History of Perry County, Ohio, by Clement L. Martzolff, Water Shed

Geological Divisions.

     The great line extending throughout the State
fro north to south and dividing the Carboniferous
from the Sub-carboniferous regions, passes in an
irregular path through a portion of our county.  It 
strikes our county near the Hopewell-Thorn boundary
and its course is approximately south till it reaches 
the northwest corner of Jackson.  Here it sweeps
north, east and then  sought.  Junction City is its east-
ern extremity.  It then continues in a southwesterly
direction leaving the county at the southwest corner
of Section 18 in Jackson township.  East of this line 
are found the coal measures.  None are found west
of it.
     Our strata rise to the northwest at the rate of
about thirty feet to the mile.  It follows then that
rock lying three hundred feet beneath the surface at 
a given elevation in the southeast of the county,
would appear on the surface, at the same elevation,
ten miles northwest.  For example, McCuneville and
Maxville have approximately the same altitude.  At 
McCuneville the Sub-caroniferous or Maxville lime-


stone, is one hundred and ten feet beneath the creek
bed.  At Maxville the line appears in the bed of the creek.
The Sub-carboniferous line as its name implies
underlies all our coal measure.  When the Maxville 
makes it appearance on the tops of the hills, it 
is useless to look for coal there.  So, the line we have
described, theoretically marks the out-crop of the Sub-
carboniferous line on the tops of our hills.  (See


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