Richmond Daily Dispatch

Richmond Daily Dispatch - 1860-1865

Richmond Dispatch.
Wednesday morning...Nov.14, 1860

The Threatening secession.
Affairs in South Carolina--Acceptance of Senator Chesnut's resignation — the Southern Press. &c., &c. 

The feeling in South Carolina for secession seems steadily to advance. In the legislative debates the only difference in the views of members is about the rapidity with which the act shall be consummated. The resigned Federal officers of Charleston were in Columbia Saturday, and being serenaded made speeches of the same tenor of those delivered by them a few nights since, in the former city. On Saturdayevening, at the town of Mount Pleasant, S. C. , some while boys, aided by negroes, were burning "Old Abe" in effigy, when they were fired on, and one of them shot by Jno. M. Barre, who was afterwards arrested by the citizens, and after receiving forty lashes, was placed in jail. Bishop Davis, of the Diocese of South Carolina, has set forth a prayer, which is " to be used before the two final prayers of morning and evening service, on all occasions during the ensuing session or sessions of our Legislature." In the South Carolina Legislature, Saturday, the following took place: 

Mr. Whaley said he held in his hand a resolution which he was certain would meet a cordial response from every member of this assembly. It was as follows: 

Resolved, That the resignation of the Hon. Jas. Chesnut as one of the U. S. Senators from South Carolina be accepted; and that what, under any other circumstances, would have been regarded with regret, is now recognized as an act of loyalty to the State of South Carolina. 

Unanimously adopted, and sent to the Senate for concurrence. 

Mr. Cunningham moved to proceed to the general orders with a view to take up a bill to arm the State. He thought it important that the bill should get a reading in the Senate today if they wished to facilitate the business before the House. At the request of Mr. Aldrich, the motion was withdrawn to permit a report to be made from the Committee on Federal Relations. Mr. Aldrich then presented the report. The report recommends an amendment to the Senate bill for the call of a Convention, naming the 6th day of December as the time for the election of delegates, instead of the 6th of January, and the 17thDecember as the time for meeting, instead of the 10th of January, as named in the Senate bill. 

Mr. W. C. Black said he was exceedingly sorry to oppose the amendment. He was perfectly willing to vote for the Convention, to go with the State, and, when she goes, to go as far as the farthest. But he could not agree to the amendment proposed by the House Committee to the Senate bill, and hoped the House would not accept the amendment. It was absolutely necessary that those who represented large districts, the people of which were not so thoroughly posted up as to the events transpiring around them, that they should have time to canvass those districts, and bring the people up to the point. If they shortened the time they would have no opportunity to do that, and the consequences might be that those people would occupy a false position. It was essentially necessary to the district he represented, that the amendment should not prevail. He was exceedingly anxious, therefore, that the time should not be changed. If they were precipitate, they might depend upon it, his district would not sustain the action of the House. He, therefore, moved that the question be taken up by ayes and nays. 

The bill was laid on the table to make way for the order of the day. 

A Declaration of Independence.
The Washington Constitution publishes a declaration of independence, which is to be submitted at the coming South Carolina Convention. The first sentence of the National Declaration is thus altered: 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that although all men are created wholly unequal, mentally, morally, and physically, yet they are all equally entitled, under every civilized government, to the full protection of their lives, persons, and property, for which protection governments are solely instituted among men, deriving their just powers solely from the consent of the governed." 

The grievances cited, are: 1st. The war in the North against Southern institutions. 2d. The nullification of the fugitive slave law.--3d. Upholding protection from slavery in the Territories. 4th. The imposition of heavy taxes--"not simply without but directly against our representation, and our consent in the general Congress, by levying onerous and excessive duties upon goods imported in return for, and purchased by, our cotton, rice, and tobacco, in order to protect and encourage their own manufactures, and in order to expend vast sums at the North in improving and fortifying their own barbers, towns, and cities, at the evident and direct expense of the products and labor of the South." 5th. The election of a President whose creed is the "irrepressible conflict." 

The declaration concludes as follows: 

We therefore, the representatives of the people of the State of South Carolina in convention assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this State, solemnly publish and declare that the State of South Carolina is, and of right ought to be, a free and independent State; and that all political connection between it and the Northern States is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent State we have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which an independent State may of right do. And, for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. 

Opinions of the Press.
The New Orleans Delta thus speaks the day after the reception of the election news: 

We have anticipated it from the moment the Southern people became divided into warring factions, and have had no hope for the South but in the vigorous and manly attitude of the great agricultural population of our section. Nothing now remains to us but to consolidate the power and influence of this class, so as to produce a harmonious and effective movement in behalf of the freedom, safety and sovereignty of the South. 

In that event we must look to the great Cotton States to lead, direct and control. They have the deepest interest, to them the peril is greatest, and the other classes of our population must co-operate with them or take sides with our sectional enemy. All parties are now extinct, except the party of the South and the party of the North. The old quarrels and contests, the ancient grudges and prejudices, must be offered up on the altar of our country and our rights. 

Men, parties and partisan traditions must alike be consigned to oblivion. Our homes, our firesides, our social system, our honor, our liberty, are enough to engage our undivided affection, care, solicitude and devotion. The South must consult, deliberate and determine with the grave dignity and serious purpose of a people who stand on the brink of a great peril --who are compelled to choose between a dishonorable submission and capitulation to a haughty and uncompromising enemy, for a temporary peace and the security of certain material interests, with an ever present and increasing peril to even these, or accept all the responsibility, danger and honor of a united resistance at all costs and sacrifices, to the dishonor and eventual ruin which are inevitable from our acquiescence in the government of the fanatics and sectional demagogues to whom the Northern masses have committed the powers of this Government. This is the issue now presented in the South, and we shall await, with deep anxiety, the action of the leading States of our section upon it. 

The N. O. Picayune opposes disunion. It says: 

Those who to-day refuse to make the victory lost a cause of revolution would be the first to resent and resist an open, undisguised violation of the rights reserved to the States.-- They are not less true to the South because also true to the Union. They do not less see danger because they are determined to meet it in the Union. And it is because of their devotion, both to the State and to the Federal Government, that they will not make an issue which cannot unite the people of the States who will all be imperiled by it, in every material and social interest. 

A Southern Confederacy cannot be formed by States while in the Union. It is forbidden by the Constitution, as is any association of States for any such purpose. The secession of one State without concert with others is a species of dictation to its co-equals of the South. Difficulties of every character surround the subject, and it requires deliberate preparation before a single step be taken. In the meantime we shall see what necessity may exist for action. We can judge whether this Government has proved a failure, and all hope of freedom is lost. 

Such we believe will be the decision of the people of the South, and we look for the excitements of feeling to give place to a sober, intelligent and deliberate purpose to take no hasty step, yet to be prepared for whatever the future may have in store. 

The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel favors a Southern Convention. It says: 

Suppose the South were in such manner to unite in solemn league to stand by each other. Suppose they then united in a firm and temperate statement of their rights and their ultimatum of delay in having them recognized. Suppose they demanded, by direct appeal to the fourteen Northern nullifying States. the prompt repeal of their injurious laws, and the discharge of their covenanted duty. Suppose, in case of refusal by any of these, they then appeal to the separate or collective authority of the several States, to exercise the converse right of secession --we mean the power of exclusion. Suppose such exclusion from the Union be demanded against States that refuse to perform their obligations; that thus the guilty, not the innocent, may suffer. Would these things, or would any other expedient, present any hope? If so, let us try them. And let no time be lost, for there is no time to lose. Let no man delude himself with the idea that the Union will stand in the present position of issues and the present rapid working of things. It is simply an impossibility; and he who would save it, should go rationally and instantly to work. Delay is disunion, swift and sure. 

