Index of Islay, Scotland Placenames
Bob McQueen
Version 4, August 29, 2021
This list contains the names of about 460 farms and settlements on Islay, Scotland, including names used from 1750 to the present. It does not contain the names of rivers, lakes or other physical features. The intent is to assist in tracking of genealogical research for ancestors that emigrated from Islay in the 1800s, when the name of farm or settlement was commonly used on tenant records, and birth, christening and marriage records. However, a variety of spellings were often used for the same location, so this list contains as many of the versions of the names used as possible, referenced to the names that appear on modern maps. A 2001 version of this document has been loaded on Rootsweb and annotated with some photographs.
1. NR references are to the British Ordnance Survey (OS) Landranger (sheet 60 Islay) and Pathfinder (sheets 397, 398, 410, 411, 424, 425, 439) series of maps. NR refers to the major grid square ID, the first three digits represent the vertical grid line reference number, and the second three digits represent the horizontal grid line reference number. Each units digit in the three digit grid reference represents 1/10 km, so the distance between references can be roughly calculated by subtracting without having a map. Maps can be ordered from - and the cost is about five pounds each - credit cards accepted. You need only one Landranger map (1:50000) or all seven of the Pathfinder series (1:25000) to cover the whole of Islay.
2. The OS coordinates have been converted to decimal GPS coordinates at The GPS combined string may be copied and pasted into the Google Maps search box, and this should return a map close to the original black square of the farmhouse originally recorded with the OS coordinates.
3. The Links column is a direct link to the Google Islay map view with a pin indicating the location. You can switch to satellite view which might give a better idea of the surroundings, although the satellite images of Islay at present seem to be of low resolution. Ctrl+click on this link should launch a Google maps tab in your browser.
4. The name spelling that is taken as “standard” is the spelling that appears on the OS maps. Other spellings from the map of early farms and tenant lists are given with a reference to the standard spelling entry, which has the grid reference.
5. Versions of the names of the farms have been taken from the map by surveyor Stephen McDougall (data from 1749-51, printed 1848) which indicated main house locations. This map was subsequently redrawn (with clearer names but without house locations) and an electronic version is available named “bigislay.jpg”, which is reproduced on the following page. The indications of the building locations on the early map have been correlated with the locations given on the modern maps for present day farm buildings and in some cases old stone walls, and these have been used to derive the OS grid references. These names are indicated in the list with a “m” in column 6.
6. In many cases, the variations of the name can be easily worked out as phonetic equivalents. However, in a few cases, similar looking names represent quite separate locations (Kilkolumkill and Killcolumkill).
7. The parish in which the name is located is given in the second column, mainly derived from the parish farm lists. Boundaries between parishes are determined from these lists. Parish names are helpful to determine marriages and baptisms from the old parish records.
8. The letter in the sixth column indicates the source of the placename spelling - m is from the McDougall map published in 1848 but surveyed in 1749-51, bb is from the 1828 blackbook tenant list transcription by Toni Sinclair, and (where different from other sources) p is from the parish farm lists possibly corresponding to the McDougall survey of 1749-51. No entry in this column indicates a placename taken from the Landranger and Pathfinder maps. Unresolved locations, mainly from the blackbook entries, are indicated with a “?”.
9. There are undoubtedly errors in the co-ordinates, both in the OS coordinates estimated from that map, and in the manual conversion of the OS coordinates to GPS coordinates.
