Timothy E. Fisher Main Page

Genealogy and Historical Information for

Athens, Fairfield, Hocking, and Vinton Counties
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I've heard it said that

"If you go back far enough, you'll find everyone in Perry County, Ohio is related to everyone else."

Perry (and Fairfield) County Information


History of Perry County by Clement L. Martzolff

On-Line Book

The Book of Perry County
An Historic Industrial Portfolio, published 1909


1819 Tax Record

Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio
On-Line Book
Perry Section Complete

Roster of Ohio Soldiers 1861-1866
On-Line Book
30th Regiment, O.V.I.
Co. D Complete

Cemetery Inscriptions
Adcock-Cochran-Mt. Hope
Jackson Twp.

First United Methodist Church, New Lexington

St Paul's Church, Glenford


Athens, Fairfield, Hocking and Vinton County Information



1883 History of
Hocking Valley

On-Line Book
Pages added on request

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Copyright ©1999-2009 by Timothy E. Fisher; all rights reserved.

This information may be used by individuals, libraries and genealogical societies, for their own personal use , however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information.

I am no longer updating this site. Much of this data and additional information is now available

You are my [an error occurred while processing this directive] visitor since 4/11/1999 -- Enjoy the site !

Updated 11/11/2009