Marriage Records-Berwick Scotland

Note: Spellings are as found in the records, there are some that have more than one spelling for the same marriage, and some dates differ for the same marriage. There are also duplicate marriage records with two locations. It is also possible that they are not the same individual, and it is therefore the responsibility of the researcher to determine proper information by contacting record offices in localities where the conflict can be resolved.

The records contained herein are for the county listed and no determination has been made that these individuals immigrated to, or immigrated from any other location.

Information in this record is under copyright and cannot be used in any manner or form for profit. It may be reproduced for personal use, but copyright information must remain attached.

James D. Small

Copyright � 1998 � 2001

All Rights Reserved

Marriage Records - Scotland

County Berwick

Given Name Spouse's Name Marriage Date Location
Adam (Smeall) Alison Romanes 06-10-1762 Channelkirk
Agnes James Cunningham 12-02-1824 Eccles
Agnes George Douglas 03-22-1844 Eccles
Alexander Margaret Wood 04-26-1844 Mertoun
Betsy William Fairbairn 12-17-1841 Earlston
Betty Alexander Hardie 11-12-1767 Channelkirk
Betty Robert Brownfield 06-06-1772 Nenthorn
Betty James Sudden 06-01-1819 Mertoun
Christian George Mills 06-13-1742 Coldstream
Christian Walter Brunton 06-04-1824 Mertoun
Christian Walter Brunton 06-05-1824 Mertoun
Elizabeth Walter Scott 08-12-1870 Mertoun
George Ann King 09-12-1791 Edrom
George Isobel Taite 11-23-1792 Coldstream
George Eliza Short 10-31-1846 Earlston
Helen James Henderson 05-02-1797 Nenthorn
Helen William Forsyth 05-02-1845 Mertoun
James Elspath Gray 06-22-1750 Nenthorn
James Janet Smith 12-30-1766 Chirnside
John Christian Flabairne 07-11-1652 Greenlaw
John Christian Broun 01-08-1714 Earlston
John Elspeth Robison 05-02-1736 Coldstream
John Thomas Catharine Frances Herriot 06-02-1852 Coldingham
Robert Agnew Morton 12-03-1847 Mertoun
Thomas Janet Welch 01-19-1819 Mertoun
Thomas Elisabeth Davidson 06-14-1846 Mertoun
William Margaret Cairnes 12-23-1669 Cockburnspath

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