10. Corrections and additions most welcome! Please contact the author by email.
Version 4, August 29, 2021
Farm Name |
Parish |
OS coordinates |
GPS coordinates |
Link to Google maps |
Notes |
Airigh Ghuaidre |
Kilmeny |
NR398628 |
55.788251,-6.152148 |
Airighnambeist |
Kildalton |
NR418474 |
55.651310,-6.105808 |
Alabus |
Killarow |
see Eallabus |
m |
Alelay |
Killarow |
NR423567 |
55.734922,-6.106626 |
m |
Almond |
Kilchoman |
NR220550 |
55.708476,-6.427226 |
m |
Ancladach |
Kilmeny |
NR440623 |
55.786012,-6.084875 |
Aoradh |
Kilchoman |
NR276672 |
55.820955,-6.350543 |
Archalloch |
Kilchoman |
NR185555 |
55.710936,-6.483268 |
m |
Ardbeg |
Kildalton |
NR416464 |
55.642241,-6.108038 |
m |
Ardeenesell |
Kildalton |
see Laphroiag |
m |
Ardelister |
Kildalton |
see Ardilistry |
bb |
Ardelistor |
Kildalton |
see Ardilistry |
m |
Ardilistry |
Kildalton |
NR442490 |
55.666919,-6.069257 |
Ardimersay |
Kildalton |
NR435466 |
55.645040,-6.078116 |
m |
Ardinisdale |
Kildalton |
see Laphroaig |
m |
Ardlarach |
Killarow |
NR294586 |
55.744915,-6.313361 |
Ardlorauch |
Killarow |
See Ardlarach |
m |
Ardmenoch |
Kildalton |
NR469508 |
55.684466,-6.028102 |
m |
Ardmore |
Kildalton |
NR466505 |
55.681621,-6.032584 |
m |
Ardnahoe |
Kilmeny |
NR424718 |
55.870299,-6.119325 |
Ardnave |
Kilchoman |
NR282731 |
55.874151,-6.346902 |
Ardneave |
Kilchoman |
see Ardnave |
m |
Ardnohow |
Kilmeny |
see Ardnahoe |
m |
Ardochy |
Kilmeny |
NR404636 |
55.795743,-6.143368 |
m |
Ardruah |
see ? |
bb |
Ardtallah |
Kildalton |
NR466545 |
55.717472,-6.036283 |
Arduahow |
see ? |
bb |
Areguirie |
Kilmeny |
see Airigh Ghuaidre |
Arinobiast |
Kildalton |
see Airighnambeist |
Ariquary |
Kilmeny |
see Airigh Ghuaidre |
m |
Arivoichallum |
Kildalton |
NR348500 |
55.670840,-6.219254 |
Artala |
Kildalton |
see Ardtallah |
m |
Arvolcalum |
Kildalton |
see Arivoichallum |
m |
Aryghuary |
Kilmeny |
see Airigh Ghuaidre |
Aryghuary |
Kilmeny |
see Airigh Ghuaidre |
bb |
Aryveg (?) |
see ? |
bb |
Assibus |
Kildalton |
see Risabus |
m |
Auchnacarnan |
see ? |
bb |
Auchnaclach |
Kilmeny |
NR398677 |
55.832162,-6.156833 |
bb |
Avinlussa |
Killarow |
NR351582 |
55.744481,-6.222428 |
m |
Avinogy |
Killarow |
see Avinvogie |
m |
Avinvogie |
Killarow |
NR360564 |
55.728843,-6.206393 |
Bailetharbhach |
Kilmeny |
NR363674 |
55.827575,-6.212267 |
Baleachdrach |
Kilmeny |
NR424652 |
55.811152,-6.113065 |
Balierauch |
Kilmeny |
see Baleachdrach |
m |
Ballachlaven |
Kilmeny |
NR372675 |
55.828962,-6.198036 |
Ballighillan |
Kilmeny |
NR408697 |
55.850623,-6.142820 |
Ballighillin |
Kilmeny |
see Ballighillan |
m |
Balligrant |
Kilmeny |
see Ballygrant |
bb |
Balliharry |
see ? |
bb |
Ballimartin |
Kilmeny |
see Ballymartin |
bb |
Ballimony |
Kilchoman |
NR196550 |
55.707094,-6.465303 |
Ballinaby |
Kilchoman |
NR221670 |
55.816031,-6.437856 |
Ballitarsin |
Killarow |
NR355612 |
55.771582,-6.218980 |
Ballivicar |
Kildalton |
NR343468 |
55.641892,-6.224087 |
Balloal |
Kilmeny |
see Balole |
m |
Ballychatrigan |
