The Stidham* Family Tree
Stidham Family Tree


Descendants of Dr. Timen Stiddem, the first Stidham* in America, who immigrated from Sweden in the 17th century to New Sweden (Wilmington), Delaware.

(Last modified on December 18, 2022)

Includes 101,049 individuals (17,950 with the Stidham* surname) and 38,029 families.

Stidham* followed by an asterisk refers to all spelling variations of the surname when speaking of Stidhams in general. In order of frequency, the various spellings of the Stidham* surname in The Stidham* Family Tree are:

Stidham, Steadham, Stedham, Stidam, Steadman, Steddom, Stidom, Steedman, Steddum, Stidum, Stidams, Steadmom, Stidman, Stedam, Stiddom, Stidhams, Stittums, Stidem, Stidhum, Stidhem, Stitten, Stidoms, Stiddum, Stedams, Steadam, Stidden, Steadhom, Stiddam, Steadhom, Stedem, Stadham, Stiddem, Stittens, Statham, Statum, Stiddam, Stiddams.

The spelling Stidham is by far the most common form of the surname used today by the descendants of Timen Stiddem.

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Name Index

The Family of Timen Stiddem, the first Stidham* in America

The Lulof Line (b. c1654)

The Lucas Line (b. c1656)

The Erasmus (Asmund) Line (b. c1658)

The Adam Line (b. c1660)

The Benedictus (Benjamin) Line (b. c1662)

The Ingeborg Line (b. c1664)

The Maria Line (b. c1668)

The Magdalena Line (b. c1671)

Descendants of the Scottish Immigrant, John Steedman (with surnames Stidham, Stedham, and Steadham)

Unplaced Stidhams*

Allied Families and Other Links

Stidhams* in the Civil War

Honor Roll of Stidhams* Who Served in World War II

Honor Roll of Stidhams* Who Served in Vietnam

Stidhams* Place Names Database

Genealogy Links

Search 39.0 million cemetery records at by entering a surname below and clicking "Search." Then click on "Refine Last Search" in upper left to search for a given name.


Contributions of your Stidham* family data is welcomed and encouraged. You do not need to be a member of the Timen Stiddem Society to contribute. The ideal submission would be in the form of a GEDCOM file included as an attachment to an email message sent to Ules "Butch" Stidam, Jr. (, the Stidham* database Webmaster and Genealogy manager. If you are unable to send your data in GEDCOM format, it can be Emailed to Butch as a text file

Ules "Butch" Stidam, Jr.

A printed history of the Stidham* family is contained in:

The Descendants of Dr. Timothy Stidham
Vol. 1 (revised 2007), Vol. 2 (2005), and Vol. 3 (2013)

Click on the above title for a description of the books,
and instructions on obtaining copies.

Do You Want to Download the Stidham* Family Tree Data?

You are more than welcome to download any or all of this data. Just go to WorldConnect Project where you will find the complete Stidham* Family Tree database. Go to the target person (the person whose ancestors or descendants you need), and you will find instructions for downloading the GEDCOM.

For more information or to contribute to the Stidham* Family Tree,
Email: Ules "Butch" Stidam, Jr. (

Below is a diagram, which was part of the 1757 Deed of Timothy Stedham (grandson of Timen Stiddem) to Thomas Shipley. Note the absence of Timen's fourth daughter, Ingebor, who only recieved "one steer and a cow" as part of her allotment in her father's will, so was not included in the diagram with her siblings, who held partial interest in their father's land.

Timen Stiddem's will

Timen Stiddem Society

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