

We're planting our family tree on the Internet

We have started an Internet mailing list to communicate with other Stices and people with an interest in the Stice surname. There are two versions available, list and digest. When you subscribe to the list, every time any one of us posts a message to the list you automatically get a copy mailed to you. Right now the traffic is light because we're just getting rolling and have about 50 subscribers. When you subscribe to the digest, you get a single email every one to three days that contains all the messages posted during that time.

To subscribe to List mode, click here and type the word subscribe as the only word of the message. Leave the subject line blank and don't type anything in the message except the word subscribe.

To subscribe to Digest mode, click here and type the word subscribe as the only word of the message. Leave the subject line blank and don't type anything in the message except the word subscribe.

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