Kildalton |
NR323420 |
55.597785,-6.251108 |
bb |
Ballychlavan |
Kilmeny |
see Ballachlaven |
bb |
Ballyclach |
Kildalton |
NR411642 |
55.801495,-6.132802 |
m |
Ballyclavan |
Kilmeny |
see Ballachlaven |
m |
Ballygillan |
Kilmeny |
see Ballighillan |
m |
Ballygrant |
Kilmeny |
NR396662 |
55.818612,-6.158581 |
Ballyharvey |
Kilmeny |
see Bailetharbhach |
m |
Ballyhatricun |
Kildalton |
see Ballychatrigan |
m |
Ballymartin |
Kilmeny |
NR370662 |
55.817204,-6.199963 |
Ballymeanach |
Kilchoman |
NR200583 |
55.736886,-6.462334 |
Ballymony |
Kilchoman |
see Ballimony |
m |
Ballynaby |
Kilchoman |
see Ballinaby |
m |
Ballynaghtonbeg |
Kildalton |
NR390471 |
55.647126,-6.149901 |
m |
Ballynaghtonmore |
Kildalton |
NR391462 |
55.639114,-6.147462 |
m |
Ballynaughtonmore |
Kildalton |
see Ballynaghtonmore |
bb |
Ballyneal |
Kildalton |
see Port Ellen |
m |
Ballytarson |
Killarow |
see Ballitarsin |
m |
Ballyvickar |
Kildalton |
see Ballivicar |
bb |
Ballyvikar |
Kildalton |
see Ballivicar |
m |
Balole |
Kilmeny |
NR355662 |
55.816385,-6.223835 |
Baluive |
Kilmeny |
see Balulive |
m |
Balulive |
Kilmeny |
NR406670 |
55.826319,-6.143427 |
bb |
Barr |
Killarow |
NR391608 |
55.769952,-6.161367 |
m |
Blackpark |
Killarow |
NR296637 |
55.790720,-6.315238 |
Blackrock |
Killarow |
NR316630 |
55.785563,-6.282743 |
bb |
Bluehouses |
Killarow |
NR328630 |
55.786227,-6.263662 |
Bolsa |
Kilmeny |
NR386775 |
55.919331,-6.185393 |
m |
Bolsay |
Kilchoman |
NR227571 |
55.727689,-6.418247 |
Bowmore |
Killarow |
NR310600 |
55.758350,-6.289325 |
bb |
Brahunisary |
Kildalton |
NR377465 |
55.641049,-6.169929 |
Braibruich |
Kilchoman |
NR258598 |
55.753641,-6.371742 |
Braigo |
Kilchoman |
NR235693 |
55.837438,-6.417921 |
Breakachey |
Kilchoman |
NR273722 |
55.865580,-6.360338 |
m |
Bridge House |
Killarow |
NR310569 |
55.730574,-6.286274 |
Bridgend |
Killarow |
NR335619 |
55.776757,-6.251456 |
Bruichladdich |
Kilchoman |
NR265611 |
55.765684,-6.361924 |
Bunanuillt |
Killarow |
NR298694 |
55.841901,-6.317719 |
Buninuisk |
see ? |
bb |
Bunnahabhain |
Kilmeny |
NR420732 |
55.882631,-6.127034 |
Cairn |
Kilchoman |
see Carn |
bb |
Callumkill |
Kildalton |
NR406464 |
55.641709,-6.123884 |
Caol Ila |
Kilmeny |
NR429699 |
55.853539,-6.109555 |
Carabus |
Killarow |
see Carrabus |
m |
Carn |
Kilchoman |
NR244572 |
55.729554,-6.391360 |
m |
Carnain |
Killarow |
NR319628 |
55.783937,-6.277776 |
Carnaun |
see ? |
bb |
Carnbeg |
Kilmeny |
NR417678 |
55.834078,-6.126675 |
m |
Carndonachy |
Kilchoman |
see ? (near Gruinart) |
bb |
Carnduncan |
Kilchoman |
NR244672 |
55.819140,-6.401464 |
Carrabus |
Killarow |
NR315639 |
55.793571,-6.285220 |
Carrabus West |
Killarow |
NR308638 |
55.792286,-6.296254 |
Cattadale |
Killarow |
NR386601 |
55.763409,-6.168645 |
bb |
Cattadill |
Killarow |
see Cattadale |
m |
Charity Hill |
see ? |
bb |
Cillbhraenan |
Killarow |
NR375624 |
55.783424,-6.188342 |
Claddach |
Kilchoman |
NR164532 |
55.689111,-6.514206 |
Cladville |
Kilchoman |
NR179541 |
55.698047,-6.491346 |
