Quaker Dates Gregorian and Julian Calendars Quaker Dates


Quaker Dating

Explanation of Dating system

By Jim Small


Gregorian versus Julian Calendars


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. All rights reserved.


Julian calendar noun The solar calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in Rome in 46 B.C., having a year of 12 months and 365 days and a leap year of 366 days every fourth year. It was eventually replaced by the Gregorian calendar.


Gregorian calendar (grī-gōr“ź-en, -gor“-) noun The solar calendar in use throughout most of the world, sponsored by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 as a corrected version of the Julian calendar. This practice was in use until the middle 1700's, and Quaker records reflect their use in their records. When the conversion occurred many dates began using both systems, because it was unknown which the author was using, therefore, double dates appear for any date recorded between January and March for any year before 1753.

The difference in dating systems is listed below.


Julian Calendar

January   1st month
February  2nd month

March 3rd month

April 4th month

May 5th month

June 6th month

July 7th month

August 8th month

September 9th month

October 10th month

November 11th month

December 12th month


Gregorian Calendar

March     1st month
April     2nd month

May 3rd month

June 4th month

July 5th month

August 6th month

September 7th month

October 8th month

November 9th month

December 10th month

January 11th month

February 12th month
If a date was listed in records as "5th month, 3rd day, 1754" it would be recorded at July 3rd, 1754
Or, if recorded as 3rd month, 3rd day, 1753, it would be read as May 3, 1753/54
For a number of years both calendars were used, and many programs will record the year carrying both dates: 1722/23

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