible to membership a person must be fifty years of age and must have been for forty years a resident. 

In the gallery of the theatre in Crow street, Dublin, one night, a coal porter made himself disagreeable. There was a yell of "Throw him over," followed by the exquisitely droll idea, "Don't waste him; kill a fiddler with him." 

The ParisSickle of November 16th, in an editorial article, speaks of the President of the late Confederacy as "Monsieur John Davis." Such is fame! 

Colt's armory, in Hartford, is to be re-built immediately. Its length will be twelve hundred feet. 

Daniel L. Gibbons, of Boston, Treasury agent at Mobile, committed suicide by cutting his throat on the 2d instant. 

The workingmen of New Albany, Indiana, have organized an "Eight-Hour League." 

Boston papers note a rapid increase of the steam tonnage of that port.


This page last updated August 1, 2008.