Claggain |
Kildalton |
NR460533 |
55.706403,-6.044696 |
Claggan |
Killarow |
NR345618 |
55.776411,-6.235460 |
Clagin |
Kildalton |
see Claggain |
m |
Claiginercrach |
see ? |
bb |
Cluanach |
Killarow |
NR369597 |
55.758904,-6.195279 |
Coillabus |
Kildalton |
NR318437 |
55.612742,-6.260674 |
Coille |
Kilchoman |
NR243684 |
55.829833,-6.404272 |
Coinigarry |
Killarow |
see Kynagarry |
m |
Collumkill |
Kildalton |
see Callumkill |
Conisby |
Kilchoman |
NR262618 |
55.771786,-6.367394 |
m |
Conispy |
Kilchoman |
see Conisby |
Coole |
Kilchoman |
see Coull |
m |
Corary |
Killarow |
see Corrary |
m |
Corgborton |
Killarow |
see Killinallan |
Cornabus |
Kildalton |
NR333465 |
55.638656,-6.239640 |
bb |
Corraghoirtein |
Killarow |
NR314696 |
55.844586,-6.292440 |
Corrary |
Killarow |
NR312572 |
55.733373,-6.283393 |
Corraryhill |
Killarow |
NR310572 |
55.733262,-6.286569 |
Corsapoll |
Kilchoman |
see Craigens |
m |
Corsapool |
Kilchoman |
see Craigens |
m |
Coslybus |
Kildalton |
see Coillabus |
p |
Coulabus |
Kilchoman |
see Coullabus |
bb |
Coulererach |
Kilchoman |
NR208652 |
55.799157,-6.456692 |
Coull |
Kilchoman |
NR200646 |
55.793320,-6.468797 |
Coullabus |
Kilchoman |
NR300658 |
55.809759,-6.310959 |
Coulstoon |
Kilchoman |
see Coultoon |
Coultoon |
Kilchoman |
NR200572 |
55.727033,-6.461208 |
Coultorsay |
Kilchoman |
NR259605 |
55.759969,-6.370856 |
Courlasch |
Killarow |
see Curlach |
bb |
Cove |
Kilmeny |
NR428789 |
55.934140,-6.119700 |
m |
Cragabus |
Kildalton |
NR326450 |
55.624831,-6.249271 |
m |
Craigeen |
Kildalton |
see Craigfin |
Craigens |
Kilchoman |
NR298672 |
55.822190,-6.315532 |
Craigfad |
Kilchoman |
NR235558 |
55.716500,-6.404234 |
m |
Craigfin |
Kildalton |
NR453528 |
55.701555,-6.055343 |
m |
Creganipenin |
see ? |
bb |
Cruach |
see ? |
bb |
Culabolls |
Kilchoman |
see Coullabus |
m |
Culbuie |
Kilchoman |
NR248669 |
55.816680,-6.394796 |
Cultorsa |
Kilchoman |
see Coultorsay |
m |
Cultuin |
Kilchoman |
see Coultoon |
m |
Curiloch |
Killarow |
see Curlach |
bb |
Curlach |
Killarow |
NR326567 |
55.729668,-6.260672 |
Curralach |
Killarow |
see Curlach |
m |
Curriloch |
Killarow |
see Curlach |
m |
Dail |
Killarow |
see Daill |
m |
Daill |
Killarow |
NR363628 |
55.786356,-6.207810 |
Damaoidh |
Kilchoman |
NR251596 |
55.751453,-6.382661 |
Dluich |
Killarow |
See Gortanilivorrie |
m |
Doodlibeg |
Kilmeny |
NR345747 |
55.891998,-6.248065 |
Doodlimore |
Kilmeny |
NR368742 |
55.888780,-6.210904 |
Druimiriseig |
Kildalton |
NR352474 |
55.675156,-6.224494 |
Druimnahairighe |
Kildalton |
NR345505 |
55.675156,-6.224494 |
Druminduich |
see ? |
bb |
Dudilbeg |
Kilmeny |
see Doodlibeg |
m |
Dudlimore |
Kilmeny |
see Doodlimore |
m |
Dudlebeg |
Kilmeny |
see Doodlibeg |
m |
Dudlemore |
Kilmeny |
see Doodlimore |
m |
Duich |
Killarow |
NR320545 |
55.709624,-6.268045 |
m |
Duisker |
Kilmeny |
NR363669 |
55.823095,-6.211782 |
m |
Dunlossit |
Kilmeny |
NR433690 |
55.845686,-6.102331 |
Eachvarnach |
Kilmeny |
NR413637 |
55.797122,-6.129145 |
