History of Perry County, Ohio, by Clement L. Martzolff, Published 1902


     Buckeye Lake and three rivers receive the waters
of Perry County. These rivers are the Scioto, the
Muskingum and the Hocking. Walnut Creek, a tribu-
tary of the Scioto has one of its sources in the western
part of Thorn township. The Big Swamp originally
discharged its waters into the Licking river, and is


therefore a part of the Muskingum basin. The prin-
cipal stream emptying into Buckeye Lake is Honey
Creek. All four of the drainage systems, as far as
Perry county is concerned, have their sources in Thorn
township. Walnut Creek flows toward the west,
Honey Creek to the north. Jonathan or the Moxahala
to the east and Rushcreek to the south. Hopewell
township is drained by Jonathan and Rushcreek. Mad-
ison is drained by Jonathan. The principal tributaries
of north Jonathan Creek are Turkey Run and Buckeye
Creek in Clayton. The reminder of that township fur-
nishes the sources of small streams that flow into the
east branch of Rushcreek or the south fork of Jona-
than. The northeastern part of Reading is drained by
Hood's Run into the Moxahala. The western part is 
traversed by tributaries of Rushcreek, while the east 
branch of Rushcreek gets the southern part. Harrison
township is mostly in the basin of the south fork of the 
Jonathan, as is Bearfield with the exception of the 
south side where Sundaycreek has its origin. A branch
of Wolfe Creek, in Morgan county also rises in the 
southeast of Bearfield. The east branch of Rushcreek 
and the south fork of the Moxahala get ht waters
of Pike. Jackson has many feeders for east Rush-
creek. Little Mondaycreek has its beginning in this
township at the Gordon Cross Roads, where the Lex-
ington and Logan road crossed the old Monongahela
Indian trail. Mondaycreek is aptly named. Both
streams of that name receive her entire drainage.
Big Mondaycreek and the west branch of Sunday-
creek get Saltlicks's rainfall. Big Mondaycreek has 
also a tributary in Coal. Indian Creek rises in the
eastern part of that township and flows into Sunday-
creek over in Athens county. Pleasant throws her


waters into the south fork of the Moxahala and to
Sundaycreek. Monroe is entirely drained by the last
name stream.


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