A dispatch from Montgomery, Ala., dated the 11th inst., says: 

A mass-meeting of the citizens of this city was held here last night. All parties were represented. The merchants, bankers, planters and politicians, are all decided in favor of a dissolution of the Union. 

Gov. Moore, Mr. Yancey, and other prominent public men from all parts of the State, were present and made speeches in favor of disunion. 

The Governor has decided to have the Convention meet on the first Monday in January. The people desire it to be held sooner, but he does not feel authorized by the resolutions of the last Legislature to call the Convention until the electors have cast their votes for President in December. 

On Wednesday he will publish a letter, stating the time on which he will issue his proclamation, and calling on the people to nominate candidates for the Convention. It will be a strong disunion document. 

There was much excitement at Winsboro', S. C., when Lincoln's election was ascertained. A dispatch dated the 7th, says: 

The Minute Men have as much as they can do, for they are compelled to hold from two to three meetings a day to initiate members; the blue cockades are common here. Guns, pistols and swords are in demand, and if the feeling manifested here is general throughout the State, South Carolina will soon be out of the Union, and a Black Republican President will never lord it over the old Palmetto State. 

The Toronto (Canada) Leader says: 

The returns indicate the election of Lincoln and Hamlin for President and Vice-President of the United States. If this should turn out to be the case, some of the Southern States appear to be ready to make a move towards carrying out the threat to withdraw from the Union. The Governor of South Carolina invited the Legislature to arm the State, but the latter had put the question off till it should be ascertained definitely whether Lincoln be really elected. It is folly to talk about arming for the purpose of bringing about a dissolution of the Union; for if dissolution cannot be obtained without resorting to arms, it cannot with it. If it once comes to fighting it is all up with the South. The North would crush her as easily as a giant crushes a fly. A Southern Convention there may be; but the supposed necessity for the South arming is the dream of a madman. 

The action of the South will be watched with intense interest, for the great crisis in the history of the Republic has arrived. It is for the interest of humanity that the great experiment of self-government, which the Republic is making, should succeed. A dissolution of the Union would not necessarily prove the failure of that experiment, but it would be quoted as proof of failure by despots and reactionists in Europe. It would be a melancholy thing to see a dissolution of the Union arising out of the struggle to extend slavery, and brought about by the aggressive party. For these-reasons a dissolution of the Union is, under present circumstances, to be deprecated; but if it should come, we cannot afford to admit that it proves a failure of the great experiment which the United States are making. There is too much that is bad in the governments of the world to justify any friend of freedom in going into raptures over the supposed failure of an experiment in self-government, such as, take it all in all, the world has never before seen. We have no preference for Republicanism; the contrary; but it is so much better than most of the existing governments of the world, that we are not justified in depreciating the American system in the crisis of its fate. 

[by Telegraph.]
Louisville, Nov. 12.
--The brokers here are charging 5 per cent. discount on South Carolina and Georgia bank bills. 

Southern Medical students in New York.
--The Southern Medical Students In New York.--The Southern medical students in New York held another meeting on Mondaymorning, Jas. H. Purdy, of Virginia, presiding: 

A committee of three, Mr. Calhoun Hill, of North Carolina, being Chairman, was appointed to retire and draft resolutions. 

Prof. Raphael, who is a Virginian, being called upon, said that he thought students should draw a distinction between politics and medical education; and he did not deem that the election of Mr. Lincoln should be a cause for students — no matter what section of the country they were from — to give up the superior hospital and other advantages that New York afforded them over every other city in the Union. Suppose they had been in Paris pursuing their studies under the Presidency of Napoleon, would his election as Emperor have been a cause for them to leave their studies and go away home. He thought the present aspect of affairs in the South was not legitimately the immediate result of any political influence, but a turbulent state which a lot of alarmists had been plotting and planning for a long period, in order to profit by it in some way or other. 

The committee appeared and offered the following resolutions: 

Whereas, at a recent meeting in this city of Southern medical students, efforts have been made to induce them forth with to abandon the College, and return to their homes, for political reasons, in view of the recent Presidential election, and its possible results: Therefore. 

Resolved, That the class in attendance at the "New York Medical College and Charity Hospital," including a number of Southern men. who are sojourning in New York in the pursuit of medical education, and for which purpose they have left their homes, and entered upon the lectures now in progress here, can see no reason for such rash and abrupt measures as those recommended, until the respective States of the South to which we belong shall determine upon their course of action; or until we shall receive instructions from home that it is expedient to return. 

The resolutions were adopted. 

Spontaneous Combustion
--Spiritualism in a New Phase.--The wonderful feats of table-tipping without hands are likely to be surpassed by new atmospheric phenomena, if the following incident, told by a late number of the Taylor Falls (Wisconsin) Reporter, and authenticated by many witnesses, is really reliable: 

On Tuesday, while Mr. Corey and his two sons were at work in a field near his house, their attention was arrested by smoke, which appeared to rise from his stable. They hurried to the barn as quickly as possible, and discovered a pile of straw on fire. This was immediately extinguished, and, as they were returning to the field, the stable caught in different places, which, by considerable exertion, was put out. Before, however, they had left the premises, another fire was discovered underneath the granary in a pile of boards. The bottom board was burnt nearly through, but the others were not even scorched. After this was put out Mr. Corey sent one of the boys into the house to ascertain if all was safe there. He immediately came out and told his father that the house was on fire. Mr. Corey immediately ran up stairs, where he found some clothes that his wife had laid away the day before, burning. They were thrown out of the window, and from that time until late at midnight the fire broke out all over the house. First, a paper would catch, then the mosquito-bar, then a straw bed, &c., and it was only by the utmost exertions of Mr. Corey, aided by the gentlemen, that the building was saved. The fire continued to break out at intervals for several days, and attracted many visitors. We shall not attempt to give any cause for this wonderful freak of nature, but will leave the question to be solved by some of our philosophers. These facts, as we learn them from an eye- witness, are true; and if any one can solve that mystery we shall be glad to hear from them. 

Fatal accident
--A fatal accident occurred at Natchez, Miss., on the night of the 5th lust., during the firing of the cannon on the occasion of a torchlight procession. A man named Thos. Waite, who had just primed the cannon, had placed the powder flask inside his vest, but neglected to put the stopper in. The flash from the priming powder, as the cannon was fired, exploded the contents of the flask — the unfortunate man ran a few steps, and fell dead; his neck was found to have been broken. 

Further by the North American.
affairs in Italy — death of the Dowager
Empress of Russia — the Warsaw Conference. 

The mails of the North American, from Liverpool on the 31st, via Londonderry on the 2d Inst., bring some additional details of European news. 

Five hundred of the Irish Papal Brigade have passed through France en route for Ireland. 

Judicial proceedings had been instituted against the Opinion National for the publication of false news. 

The LondonDaily News of the 31st, says the Emperor of the French has placed four ships-of-the-line before Gaeta, with orders to prevent an attack on that fortress by Admiral Persano, and if necessary to sink his ships.--Under these circumstances, Admiral Persano will take no part in the approaching sledge of Gaeta. The Daily News denounces this indirect intervention by France, and says Europe must not be allowed to remain a victim to all this mystery and repeated surprises. 

The LondonMorning News asserts on the authority of an official dispatch that Victor Emanuel was to immediately bombard Gaeta by sea and land. 

Capua had been definitely occupied by Garibaldi's troops. 