Ealabus |
Killarow |
see Eallabus |
bb |
Eallabus |
Killarow |
NR335636 |
55.791989,-6.253118 |
Easterelister |
Kilchoman |
see Easterellister |
m |
Easterellister |
Kilchoman |
NR200535 |
55.693889,-6.457425 |
Eiskinish |
Kilmeny |
see Esknish |
m |
Emeraconart |
Kilmeny |
NR374650 |
55.806668,-6.192438 |
Eorabus |
Killarow |
see Eorrabus |
bb |
Eorrabus |
Killarow |
NR359647 |
55.803163,-6.216013 |
Erasaid |
Killarow |
NR295653 |
55.805000,-6.318417 |
Esknish |
Kilmeny |
NR368648 |
55.804550,-6.201792 |
bb |
Fangdhu |
Kildalton |
NR294438 |
55.612310,-6.298766 |
Finlaggan |
Kilmeny |
NR393686 |
55.839957,-6.165658 |
Foreland |
Kilchoman |
NR268645 |
55.796314,-6.360564 |
m |
Fornisaig |
Kilchoman |
NR200583 |
55.73688,-6.462334 |
Garrich |
Kilchoman |
see Gearach |
m |
Gartacharra |
Kilchoman |
NR254615 |
55.768645,-6.379807 |
Gartachossan |
Killarow |
NR351610 |
55.769571,-6.225144 |
Gartachossin |
Killarow |
see Gartachossan |
bb |
Gartachra |
Kilchoman |
see Gartacharra |
bb |
Gartbreck |
Killarow |
NR282582 |
55.740659,-6.332023 |
bb |
Gartloist |
Killarow |
NR334609 |
55.767742,-6.252068 |
bb |
Gartlusk |
Killarow |
see Gartloist |
m |
Gartmain |
Killarow |
NR335605 |
55.764213,-6.250088 |
bb |
Gartnatra |
Killarow |
NR328604 |
55.762931,-6.261115 |
Gearach |
Kilchoman |
NR224594 |
55.748121,-6.425344 |
bb |
Geisker |
see ? |
bb |
Ghrasdail |
Kildalton |
NR305475 |
55.646073,-6.284975 |
Gille |
Kildalton |
see Giol |
m |
Giol |
Kildalton |
NR285439 |
55.612705,-6.313111 |
Gioll |
Kildalton |
see Giol |
bb |
Gladivoll |
Kilchoman |
see Cladville |
m |
Glasgowvey |
Kilmeny |
see Knocklearoch |
Glashens |
Kilchoman |
see Port Charlotte |
bb |
Glassins |
Kilchoman |
see Port Charlotte |
m |
Glassans |
Kilchoman |
see Port Charlotte |
m |
Gleannagavidh |
Kilchoman |
NR208540 |
55.698828,-6.445246 |
Gleannmor |
Kilchoman |
NR239583 |
55.739124,-6.400409 |
Glebe |
Killarow |
see Islay House |
Glenasdale |
Kildalton |
see Glenastle |
bb |
Glenastells |
Kildalton |
see Glenastle |
m |
Glenastle |
Kildaton |
NR302449 |
55.622611,-6.287179 |
Glenegadale |
Kildalton |
see Glenegedale |
bb |
Glenegedale |
Kildalton |
NR311517 |
55.684038,-6.279581 |
Glenegidale |
Kildalton |
see Glenegedale |
m |
Glenmachrie |
Kildalton |
NR333510 |
55.678979,-6.244008 |
Glenmachry |
Kildalton |
see Glenmachrie |
bb |
Gorlachar |
Kilchoman |
see Gartacharra |
m |
Gortachosan |
Killarow |
see Gartachossan |
m |
Gortan |
Kilchoman |
NR272628 |
55.781309,-6.352501 |
Gortan=na=gael(?) |
see ? |
bb |
Gortanchuirn |
Kilchoman |
NR257619 |
55.772398,-6.375441 |
Gortanilivorrie |
Killarow |
NR359622 |
55.780761,-6.213590 |
Gortanilvory |
see ? |
bb |
Gortanloist |
Killarow |
see Gartloist |
bb |
Gortantaod |
Kilmeny |
see Gortantaoid |
Gortantaoid |
Kilmeny |
NR339732 |
55.878227,-6.256158 |
Gortantoid |
Kilmeny |
see Gortantaoid |
m |
Grainel |
Kilchoman |
NR270668 |
55.817032,-6.359690 |
Grarach |
Kilchoman |
see Gearach |
Grasdale |
Kildalton |
see Ghrasdail |
bb |
Grastell |
