Stories & Research
Stories & Research
This page will contain a short description
of the information contained in each file. It may be a story, or it may be raw data. An
item may have a link to another page, or it may ask you to request a larger image file
that I will e-mail to you for the complete information...
I have made contact with the last
remaining descendant of our John Gilchrist's younger brother Alexander. Her name is Gladys
Hewitt, and she lives in Orillia, Ontario; very near where William and Sarah settled in
1835. Alexander was the one who stayed in Oro township and took over the family farm from
their father, William Gilchrist
Click to read the letter from Gladys Hewitt...
I have established a Gilchrist surname
"Clearinghouse" database. This contains information on other family lines. If
you are exploring a different branch of the family tree, try this page and find others
looking for, and offering information on their lineage.
Click for the "Clearinghouse"...
I have bitmap (.bmp) images of some
very interesting documents. Some of them are as large as 1.3 Mb, so I will offer these on
a "request" only basis. Here is a list of SOME of the things I have...
From the National Archive's records
for John Gilchrist, pay stubs, various copies of pension files. Initial application,
requests for increases over the years, etc. There are some interesting hand written notes
and stories and these forms.
Document from the State of Wisconsin
listing John Gilchrist as a member of the Wisconsin Infantry.
Copy of newspaper from 1891 that
details the re-opening ceremony of the church John Gilchrist attended.
Copies of Birth Certificates,
Marriage Certificates, Death Certificates, etc.
This page contains links to other
websites that have either genealogical research tips, information on Scotland, also North
American locations from Canada through the United States, and links to sites that other
Gilchrists have put on the internet - maybe one of your lost relatives?
Click for links to other great websites...
THE TIMELINE...this is a rough-draft
timeline that is chaging faster than I can update the pages here. This timeline simply
contains known, proven facts from the past. Every event on this timeline has been
Click to look at the TIMELINE...
An interesting excerpt from the book,
"Kith 'n Kin", a story about the settlers of Oro township, Ontartio. This gives
information on how land was distributed to the emigrants at that time.
Click here to read about land distribution to emigrants...
This is part of a letter from Mrs.
Kathryn Carlton French, written in April of 1982. She had done some research early in the
1960's, and you will find her in our family tree. This is a brief summation of her
research regarding William and Sarah Gilchrist.
Click here to read Kathryn's research...
A compilation of information on why so
many left Scotland. Written by Iain Kerr of the Compuserve Genealogy Forum.
Click to read about the "Clearances"...
A nice piece from Bernard Gilchrist of
Edinburgh, Scotland. Details some of the thoughts on the MacLachlan connection, and how
Gilchrist became tied in with that clan.
Click to read Bernard's research and text...
Another bit of research on the surname
and history of the lineage, done by James Gilchrist of Atlanta. Originally written in 1964
and submitted by his nephew, David.
Click here for James' research and text...
Here is a rough timeline of noteworthy
events in Scottish history.
Click here for Scottish history timeline...
Read about the origins of our surname.
Written by Stephen Sidney Gilchrist, of Toronto. There are also stories about his family
history, and a page with information of other Gilchrist lines.
Click to read about our surname...
Find out how families named their
children in Scotland. See how a naming system was developed to pass ancestor's names to
the future generations.
Click here for naming sequences...
Civil war files and information on John
Gilchrist, son of William Gilchrist. This file contains medical reports, pension files,
paystubs, and general information.
Click for Civil War stories...
South Dakota was home to John after the
Civil War ended. This contains information about the family affiliation with the
Presbyterian Church in Madison, South Dakota.
Click for South Dakota...
George Edward Gilchrist attended Pierre
University in Pierre, South Dakota before attending Princeton Theological Seminary in New
Jersey. This file contains information on those schools, and George's education.
to go to school...
Boot Lake Minnesota was the home of
George and Helen Gilchrist from around 1910. There are letters from local residents who
were still alive in 1997.
Click for Boot Lake...
the Map Index Page...
the Photo Album Index Page...