It was reported that King Victor Emanuel would confer on Garibaldi the title of Prince Calasemi, with an income of 3,000 livres, and would decorate him with the order of Annunciation. 

Lamoriciore had been created a Roman noble and a medal struck in his honor. 

The Paris Press asserts that the Sovereigns at Warsaw united in procuring assistance to Austria if she were attacked by Piedmont. 

The China mails are not yet received, but the following details had come to hand of the taking of the Turkish forts: The northern forts were captured after three hours fighting, and the others surrendered. The allies lost 1,400 killed and wounded. They occupied Tien-Sien. The Ambassadors were there, and would soon proceed to Pekin with a squadron of cavalry. 

The rebels had withdrawn from Shanghai. 

The Times trusts that the telegram had brought false news, and that Lord Elgin is not gone to Pekin without an army, as that is exactly the opposite of what he should do to obtain a permanent peace. Nothing more is necessary than that Pekin should know that England has an arm long enough to reach her, and chastise any breach of faith. So long as the Emperor believes his capital out of reach, so long will he care little what treaties he may sign to remove any immediate pressure. 

The Dowager Empress of Russia was dead. 

The Times was still without comment on French intervention at Gaeta, and the Paris journals have not yet adverted to the subject. 

The Times considers that unless some unforeseen accident changes the fortunes of war, a few days must suffice to drive the Bourbon sovereignty from Gaeta. 

A Naples letter of the 27th says that Gavazzi was to preach his first sermon in the principal church of the Jesuits. 

The Times asserts that Austria can scarcely even now make up her mind that the game is lost in Italy. No doubt had the Northern Potentates shown her more active sympathy, and had her diplomacy been more of a success, she would have done some desperate deed. 

The Warsaw Conference.
LondonFriday,--The correspondent of the Times, at Vienna, supplies information as to what passed at the conference. The Monarch and their Ministers had several interviews, but did little more than exchange opinions concerning the state of Europe as drawn up, but not signed, because the Sovereigns and their Ministers could not come to an understanding on several matters of importance.--Gortschakoff failed to convene the Prussian and Austrian statesmen, that it would be advantageous to all parties that the treaty of March, 1856, were subjected to a revision.--Russia is exceedingly desirous of regaining her position on the Danube, and doing away with the neutrality of the Black Sea. It is stated that Gortschakoff and Reichberg had an altercation at the very first interview. 

The Poles displayed such a disloyal spirit while Alexander was at Warsaw, that His Majesty was unable to conceal the vexation be felt. 

Captains in the Dutch mercantile marine have been informed by circulars, from the Minister of Marine, that in the event of war, they will be taken into the service as second lieutenants. As the proposition has given dissatisfaction, it is said that it will be proposed to give them a pension. 

The Herald's Paris correspondent says the Government had contracted with private shipbuilders for the immediate construction of one hundred and fifty iron-cased steam gunboats, to mount a single rifle in the bow and draw small draft of water. 

It is reported that Mr. Whitworth had contracted to supply the French with any number of his rifles at four pounds each. 

London Corn Market--The supply of foreign Grain was moderate. The weather was dry and cold: English and foreign wheat cold pretty well, at Monday's prices. Floating cargoes were offered at full rates, and if sellers would only wait a little, the coast would soon be clear. Flour sold fully as well. Indian Corn was up to 48s. Oats 6d. dearer. 

Liverpool Corn Market.Friday,--Unusual attendance of the trade. Wheat in good consumptive demand, at Tuesday's prices. Indian Corn strong, and improved 13s. 6d. per quarter; no good offering under 48s. 

Origin of consumption.
The American Medical Monthly for September contains some novel and interesting views relative to the nature and treatment of consumption. The seat of this terrible malady is affirmed to be the lymphatic system of vessels; and of these minute tubes form a close interlacement throughout the whole body, being also endowed with much activity, diseased fluids transmitted through them are liable, under certain conditions, to be deposited anywhere, and to be spread or accumulated with prodigious rapidity. The nature of consumption is stated to consist in a deprivation of the fluids which are propelled through these tiny lymphatic conduits. 

Two theories are proposed to account for the presence of the pernicious elements which here taint and poison the springs of life at their source. One party affirms that the process of nutrition is at fault, and that part of the food eaten is lazily and imperfectly assimilated, offering itself in a crude, half-prepared state, to the action of vessels not adapted to deal with such material, but only with that which has been submitted to a completer preliminary elaboration. Hence cellular development, the first step in organization, is impossible. The fluid cannot be taken up. It never becomes vitalized or forms a union with any living tissue. On the contrary, it is a burden, and soon causes mischief. Another party thinks that the material thus existing in the far-reaching network of lymphatic vessels is due to decay, and contains the products of organic dissolution. 

Both opinions are well supported, and perhaps both may prove to be true. That some noxious materials, whether the debris of used up tissues, or withered dead elements refusing to become new tissues, are thrown copiously near the lymphatic, is agreed; and also that the quantity of such products is so great that this active sewerage apparatus cannot carry it away. It accumulates and hardens into tubercles. The cause of this dreadful malady is stated by our author to be primarily the want of oxygen, whose presence in sufficient quantity would either prevent the formation of the tuberculous material, or would give power to cast it out as soon as formed. 

A cure in the early stages of the disease is said to have sometimes been secured by the use of chlorate of potash, and other remedies which supply oxygen to the blood. Prevention, however, here as everywhere, is easier than cure, and is seldom impossible, whatever be the hereditary tendency to the malady.--Muscular exercise, regular habits, fresh air, subtle food, ample rest, active occupation, well ventilated apartments, proper clothing, and exemption from corroding anxiety, are among the indispensable and most ordinary precautions. 

A serious joke
--The inmates of the New York Hospital were thrown into a great state of excitement on Monday, by a rumor of an attempt to poison some of the patients. It appears that one of the patients tasted something peculiar in his food, and partook of but a small quantity. A short time after he was taken violently ill, and declared that he had been poisoned, and several other inmates made complaints of a similar character. Upon investigating the matter, a man named Jenkins confessed that he had poured rotor oil in the food, at the suggestion of others, but that he only did it for a joke, and did not intend to kill any person. Jenkins and his advisers Charles Brown and John Keiger, have been arrested, and the case will be fully investigated. 

Railroad officers in Congress.
--Hon. Erastus Corning, President of the New York Central, and Chauncey Vibbard, Superintend out of the same road, were both elected to Congress on the 6th inst., in New York State, the former by about six hundred majority and the latter by four hundred. On Thursday the result was celebrated at Buffalo by a grand illumination of the Central depot and the large building of the American and United States Express Companies. 

Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
affairs in Lynchburg.
Lynchburg, Va, No.13 
The trial of Geo. W. Hardwicke is progressing; the examination of witnesses closed yesterday and the argument will be commenced this morning. 

The damages on the Va. and Tenn. Railroad by the late heavy rain storm, have been so far repaired as to admit of the cars passing over the road again. The double daily train will be put on to-day. The damage, though great, was not so heavy as reported. 

The present alarming state of affairs in the country causes great concern with all in this section of country, and most of persons seem to be waiting in order to see what will be the future course of the revolutionary States.--With us many will be found who are for secession though I believe that a large majority are for waiting, and are not for precipitate action. 

Great anxiety is felt as to the result of the election in Virginia. 