Kildalton |
see Ghrasdail |
m |
Greamsa |
Kilchoman |
NR231610 |
55.762855,-6.415849 |
m |
Greamsay |
Kilchoman |
see Greamsa |
bb |
Grianan |
Kildalton |
NR332478 |
55.650250,-6.242485 |
Grobolls |
Killarow |
NR338598 |
55.758105,-6.244638 |
m |
Grobols |
Killarow |
see Grobolls |
bb |
Gruinart |
Kilchoman |
NR267682 |
55.829405,-6.365871 |
Gruinart Flats |
Kilchoman |
NR286668 |
55.817934,-6.334230 |
Grulinbeg |
Kilchoman |
NR241681 |
55.827031,-6.407151 |
Grulinmore |
Kilchoman |
NR244666 |
55.813765,-6.400857 |
Grulint |
Kilchoman |
see Grulinbeg |
m |
Grunart |
Kilchoman |
see Gruinart |
m |
Heatherhouse |
Kilmeny |
NR419698 |
55.852109,-6.125391 |
Imeraval |
Kildalton |
NR350459 |
55.634209,-6.212129 |
Ineraval |
Kildalton |
NR327420 |
55.598005,-6.244778 |
Island |
Killarow |
NR307567 |
55.728616,-6.290840 |
m |
Island Nave |
Kilchoman |
see Nave Island |
m |
Island Neue |
Kilchoman |
see Nave Island |
m |
Island Noarse |
Kilchoman |
see Orsay Island |
m |
Island Texa |
Kildalton |
see Texa Island |
m |
Islayhouse |
Killarow |
NR334628 |
55.784766,-6.253925 |
Kandrochit |
Kilchoman |
see Kindrochid |
m |
Kantraw |
KIldalton |
see Kintra |
m |
Keills |
Kilmeny |
NR417685 |
55.840351,-6.127341 |
Kelsa |
Kilchoman |
see Kelsay |
m |
Kelsay |
Kilchoman |
NR191561 |
55.716659,-6.474364 |
Kendrochid |
Kilchoman |
see Kindrochid |
bb |
Kentoor |
Kildalton |
see Kintour |
Kentraw |
Kilchoman |
NR267628 |
55.781027,-6.360449 |
Keppolsmore |
Kilmeny |
NR377656 |
55.812208,-6.188243 |
m |
Kilanailin |
see ? |
bb |
Kilarow |
Killarow |
see Bridgend |
Kilbranan |
Killarow |
see Cillbhraenan |
bb |
Kilbride |
Kildalton |
NR384467 |
55.643219,-6.159028 |
bb |
Kilchearan |
Kilchoman |
see Kilchiaran |
bb |
Kilchiaran |
Kilchoman |
NR207604 |
55.756102,-6.453366 |
Kilchoman |
Kilchoman |
see Killchoman |
bb |
Kildalton |
Kildalton |
NR454508 |
55.683682,-6.051898 |
Kilennan |
Killarow |
NR375576 |
55.740411,-6.183725 |
Kilinan |
see ? |
bb |
Kilkolumkill |
Kilmeny |
see Keills |
m |
Killabus |
see ? |
bb |
Killanallan |
Killarow |
see Killinallan |
Killarow |
Killarow |
see Bridgend |
Killbranan |
Killarow |
see Cillbhraenan |
m |
Killbride |
Kildalton |
see Kilbride |
m |
Killchoman |
Kichoman |
NR217633 |
55.782656,-6.440439 |
m |
Killchoman East |
Kilchoman |
see Killchoman |
m |
Killchoman West |
Kilchoman |
see Killchoman |
m |
Killcolumkill |
Kildalton |
see Callumkill |
Killdallton |
Kildalton |
see Kildalton |
m |
Killean |
Kildalton |
see Killeyan |
m |
Killeenan Lower |
Killarow |
see Kilennan |
m |
Killeenan Upper |
Killarow |
see Kilennan |
m |
Killenalien |
Killarow |
see Killinallan |
m |
Killerin And Brade |
Kilchoman |
see Kilchiaran |
m |
Killeyan Lower |
Kildalton |
NR276432 |
55.605931,-6.326666 |
Killeyan Upper |
Kildalton |
NR280419 |
55.594507,-6.319053 |
bb |
Killinallan |
Killarow |
NR312719 |
55.865082,-6.297903 |
Killinan Lower |
Killarow |
see Kilennan |
Killinan Upper |
Killarow |
see Kilennan |
Killmeny |
Kilmeny |
see Kilmeny |
