RETIREMENT? - more like a
march 2003
unfortunately, i've had to put my genealogy research on hold for now - with the untimely death of our 15 year old daughter, sara - i've found it impossible to focus on lesser issues of late.
almost all of the information i've collected about other families or locations is available via my website, and you're more than welcome to browse through the pages!
i encourage those of you who are looking for help, to subscribe to one of the mailing groups, rather than send me a query. honestly, you'll find more help amongst the mailing group members - and you'll likely find some wonderful people as well!
the GILCHRIST group has over 100 participants, the RUNNELS group has around 50, and the ISLE OF ISLAY group has grown to over 300 folks! feel free to click on one of these links to find out more about each mailing group!
my website and all of the e-mail groups i've started, will all remain online - although my website may remain somewhat static for a while. i'm glad that i was able to create forums for our research, and i as well, have benefited from the flow of information. the email groups have proven to be the best source of information, and the amount of sharing and encouragement has warmed my heart. i've made many new friends, and will continue to do so. i will continue to receive the messages from all these lists, and my personal research will plod along at a slow pace...
i will still reply to all emails, however i might be slow...... i encourage you to continue digging around for your roots when you get the free moments in life!
thank you to everyone for their kind words of love and support, during this difficult time. we appreciate everything that so many kind people have done for us!
best of luck to everyone in their research - and make sure you take plenty of time to appreciate those who are still with us, don't just focus on the dead ancestors! enjoy life to the fullest - hug your spouse, kiss your children, scratch your dog, laugh with your neighbor - but most of all, don't take anything for granted...
steve gilchrist - [email protected]
seattle -