Queen Victoria's stables
--A recent letter, describing Windsor Castle, says: 

Before going into the interior of the Castle, we were shown the Queen's stables-- "Mews," as they call them there. These, as may be imagined, are on a scale corresponding with the extravagance of royalty. She keeps three hundred horses, part of which are now in London, as she is sojourning for the present at Buckingham Palace. All of these here were greys except the fancy ponies. One of the latter is a beautiful milk-white animal, as clean and nice as soap, water, and currying can make him. He is a pet of the Queen's, and she has a small carriage in which she drives him herself around the gardens. There were also four of the tiniest bay ponies, which the Princess Alice herself drives, four-in-hand, in a small carriage. These, with six others, were a present from the King of Sardinia. The name of each is inscribed on a plate of marble in his stall, on one of which "Victor," and on another "Emanuel," in honor of the illustrious donor. 

"Body Snatching."
--The arrest of Dr. Cooper, Frank Wills and a man named Butcher, for body snatching, has created some excitement in Jackson Co., Va. The body was that of a daughter of James Smith. The suspicious of one or two persons were excited on Sundaymorning by the ragged appearance of the grave, and they determined to make a further examination. The grave was opened, and the coffin found broken open and containing nothing but the burial clothes. The neighborhood was alarmed and immediate search was made for the body, which was found Mondaymorning, in a sack under a ledge of rocks, covered with stones, and in a mutilated condition. The parties who committed the deed were bailed to stand trial at court. 

The Americans in Garibaldi's army.
--We recently announced that amongst the volunteers who went out from England to join Garibaldi, was General Wheat. In a letter from General Avezzana to a friend in New York, dated Maildaloni, Oct.16, we find mention of four other Americans as being attached to his (Gen. Avezzana's) staff — namely, Chas. Carroll Hicks, of Columbus, Ohio; Frank Maney, of Nashville, Tenn.; Henry N. Spencer, Jr., of Pennsylvania; and Alfred Van Benthuysen, of New Orleans, La. They all had the good fortune to be present at the battle of Caserta, and the General speaks of their conduct in the highest terms. 

Movement of troops.
--The steamship Yorktown, which arrived here from New York on Sunday, brought as passengers, Company D, Second U. S. Artillery, under command of Major Anderson, recently stationed at Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, numbering 49 men, inclusive of officers. Their destination is Fayetteville, N. C., and it is said they were dispatched by the Secretary of War at the solicitation of the Governor of North Carolina. They were forwarded yesterday morning per Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. Norfolk Herald.

Prize fighting in Vermont.
--A bill is before the Legislature to prevent prize fighting, making every person who shall engage in any such fight punishable by imprisonment not more than ten years, or by fine not more than $5,000; and every aid, second or surgeon, by imprisonment not more than five years, or by fine not to exceed $1,000, and every resident of the State who goes out of it to engage in such fight, subject to the same punishment as an "aid, second or surgeon" to any such fight within the State. 

The Tide of Emigration.
--An Atchison (Kansas) paper makes the following statement of the number of trains which have outfitted at this place this season for the gold regions, Utah, and the forts on the plains:--Ninety trains, composed of 1,773 wagons, employing 2,020 men, 693 mules, 18,117 oxen, and carrying 8,220,883 pounds of merchandize, have gone out. This amount is double that of any previous year. 

--There is a gradual thinning out of the scattered settlements in the northern part of Coos county, N. H. Dixville, which ten years ago had three families, has been uninterrupted for several years. Odell for many years has had but one inhabitant — a hermit. He entertains visitors hospitably, but declines all invitations to remove to the adjacent settlements. He refuses to answer questions as to his former history. 

A father killed while saving his child.
--As the eastern train on the Illinois Central Railroad was leaving Dunleith on Wednesdayevening, Thomas Jefferson, a porter at the U. S. Hotel, of Dunleith, in attempting to remove his child, who was standing on the track in front of the engine, was himself ran over by the cars and both of his legs were cut off — the accident resulting fatally in a few hours. 

The New Mormon Leader.
--Joe Smith, Jr., seems determined that the world shall bear in mind the fact that he is the son of a prophet. He has recently put forth tenders in the shape of letters to the fair sex, requesting their early entrance to his happy home, and promising, on the word of an honest Mormon, to do the best he can for them, and to make their condition a peculiarly happy one. 

A novel Railroad accident.
--Thomas Bates, a Utica (N. Y.) Wide Awake, returning with the company from an excursion to Rome, last Thursdayevening, got into a dispute with the conductor about his fare, and was put off the cars; another train coming on the other track from an opposite direction, a moment after, struck him, and inflicted such injuries that he has probably since died. 

Black mail in Chicago.
--Four young thieves were arrested in Chicago, on Fridaynight, belonging to an organized band, under the leadership of a captain named Burns.--They were accustomed to meet nightly for pillaging excursions, and raised money, among other ways, by levying black mail on houses of ill-fame, by threats of inking and defacing them in case of refusal. 

Deaths in Europe.
--The Duke Decease died at Paris on Thursday, October25, in the eighty-first year of his age. He was one of the notabilities of the First Empire and the Restoration. The Duke has left a mass of papers, particularly his correspondence with the Duke de Richelieu, during his London embassy. The Earl Manvers died in London, at the age of eight-two on the 27th ult.

Eighty horses Consumed by fire.
--The large stables owned by Charles Lent, at the corner of Thirty-second street and Tenth avenue, New York, were burned down on Sundayevening, and 80 out of 121 horses which were in the buildings were burned to death.--Mr. Lent's loss is estimated at $10,000, and none of it is met by insurance. 

--The Rahway (N. J.) Republican says that "at the Wide Awake demonstration in Porth Amboy, last week, a young man who was parading in front of their line in the uniform of a Union Minute Man, was set upon by one of the 'Wide-Awakes' with an axe, and so severely injured that he died the next morning." 

A nail in the brain.
--Geoffrey J. Levaile, who was shot in a fight with T. B. Kershaw, at Petersburg, Va., died on the 12th instant. The wound was inflicted on the 15th of October, and the pistol was charged with a horse-shoe nail. The nail was found in his brain, where it has been for nearly a month. 

Workingmen discharged.
--In one large clothing house, Saturday, 200 men were discharged for want of work. In another house, a large number was discharged. The election being over, we but record these facts, not as "panics," as the Republican journals would say.-- N. Y. Express.

--A fire occurred at Charleston, Kanawha co., Va., on the 5th inst. A dwelling, owned by Thos. Fife; the clothing store of May & Well; dry goods store of Mr. Baines; Trustlow's tin-shop, and Byers' billiard tables, were burned. Loss $4,30 --insured for $2,000

Fatal fight between sisters.
--About two weeks since Mary and Bridget Kinney, sisters, living in New York, got into a fight, during which Bridget beat Mary in a most brutal manner. On the 2d instantMary died and Bridget will be indicted for her murder. 

Local matters.
Railroad accident — section master killed.
--A painful accident occurred on the Richmond and Danville Railroad yesterday morning, by which one of the section masters, Mr. John Dinon, lost his life. Mr. Dinon had started from South Boston, Halifax county, where he resided, on a hand car, to see that the road was in good order, he being accompanied by two boys. After going about a mile and a half, and before he had time to escape, his vehicle was met by an extra train, which had on board the "Examining Committee," run into, and he so terribly crushed that he died of his injuries in a short time thereafter. The two boys who were with him on the hand-car, escaped injury. Mr. Dinon was one of the oldest and most valuable section masters on the road. He could not have known that an extra train was expected, and the engineer on the extra did not see the hand-car until it was too late to prevent the collision. 

Hustings Court
--This body yesterday disposed of a large amount of civil, and some little criminal business. We note such as are of public importance. 

