The Karner Family Heritage (as we have it)
Genealogy of Stephen and Karen Karner Stephen and Karen Karner
[last updated 19 February 2005]
(c) All pages protected by copyrights laws

Some family data & questions
Some links to family webpages
Index of names

We welcome you - our family, our friends, and casual browsers. We hope that you enjoy meeting our family of days gone by. For reasons of family privacy, we have essentially enforced a 100 year clause. That is, the names and details of those people born within the past 100 years will not appear in these pages (if there are is purely accidental, and we would appreciate being informed).

These pages reflect an ongoing project for us and, as such, we encourage you to check in frequently for "new" information. We will attempt to keep these pages updated frequently. To date we have acquired links to over 8500 members of our extended family...which ensures that we are several generations removed from the primates! :-)

Note that we have several thousand people not yet entered into the database who are described in various family genealogy books (e.g. JOHN, MAYWALD, KUBANK) stay tuned. We are gradually trying to fill in the gaps.

If you see anything here which is not correct, or if you have any information which would help fill in some gaps...please, please, please contact us. Furthermore, feel free to contact us for no reason whatsoever as we would love to hear from you!

I hope you enjoy learning about our heritage as much as we have enjoyed piecing the puzzle together. Happy mousing...

Some family data & questions

Some links to family webpages
  • Garry KARNER's Quantitative Basin Analysis Homepage
  • Although not directly related by blood, Maureen MARTIN, is "related" via our Tasmanian PATERSON family. Considering the PATERSONs were in Tasmania...and Maureen is Tasmanian...are we surprised :-) You can also visit the Tasmanian Family History Service hompage (established by Maureen and Meryl YOST). Or visit the homepage of Maureen's son Toby.
  • Although we are still trying find a connection, here are some links to various Homepages authored by Melaney Moore-Dodson (our potential MAYWALD cousin):
    1. Texas Center for Adult Literacy
    2. Family Tree Maker site
  • The MAYWALD brothers, Kevin and Rodney, have done a lot of work on our Australian MAYWALD connections. Kevin and his wife, Helen, have just set up their website. Please, take a look to see more about MAYWALD family members.

If any other members of our family have authored webpages...please email me to let me know...and I'll see to it that you are linked to here.

[email protected]
Stephen Karner
2895 Escalante Ave., Idaho Falls, ID, USA 83404


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Stephen & Karen Karner
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(c) Page updated 19 February 2005 by S&K Karner, Genealogy pages generated by Reunion (with some post-processing by Steve) from Leister Productions, Inc.