m |
Killnaghlon |
Kildalton |
NR345453 |
55.628560,-6.219471 |
m |
Killneave |
Kilchoman |
see Kilnave |
m |
Kilmenny |
Kilmeny |
see Kilmeny |
bb |
Kilmeny |
Kilmeny |
NR392653 |
55.810331,-6.164085 |
Kilnave |
Kilchoman |
NR283714 |
55.858977,-6.343605 |
bb |
Kilslevan |
Kilmeny |
NR419671 |
55.827912,-6.122826 |
m |
Kinabolls |
Killarow |
see Bluehouses |
m |
Kinabus |
Kildalton |
see Kinnabus |
m |
Kindrochid |
Kilchoman |
NR232687 |
55.831891,-6.422085 |
Kinigary |
see ? |
bb |
Kinnabus |
Kildalton |
NR295425 |
55.600718,-6.295907 |
Kintour |
Kildalton |
NR456514 |
55.689164,-6.049282 |
Kintoure |
Kildalton |
see Kintour |
m |
Kintra |
Kildalton |
NR320483 |
55.654070,-6.261988 |
Kintraw |
Kildalton |
see Kintra |
bb |
Knockanbearach |
Killarow |
NR334638 |
55.793726,-6.254904 |
Knock |
Kildalton |
see Knockronisdill |
Knockdon |
Killarow |
NR331645 |
55.799833,-6.260361 |
Knockdown |
Killarow |
see Knockdon |
bb |
Knocklearoch |
Kilmeny |
NR399649 |
55.807124,-6.152563 |
Knocklerach |
Kilmeny |
see Knocklearoch |
bb |
Knocklerock |
Kilmeny |
see Knocklearoch |
m |
Knockronisdill |
Kildalton |
NR437486 |
55.663070,-6.076812 |
m |
Koilade |
see ? |
bb |
Kruick |
see ? |
bb |
Kynagarry |
Killarow |
NR378589 |
55.752223,-6.180208 |
Lagavulin |
KIldalton |
NR405458 |
55.636278,-6.124903 |
Lagawillin |
Kildalton |
see Lagavulin |
m |
Lagbuy |
Killarow |
see Islay House |
Laggan |
Killarow |
NR285556 |
55.717533,-6.324678 |
m |
Laggantra House |
see ? |
bb |
Lagstoban |
Kilchoman |
NR304650 |
55.802815,-6.303803 |
Lagviulin |
Kildalton |
see Lagavulin |
bb |
Lagvuilin |
Kildalton |
See Lagavulin |
bb |
Laoigan |
Kilmeny |
NR409694 |
55.847988,-6.140940 |
Laphroaig |
KIldalton |
NR385454 |
55.631623,-6.156208 |
Leagin |
Kilmeny |
see Laoigan |
bb |
Learabus |
Killarow |
See Lyrabus |
Leckgruinart |
Kilchoman |
NR276692 |
55.838873,-6.352548 |
Leek |
Kilmeny |
NR233679 |
55.824782,-6.419679 |
m |
Leekgrunart |
Kilchoman |
see Leckgruinart |
m |
Leekkannokoly |
Kildalton |
NR421481 |
55.657742,-6.101710 |
m |
Lekgruinart |
Kilchoman |
see Leckgruinart |
bb |
Lenavore |
Kildalton |
NR301437 |
55.611803,-6.287587 |
Leneriach |
see ? |
bb |
Lenimore |
see ? |
bb |
Leogin |
Kimeny |
see Laoigan |
bb |
Leorin |
Kildalton |
NR355486 |
55.658676,-6.206806 |
Learabus |
Killarow |
see Lyrabus |
Lint-Mill |
see ? |
bb |
Liribus |
Killarow |
see Lyrabus |
bb |
Loagin |
Kilmeny |
see Laoigan |
Loairin |
Kildalton |
see Leorin |
Loanbaan |
Killarow |
NR315582 |
55.742499,-6.279611 |
LoanDaun |
see ? |
bb |
Lochgorm House |
Kilchoman |
NR270618 |
55.772238,-6.354679 |
Longbaw |
see ? |
bb |
Lorin Lower |
Kildalton |
see Leorin |
m |
Lorin Upper |
Kildalton |
see Leorin |
m |
Lossit In Killmeny |
Kilmeny |
NR412655 |
55.813199,-6.132448 |
m |
Lossit in Kilmeny Lodge |
Kilmeny |
NR408657 |
55.814777,-6.139004 |
Lossit In Rins |
Kilchoman |
NR185564 |
55.718998,-6.484194 |
m |
Lurabus |
Kildalton |
NR336430 |
55.607458,-6.231501 |
m |
Lyrabolls |
Killarow |
see Lyrabus |