Jackson Crouch, Allen McGregor and Alfred Wright, indicted for an assault on Justice George E. Sadler, appeared in Court and being arraigned, they entered a general demurrer to the said indictment, and also pleaded not guilty thereto; and the Attorney for the Common wealth joined in the said demurer, and took issue on the said pleas; and there upon the cause was continued until the December term, and the defendants were admitted to bail to answer. 

Albert, slave of Junius Clark, charged with stealing a trunk of shoes worth $60, from Jno. C. Page, on the 4th of November, was led to the bar and plead not guilty. After hearing the evidence, the Court rendered a verdict of "not guilty," and the prisoner was discharged. 

John O'Keefe and Arthur B. O'Keefe, indicted for misdemeanors, and Charles Colgate, charged with felony, will be tried to-day, if absent witnesses can-be found. 

Mayor's Court.
--There were but five criminal causes before the Mayor yesterday morning, and they were very trivial. We make brief mention of them: William Gray, a free negro with Amelia papers, and also with a pass, was ordered twenty-five lashes for being drunk and disorderly in the street --Margaret Lynch, charged with being drunk and trespassing on Dr. Boldeman, was committed in default of bail for her better behavior.--Junius Guilty, arrested for being drunk in the street, was reprimanded and discharged.--Alex. Jackson, a free negro, for using abusive language to Mary Brooks, was sentenced to the lash.--Joseph Mann, for selling liquor without a license, asked an obtained a continuance. 

Drawing to a Close.
--There seems to be no doubt now that Wm. D. Totty, convicted of the murder of Catherine J. Thom, will be executed on Friday next. The prisoner is but a young man, scarcely in the prime of life, and was always regarded as very amiable. He appears to be entirely resigned to his fate, and seems to have no fear of death. As he has many friends and relatives in this city, who will desire to take leave of him, it is his earnest request that they will call to see him on Thursdayafternoon, so that he may be left alone with his spiritual adviser on Friday, till the hour of execution. The request is one that should be accorded by all, and therefore we give it publicity. 

Vocal concert.
--We have been frequently asked if that portion of our citizens who never attend the Theatre are not to have an opportunity this season of hearing the deservedly popular vocalist, Miss Caroline Richings, in some of her favorite songs, but have not been able to answer definitely. When Miss R. was here a year or two since, she gave a concert at Mechanics' InstituteHall, and the house was filled with a fashionable and appreciative audience. If Manager Kunkel can prevail upon her to give a similar entertainment at the same place, before she leaves the city, we have no doubt that she will draw an immense crowd to hear her. 

--There are now confined in the city jail, for various offences — most of them misdemeanors--eighty-one prisoners. Of this number, nineteen are abandoned white females, who have been committed for drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the streets. If the city had any means of employing these unfortunate creatures, their confinement might be advantageous; but to keep them huddled together in idleness, is but to confirm their vicious habits. Of the males, some few are mere lads, who hourly grow worse by their constant contact with older criminals, who seem to take pleasure in corrupting and debasing their young associates. 

Narrow escape.
--About 8 o'clock last Mondaynight, the cries for help of some one floundering in the water near 8th street bridge, attracted the attention of Watchman Davis and partner, both of whom hastened to the scene just in time to save the life of an unfortunate white man, who had overloaded his hat with bricks and pitched headlong into the "raging canal." With no little difficulty, they rescued the inebriate, who must have found a watery grave but for their timely aid. Tipsy men had better give the basin a wide berth in the future. 

Handsome testimonial.
--We were shown yesterday a massive gold ring, manufactured by Mitchell & Tyler, and to be presented to Mr. A. E. Plummer as a testimonial of esteem from a number of members of the Virginia Mechanics' Institute. During the late Mechanics' Fair Mr. Plummer rendered most valuable assistance to the Exhibition Committee in the management of the machinery room, and because of this voluntary aid the testimonial alluded to has been prepared. 

The Union Fair now being held at Mechanics' InstituteHall, is one of the most pleasant places at which to spend an idle hour that we know of. Not only are the tables well supplied with excellent refreshments of every kind, but the ladies have a great variety of useful and ornamental articles that they offer to sell on fair terms. They are trying to raise means to erect a house of worship for Duval street congregation, and deserve to be encouraged. 

Extending the limits.
--Another effort is to be made this winter to extend the corporate limits of the city of Richmond, but what will be the result, it is impossible now to say. The suburbans reap the benefit of the internal improvements for which the city is taxed, and enjoy the use of the streets, etc. Is it not right that they should bear a small proportion of the burdens, while they get the benefit of the general prosperity. 

--The various Courts in the city are adopting the plan of fining absent witnesses and jurors, when good excuses for their absence are not given. If the Courts had the power to fine the absent lawyers, and would compel the trial of causes at certain times, the people at large would be less liable to complain of wasted hours about the halls of justice. Time is money to all men who have any employment. 

Seeking eight.
--Many of the suburbans are asking the introduction of city gas into their private houses and places of business, but the City Council seem opposed to extending light beyond the corporate limits. The suburbans are now enjoying many improvements without paying for the privilege, but the Council now seem opposed to giving them other advantages. 

The Pivot Bridge. which capsized on Monday last, will be repaired and put in working order with as little delay as possible. The accident occurred by attempting to turn the bridge on the pivot with too much weight on one end, before the balance wheel had been placed in position. When completed, it will be a handsome superstructure, and one of great convenience to vessels in the dock. 

Heavy discount.
--A dispatch was received in this city yesterday, from a citizen, now in New York, that all Southern bank notes, those of the banks in Virginia included, were at five and ten per cent. discount in that city.--Such is the beginning of the excitement now overshadowing the country. Where it will end, no one can tell. 

Touch Lightly
--At a late meeting of the City Council it was generally agreed between the members that very few if any more appropriations should be made for street improvements during the present year. The tightness in the money market, the fall of stocks, and the difficulty of negotiating loans, have led our city fathers to their wise determination. 

The Enchantress continues to attract fashionable audiences to the Theatre, where Miss Richings is the ruling star. She is deservedly one of the most popular actresses who has appeared on the boards of the Richmond Theatre for a long time, and is highly appreciated by all play-goers. 

U. S. District Court
--Judge Halyburton's Court was in session for a short time yesterday, when all the causes on the docket were continued until the next term. The Circuit Court will commence its session on the 26th instant. 

The Grand Jury of the Hustings Court will meet to-day, to dispose of the unfinished business before them. 

Judge Meredith's Court was in session yesterday, engaged on the civil docket. 

Richmond Dispatch.
Wednesday morning...Nov. 14 1860
Republicanism in Europe.
The Zurich correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce refers to the little impression made upon the public mind of Europe by Mazzini's answer to the letter of Tumaleio, the new Dictator, In which he was requested voluntarily to leave the country. In that address Mazzini says: 

"I have made the greatest sacrifice which I ever could make, when out of love for freedom and concord I stopped the apostolate of my creed, and declared that I did acknowledge the monarchy, not from respect of ministers and monarchs, but for-the majority of the Italian people, ready to support it, if it would establish the unity of the country; and that, if once I should feel bound to raise against the old colors, I should publicly and candidly make it known to friends and foes, I cannot act otherwise. If lawful men, like you, believe my words, it is your duty to convince my adversaries that the intolerance which they exercise is the only cause of anarchy which at present exists. But if you do not believe a man, who for thirty years has been struggling with all his powers for the nation, who taught his accusers to stammer the word unity, and who never in his life spoke falsely, you may be as you please. If men are ungrateful it is no reason why I should submit to their injustice, and moreover approve of it." 

Nevertheless, Mazzini has left Naples, although he said he would not go, but it must be admitted that the party which he represents remains. The Journal's correspondent gives to that party, under the leadership of Mazzini, all the credit of undermining the absolute monarchy and conspiring for its overthrow. Without referring to more remote facts, he insists that the thorough revolutionising of the Two Sicilies and of the Papal States, the rising of the people in Sicily, in the Neapolitan provinces and in the Roman towns way, the expedition of Garibaldi and its great support with men, arms and money, as essentially and almost exclusively Republican work. Garibaldi himself is a Republican at heart, as he recently affirmed anew when addressing in the city of Naples the officers of the National Guard in these words: 

"Mazzini is a Republican, and I am a Republican, too. I declare this loudly, as I always have pronounced it before the world. But Mazzini, one of the greatest spirits and the greatest hearts of Italy, accepts to-day, what I will: The unity of the country with Victor Emanuel. Mazzini does not stay here for the purpose of throwing obstacles in the way, but for furthering the national work. He shall be respected like all other citizens; I will have it so. He has my word, my protection guards him." 

We infer from the letter of the Journal's correspondent that this radical antipathy between the two factions in the Italian camp, will not be healed over by the armistice which they have concluded "on condition," says the writer, "that the monarchy should earnestly and sincerely promote the liberation and unification of the country. &--It is still remembered that the Sardinian Government, though not daring to oppose Garibaldi's expedition, publicly disavowed the General's acts, and loudly protested that the armaments and expedition were undertaken without their knowledge and against their will; that they endeavored to confine Garibaldi to the island of Sicily, and to deprive him as soon as possible of his power; that they interfered by force with his expedition against Rome; that they stopped enlisting volunteers and collecting arms for him when they feared his power might become too great Count Cavour, according to recent revelations, even went so far as to call Garibaldi a crazy fool, when he started for Sicily. But as soon as Garibaldi's overthrow of the Neapolitan Government was an ascertained fact, the Sardinian Government took upon itself, with charming alacrity, the full responsibility of everything that was done; with singular modesty claimed the province for itself and the constitutional party, and with exquisite coolness denounced the real authors as agitators and disturbers of peace and order. King Victor Emanuel, for instance, says in his proclamation to the people of Southern Italy: 

"In the two Sicilies, the new order of things was instituted in my name; but some acts gave room to the apprehension that this policy, followed under my name, was not well interpreted; all Italy feared, that under protection of renowned popularity, of an antique honesty, a faction might gain strength, which would be able to sacrifice the triumph of nationality to the phantoms of their ambitious fanaticism." 

The cause of Republicanism has suffered a heavy blow in Italy, and does not seem to have many friends in Europe. The reason probably is, that Mazzini Republicanism means agrarianism, socialism, and universal anarchy. 

South Carolina character.
We are surprised to see, in respectable Northern papers, such a licentious paragraph as that on the subject of Charleston "quadroons," now alleged to be in Philadelphia. -- Whatever may be our ideas about the politics of South Carolina, there can be but one opinion of the private character of its people, a character as pure and unsullied as that of any community in ancient or modern times, and as far above even the breath of suspicion, as the moon is above the breath of the dogs that nightly bay out their little hearts at it in impotent spite and envy. The fact that there has not been a single divorce in South Carolina since the foundation of the Government is commentary enough upon the domestic virtues of the South Carolina people. When we remember the facility for divorce in other States, especially some Western communities, and the frequent recourse to It in all our large cities, we may well be excused for supposing that a charge from such sources, implying great moral corruption in the gentlemen of South Carolina, springs simply and alone from the well known propensity of human nature always to attribute to others the peculiar imperfection of its own organization. 

If the history of the world proves any one fact beyond all dispute, it is that where divorces are of rare occurrence, and the marriage tie is rendered permanent as it is sacred, there we find the highest condition of domestic and social excellence, and a general purity and elevation of manners. On the contrary, where there exist great facilities of divorce, as in some of the States of our Union, there has followed, universally, great depravation of character, insubordination, and disobedience of law, a radical demoralization of society, and even physical degeneracy and effeminacy. The annals of Greece, Rome, and modern Europe abound with proofs of these assertions, which no student of history and certainly no observers of human nature will pretend to deny. 

The Independence of Utah.
According to all accounts, Utah is an independent State in substance if not in name and continues coolly and calmly to set at defiance the power of the General Government and the public opinion of the civilized world. The foreign journals are much given to point at this Territory as an instance of the inability of the General Government to reduce to subjection its rebellious provinces. That inability, however, arises in the present instance from the aversion of the American people to assort their authority by the sword, even though the rebels be the polygamous, incestuous and beastly inhabitants of this modern Sodom and Gomorrah. It is true, that to raise an army sufficient for the subjugation even of Utah, cost the Government an enormous amount; but, even when it was raised and had marched to its destination, it was accompanied by Peace Commissioners, who seem to have been very easily satisfied, and not a drop of Mormon blood has yet been shed. At this very moment they are using the most arrogant language towards the General Government, and at the recent Conference Brigham Young, Kimball and Hyde delivered speeches, in which they expressed the hostile feelings of the Mormons towards the American people. And yet, the New York Times and other kindred Republican sheets, urge the Government to draw the sword upon a Southern Christian community, whenever it undertakes to throw off its authority, and treat it with less consideration and humanity than Utah! 

National steam Navies.
England has fifty-two steam line-of-battle ships, nine steam frigates, a hundred and fifty-six steam sloops, and two hundred steam gunboats. France has thirty-three steam line-of-battle ships, twenty-eight steam frigates, a hundred and twenty-nine steam sloops-of-war, two hundred steam gunboats. The United States have only eighteen or twenty vessels available for the new tactics of the sea, and not yet a single steam line-of-battle ship. 

We observe that on a late occasion Lord Palmerston extricated himself with an alacrity wonderful in a man of his years, from the delivery of a speech which he was suddenly called upon to make, and in which, it was hoped, he would disclose his views of public affairs. One of the London correspondents says: 

"Lord Palmerston, following the example of some other political chiefs, has been making himself generously conspicuous at Leeds, where he has presided at a soiree of the Leed's Mechanics' Institute and Literary Society. It is lordship, accompanied by Lady Palmerston and the Hon. W. Cowper, arrived in Leeds towards evening, and a great crowd which met him were very anxious to get a speech out of him; in fact, they called upon him for one, but his lordship, a regular old soldier in these matters, made no sign until he saw his carriage ready to receive him, when, with that happy tact which he possesses, he struck out & 'There was an old saying, a good old saying, that it was good to welcome the coming and speed the parting guest.' Here a lusty cheer responded, and eager faces clustered together, and anxious cars were open for wonderful opinions on foreign policy which was expected to call from his lordship's lips. 'Now,' continued his lordship. 'my Leeds friends have been very kind in their sudden reception of me, and perhaps they will be equally kind to make a lane through which Lady Palmerston and myself can get to our carriage.' A roar of laughter and cheers followed this speech, and the crowd immediately fell back, and his lordship handed his wife to his carriage, and drove off." 

It would seem from this incident that our English cousins are as much given to the vice of speech-making as our own countrymen.--In the United States it has become a perfect nuisance. No assemblage of any kind outside of a private residence can be visited in safety by any man who has the gift of speech. From national statesmen to village pettifoggers, there is one eternal torrent of speech-making upon all possible subjects and occasions, and still the public thirst is unappeased and unappeasable. 