m |
Lyrabus |
Killarow |
NR292642 |
55.794976,-6.322096 |
Lyrabus (secondary) |
Kildaton |
see Lurabus |
Macharie |
Kildalton |
see Machrie |
m |
Machrie |
Kildalton |
NR327491 |
55.661624,-6.251673 |
Machry |
Kildalton |
see Machrie |
bb |
Margadale |
Kilmeny |
NR394745 |
55.892882,-6.169736 |
Mergadel |
Kilmeny |
see Margadale |
m |
Mergavale |
Kilmeny |
see Margadale |
p |
Mill Cottage |
Kilchoman |
NR275686 |
55.833441,-6.353538 |
Mulindra |
Killarow |
see Mulindry |
m |
Mulindry |
Killarow |
NR353595 |
55.756240,-6.220511 |
bb |
Mulreese |
Kilmeny |
see Mulreesh |
bb |
Mulreesh |
Kilmeny |
NR402688 |
55.842235,-6.151516 |
Mulrish |
Kilmeny |
see Mulreesh |
m |
Nave Island |
Kilchoman |
NR290760 |
55.900583,-6.337055 |
Nerabolls |
Kilchoman |
see Nerabus |
m |
Nerabus |
Kilchoman |
NR227551 |
55.709772,-6.416221 |
Nerby |
Killarow |
see Neriby |
m |
Nereby |
Killarow |
see Neriby |
p |
Neribolls |
Kilchoman |
see Nerabus |
bb |
Neribolls |
Kilchoman |
see Nerabus |
bb |
Neriby |
Killarow |
NR362605 |
55.765692,-6.207176 |
Newton |
Killarow |
NR345628 |
55.785371,-6.236434 |
Noarse Isle |
Kilchoman |
see Orsay |
p |
Noresay Isle |
Kilchoman |
see Orsay |
p |
Nosbridge |
Killarow |
see Nosebridge |
bb |
Nosbrigg |
Killarow |
see Nosebridge |
m |
Nosebridge |
Killarow |
NR372603 |
55.764443,-6.191089 |
Ochtafad |
Kilchoman |
see Octofad |
m |
Oclawillin |
Killarow |
see Octovullin |
m |
Octivuilin |
Killarow |
see Octovullin |
bb |
Octofad |
Kilchoman |
NR220545 |
55.703996,-6.426718 |
Octomore |
Kilchoman |
NR248590 |
55.745907,-6.386822 |
m |
Octovullin |
Killarow |
NR346642 |
55.797971,-6.236208 |
Olista |
Kilchomen |
see Olistadh |
55.737980,-6.432166 |
m |
Olistadh |
Kilchoman |
NR219583 |
55.737980,-6.432166 |
Olistle |
Kilchomen |
see Olistadh |
p |
Orsay Island |
Kilchoman |
NR165515 |
55.673942,-6.510864 |
Persabus |
Kilmeny |
NR418690 |
55.844886,-6.126224 |
Persobolls |
Kilmeny |
see Persabus |
m |
Port Askaig |
Kilmeny |
NR432693 |
55.848321,-6.104207 |
Port Charlotte |
Kilchoman |
NR252582 |
55.738967,-6.379665 |
Port Ellen |
Kildaton |
NR365455 |
55.631440,-6.187985 |
Port Ellin |
Kildaton |
see Port Ellen |
bb |
Port Wemyss |
Kilchoman |
NR169517 |
55.675967,-6.504730 |
Portineilan |
Kilmeny |
see Finlaggan |
m |
Portnahaven |
Kilchoman |
NR167522 |
55.680329,-6.508416 |
Portnellan |
Kilmeny |
see Finlaggan |
bb |
Proaig |
Kildalton |
NR458577 |
55.745734,-6.051960 |
m |
Renilary (?) Lots |
see ? |
bb |
Rhuvaal |
Kilmeny |
NR426793 |
55.937618,-6.123274 |
Risabus |
Kildalton |
NR315435 |
55.610785,-6.265229 |
Robolls |
Kilmeny |
NR391669 |
55.824615,-6.167211 |
m |
Rockside |
Kilchoman |
NR223638 |
55.787480,-6.431410 |
Roiskern |
Killarow |
see Rosquern |
bb |
Ronachmore |
Killarow |
NR302588 |
55.747153,-6.300851 |
bb |
Roskern |
Killarow |
see Rosquern |
p |
Rosquern |
Killarow |
NR385610 |
55.771420,-6.171097 |
m |
Saligo |
Kilchoman |
NR210662 |
55.808230,-6.454536 |
Sanaigbeg |
Kilchoman |
see Sanogbeg |
p |
Sanaigmore |