Sound advice
In a late address at a Mechanics' Institute in England, Lord Palmerston said: 

If I were permitted to give to the working and industrial classes a single word of advice. I should say this: "Whatever your calling in life may be, learn fully, deeply and completely everything that bears directly on that calling. [Cheers.] Make yourselves masters of everything that will tend to help you in that particular sphere of industry. But don't confine yourselves to that. Cultivate your minds by acquiring as much knowledge as you can on as many subjects as you can. You will learn but little of each, but that little of each will make an important aggregate in the main, and every new branch of knowledge which you enter in to, every addition made to your general stock of information, will improve the faculties of your minds, just as various exercises improve the powers of the body, and will make you more skillful, more able, more clever in the performance of you particular duties than if you were skilled only in that particular and simple branch." 

Lord Palmerton has attained much of his own excellence by acting upon the advice he gives to others. He is noted for his eagerness to obtain information from practical men in every vocation, of matters pertaining to their trades and employments, and this has proved of no little value in the discharge of his administrative duties. 

Robert B. Bolling, Esq., has retired from that venerable journal, the Petersburg Intelligencer, which he has conducted with decided ability during the brief but exciting political canvass which has just terminated. 

The New York Journal of Commerce, of Mondayafternoon, says: 

The money market continues very much unsettled, and it is difficult to effect negotiations upon any terms. We hope for more case in a few days but confidence appears to be greatly shaken and it will be some time before there will be the same facilities for borrowing money that were enjoyed two or three weeks ago. It would appear that the demand for specie at the South has grown out of the prevalent agitations there, that have induced small capitalists to board the coin. As long as this run continues the banks there must be short, and a suspension of specie payments almost a matter of necessity. None of our readers need suppose that the monied institutions at the couth are doing anything to help on the agitation. The suspension, if resolved on, will not be a political move, but an unavoidable measure of finance, authorized by the Legislatures, because to all appearances inevitable, whether thus sanctioned or not. Our banks here are doing their utmost to restore confidence, and accommodate the public. 

The Ledger of Saturday says: 

Confidence is gradually weakening, and its effects tell sensibly on prices. The exciting reports from the South, published in the sensation papers, alarm the timid, and, if persisted in, may, by centering around some weak saving fund or bank, provoke a run, and by that run endanger all. The whole South is greatly exasperated, and evidently much disposed to take counsel from their feelings and passions. Such being the case, it is the part of prudence that the North shall avoid all the irritating issues, and by forbearance and generosity endeavor to assure our brethren of the South that nothing prejudicial to their rights is contemplated or will be permitted. This done, and the wrongs complained of may be forgotten in memory of the affection that has so long held us in family union. 

The Philadelphia Pennsylvanian says: 

The week closed on a feverish and excited Stock market, and the day's sales were very meagre. The secession movement at the South is becoming exceedingly grave, and influences disastrously every department of business and trade.--The last week has witnessed the shipment of over three millions of specie to the South in consequence of the refusal of the Southern banks to purchase Northern and Liverpool acceptances; and we have too much reason to fear that this is only the beginning. If the cotton growers have made up their minds to sell only for gold, and to hoard temporarily the result of their sales, a very serious drain of specie will be experienced, both here and in England, and commercial disaster must ensue. The same feeling which demands gold will check Northern payments, and the proceeds of the crop will remain in the South, leaving the debt unpaid it was expected to meet. The political agitation in the South has now a financial bearing of unusual significance, and is brought closely home to every man having a note to pay. If the Cotton movement is to be made upon the basis of gold in hand before it leaves the control of the factor and planter, debtors may make up their minds to a tight money market and the losses it will inflict. 

New Orleans,Nov.9th.--The exchange market is almost at a stand. Bills on London are in free supply, but there is no market for them except at very depressed rates. 

Sight bills on the North are selling at 1ΒΌ per cent. discount, while in time bills there is scarcely any disposition to operate. 

The money market is still very unsettled, and all parties are anxious for a speedy let-up of existing troubles. 

Sales in New York,Nov. 12th, of $13,000 Va. 6's at 86Β½; $15,000 do. at 87; $4,000 do. at 87, and $17,000 N. C. 6's at 93. 

Northern Markets--[by Telegraph.]
Baltimore,Nov. 13.--Flour has declined 5 to 10 cents; Wheat 1 to 2; Corn has a downward tendency, and 1 cent lower. Provisions dull. Whiskey dull at 21 cents. 

New York,"11-13.>Nov. 13.--Cotton steady-- Orleans Middling 11Β½ Flour lower — Southern $5,60@ 5.90. Wheat 1@2 cents lower — Southern White$1,50; Western $1,58. Corn lower — Mixed 68 cts. Work heavy --Mess $18,95@19,12; new small lots $19,75. Whiskey dull and unsettled; holders asking 20Β½1@21. Sugars heavy — Muscovado 6@7. Coffee steady. Turpentine and Rosin dull. Rice firm--4 ΒΌ@4 ΒΎ.--There was a panic in Stocks this forenoon, but at the close there was a better feeling — New York Central's 70Β½, Virginia's 85. Missouri's 72Β½. 

Telegraphic News.
[Reported for the Richmond Dispatch.]
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]
fatal accident.
Boston, Halifax County, Va., Nov.12. 
--The extra train on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, beyond here, to-day, caught a hand-car on the track, and killed John Dinon, a section master. No serious damage was done to the train. O. 

Later from Europe.
Arrival of the Canada.
New York, Nov.13. 
--The steamship Canada, from Liverpool on the 3d, has arrived. 

The Daily News publishes the text of Lord John Russell's dispatch to the British Minister at Turin. It says, the great questions which appear to the British Government to be at issue there are, were the people of Italy justified in asking assistance from the King of Sardinia to relieve there from a government with which they were discontented? was the King right in furnishing them assistance — Ford Russell says his government don't feel justified in declaring for the people of Southern Italy, nor are there good reasons for throwing off their allegiance. 

Capes was attacked on the 1st, and capitulated the following day. Naples was illuminated and there were great rejoicing. 

Victor Emanuel had crossed the Gagliano. 

Liverpool.Saturday.--The Cotton market is active and buoyant, with a large speculative inquiry, closing ΒΌ @ Β½ higher than Friday's prices, in consequence of the letters received by the steamer Vanderbilt the market is excited.-- firm and unchanged Provisions quiet. Bullion in the Bank largely decreased. Money unchanged. Sales of Cotton, Saturday, variously estimated at from 25,000 to 49,000 bales. 

Reported Seizure of Fort Moultrie.
New York, Nov.13
--A special dispatch from Charleston to the Philadelphia Inquirer to the effect that the Charleston Light Infantry had taken possession of Fort Moultrie, had a perceptible effect at the Evening Stock Board here, as well as in Philadelphia. It was ascertained, however, that the report was probably based on the fact that the Light Infantry had been detailed to guard the Federal Armory at Charleston, in the absence of U. S. troops. 

Hon. Mr. Keitt on secession.
Columbia, S. C., Nov.13. 
--Hon. Mr. Keitt was serenaded last night at midnight. He made an exciting speech, and urged prompt action. He said President Buchanan was pledged to secession and would be held to it.-- S. Carolina should scatter the accursed Union. If it could not be otherwise accomplished, she should throw her arms around the pillars of the Constitution and involve all the States in the common ruin. 

Lake Disasters.
Cleveland, Nov.12
--The schooner J. H. Drake, owned in Chicago, ran into the pier last night, and carried the light-house completely away and sunk across the channel, completely blocking the harbor up. 

The propeller Cushman, in endeavoring to enter the harbor ran into the schooner Industry, which was laying at the West pier, cutting her in two. The propeller was slightly injured. 

A Declaration of Independence.
Washington, Nov.13. 
--The Constitution publishes one of the forms of a declaration of independence to be submitted to the South Carolina Legislature. It embodies a portion of the National Declaration of Independence, with the list of grievances altered to suit the condition of affairs. It was yesterday laid before the President. 

The secession question in the West.
Henderson, Ky, Nov.12. 
--A large and enthusiastic Union meeting, irrespective of party, was held here to-day. Ex-Gov. Dixon presided. Strong Union speeches were made by Douglas, Bell, and Breckinridge men. The resolutions which were adopted strongly deprecate secession. 

A meeting of the people of the entire county was called for Saturday next. 

The election in Missouri.St. Louis,Nov. 13.
St. Louis, Nov.13. 
--The result in Missouri is still doubtful, and will not be known positively for several days. In fifty-four counties Bell has nearly 35,000, and Douglas Learly 30,000. 

Adjournment of the South Carolina Legislature.Columbia, S. U, Nov. 13.
Columbia, S. U, Nov.13. 
--The South Carolina Legislature adjourned this morning.--Nothing of interest transpired during its last sitting. The members are en route home. 

Proclamation from the Governor of Mississippi.
Jackson, Miss., Nov. 13.
--Gov. Pettus has issued a proclamation convening the Legislature on the 26th. 

Discount on Georgia and South Carolina money.
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 13.
--Georgia and SouthCarolina bank notes will not pass here for less than 5 per cent, discount. 

Suspected slaver.
New York Nov. 13
--The schr. W. L. Cogwell has been seized here on suspicion of being a slaver. 

Auction Sales
this day.
By Goddin & Apperson, Auct's.
Auction Sale of Eighteen valuable Slaves, at Ashland, Hanover county, Va.--At the request of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad Company, we shall sell at public auction, at Ashland, Hanover county, on the said Railroad, 16 miles north of Richmond, 18 valuable Slaves, conveyed to said Company by Mr. Edwin Robinson. These Slaves are in families and are not only likely, but are excellent character. They are all young, embracing Cooks House Servant, Washers, &c. Farmers and other persons disposed to purchase Servants for their own use, would do well to attend the sale; and to accommodate such, and to enable the Servants, as far as practicable, to obtain owners this State, they will be sold on a credit of 4 months, for approved, endorsed negotiable paper, interest added. The sale will take place at Ashland, on Wednesday, the 14thNovember, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M. Persons leaving Richmond in the morning care can attend the sale, and return the same day by 2Β½ o'clock P. M.

Richmond Dispatch
Wednesday morning...Nov. 14 1860
The Prince in the United States.
The last number of the London Punch contains the following verses: 

the next Dance. 
Yes, dance with him, lady, and bright as they are, 
Believe us he's worthy those sunshine smiles, 
Wave o'er him the flag of the stripe and the star, 
And gladden the heart of the Queen of the Isles. 
We thank you for all that has welcomed him — most 
For the sign of true love that you bear the Old Land; 
Proud Heiress of all that his ancestor lost, 
You restore it in giving that warm, loving hand. 
And we'll claim, too. the omen. Fate's looking askance. 
And fate only knows the next tune she will play. But if John and his Cousin Join hands for the dance. 
Bad luck to the parties who get in their way. 

The Prince of Wales in New York.
The correspondent of the London Times was famously pleased with the reception of the Prince of ales in New York. We extract a few paragraphs from his account, received by our last English mails: 

There was no pomp or pageantry attempted of any kind, no grand liveries or gilded coaches. There was a military procession, but that was only an item in the great feature of the day, which was the welcome of the people. It was such a welcome as only a whole people and a free people could ever give, and in the details of its enthusiasm and its good order there was much, strange as it may seem, that made such a reception possible only in New York. In Paris it would have been a governmental affair of soldiers and gendarmes; in London it would have been a mob with an immense police force to control it. Here it was simply the people turning out in hundreds of thousands. A huge sea of decorous, but most enthusiastic spectators, who even at the spots where they were densest were yet so quiet, so impressive in their majesty of good order, that at no one place did they seem to have a single element in common with what we call a mob. 

It seemed more a gigantic meeting of the citizens of New York, convened for some great and solemn rejoicing along the whole length of the city, than the mere chance mustering of its busy, restless, and excitable population. It was such a grand display of popular enthusiasm, there was such a dignity in the calm reliance felt by every one in the preservation of order, such a perfect warmth and geniality of kindness evinced from highest to lowest towards the young visitor, as made the whole demonstration, perhaps, one of the most remarkable of its kind that has ever taken place. Quiet and demure as are the English people, there are yet few Englishmen who can realize the fact of the whole inhabitants of an immense city turning out to witness a spectacle and give a cordial welcome, intrusted at the same time with the duty of keeping order among themselves. Yet this was actually the case at New York; and along three miles of road, thronged with half a million or more of spectators there were not fifty policemen, and even these were only stationed at intersecting streets to stop carts and vehicles from entering the line of the route. Yet description does not easily convey the idea of such a multitude — the strict, the rigid good order and good humor that prevailed. This, too, was not for an hour, or only while the Prince was passing. It was the unvarying demeanor of the whole concourse from ten in the day till past six at night. 

The public of New York had been so schooled and abused by all their journals as to the necessity for a quiet, yet kindly welcome, that one would almost have thought, from the tone of the articles, that the populace of this great city were a mere horde of untutored miscreants, people to whom it was necessary to point out the most ordinary rules of civilized intercourse. In fact, throughout the whole course of this tour, with few exceptions, the New York journals have never ceased to heap dirt upon the manners and customs of their own countrymen. A little crowding at the country towns, the mere harmless curiosity of villagers, en route, has been transformed in the columns of certain newspapers into studied outrages, and visited, in the columns of the New York Herald particularly, with such a downpour of maudlin "Billingsgate," as if any sensible American ever minded how that journal raved, must have made the poor country people regret the hour they ever saw his Royal Highness at all. 

A long, deep, tremendous, sustained cheer greeted the Prince, whose appearance astonished every one. Slight and almost boyish in his appearance in morning dress, in uniform and on horseback he looks a young nobleman, of whom, apart from his exalted position, any Englishman might be proud to see acknowledged as a representative of his nation. He sits a horse as only young Englishmen can, and receives his homage of welcome with the easy grace of one to the manor born. Certainly, as he cantered down to the Battery, his horse rearing and prancing with timidity at the tumult of cheers around, he looked even worthy of the great welcome that awaited him, and more than this it would be difficult to say.--In the Battery were drawn up in successive lines five brigades of the New York militia--mustering in all some 6,000 or 7,000 men.--Taken as a type of the volunteers of this country, they certainly were splendid specimens. In the 3d brigade were the 7th regiment, the pride and admiration of New York. They are undoubtedly, a most perfect body of soldiers, equal in all the minute technicalities of discipline to our very best line regiments. 

I must own, however, I cannot share in the feeling here which awards all praise to the 7th, and I cannot pay the militia of New York a higher compliment than to say that, to my unprejudiced eye, there were several other regiments there almost, if not quite, as good as the famous 7th. The 4th Brigade, to use Lord John Russell's simile, was "conspicuous for the absence of the 69th Regiment. Colonel Corcoran and his officers and men refused to turn out to welcome the Prince. The inspection of the militia merely consisted of riding slowly along the front of each corps. Every regiment drooped colors and presented arms as the Prince approached them surveying with open admiration the handsome uniforms, the erect, steady, military aspect of every company, regiment, and brigade on the ground. As a volunteer militia, they certainly formed a body of men of whom any nation might feel proud. 


This page last updated August 1, 2008.