FebrUARY 2005 |
Written and Published Online by
John Silver
articles by various Silver cousins
Hello, Y’all!
Here we go into a new year with colors flying, I hope. We at Silver Threads hope to bring everyone new stories and articles on the Silver Clan. Our February issue is chock full of new writers with interesting stories to tell. Carolyn Silver Sutton has a new article about our Georgia cousins, Josephine Sanders Sparks’ presents her discoveries regarding John Silver of Georgia, and our semi-retired former editor continues with his Civil War Letters To Home.
Unfortunately, there are three obituaries this month; Joyce Silver Bright of Georgia, Estoy Brown Phillips of North Carolina, and Calvin Coolidge Silver of Georgia. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the families.
We sincerely hope you enjoy our Silver Threads and continue to be full time readers. Next month, Karyl Keeney Hubbard will present a very interesting article on our Western cousins. If you have an article or information on our Silver and extended Silver families, we will be pleased to publish it. Join our contributors and you will be in an elite group.
By Carolyn Ada Silver Sutton
Charlie was born in Murray County, Georgia on December 18, 1899. He was the son of William Jackson Silver and Martha Jane "Mattie" White Silver. During Charlie's life he lived in Cisco, Georgia, although the area where he lived is not far from the Tennessee border of Polk County, Tennessee. He had family that lived just over the line in Polk County, so anyone could safely say he had the best of both states.
Charlie grew up hunting, fishing, and trapping in the rivers, streams, and mountains around Cisco, which included Rocky Face, Cowpen, and Doogan Mountains. Various other mountains in the region were also his hunting grounds. He fished in both the Conasauga and Jack's Rivers, and other small trout streams around the area. Conasauga is a Cherokee word meaning, "grass." Jack's River was named after a Cherokee Indian named Jack. Jack used his back to ferry people across the river, thus the name, "Jack's River." The Conasauga River flows from Georgia north up into Tennessee and then flows back down into Georgia. Both the Conasauga and Jack's River merge together at the border of Georgia and Tennessee.
Charlie's early childhood home was at the entrance to the mountains off of Highway 2. At that point in time the road was dirt. In my growing up years the road was paved to the Mt. Sumach Church. Later on in years it was paved to Jim Arthur's old home place. The road that continues over Doogan Mountain down through the valley and out into Tennessee has never been paved.
Through the years this stretch of road from Highway 411 at Cisco through the mountains and valley to the Chable Bridge at the borderline to Tennessee has been called several names, but only one name has ever had any meaning to my family and the residents who lived in the area. The main name given to this place is the "Alaculsey Valley," also an Indian name. People have called it simply, "The Valley," "Doogan," or "The Mountains." My family and I have lived with the name, "The Mountains" for so long that if we called it anything else people would call us an outsider, or city slicker. It just simply is not done. When someone mentions, "The Mountains" there is not a doubt in anyone's mind to which mountains that person is referring too. To the residents who lived in that mountain community you either lived in the mountains, or out. To them it was as simple as that.
On June 2, 1925 Charlie married Ina Mae Carroll from Gilmer County, Georgia.
Ina was born March 24, 1906, and was raised in the Elijay community of Gilmer county. They lived in various houses in the area and probably across the line into Polk County, Tennessee at one time or another, because my dad was born in Polk County, Tennessee in 1928. Charlie and Ina had six children: Opal, (Calvin, my dad), Eula, William, Ruth, and Mary Lou.
It was probably in the 1930's that Charlie got a job logging with the Conasauga Lumber Company in Tennessee. Charlie owned a pair of Ox that he logged with. One weighed 1,100 pounds, and the other one weighed 1,200 pounds. Their names were Ott and Bauley. Charlie carved one yoke that fit over both their necks. In the center of the yoke was a big eyebolt that a chain attached to. The chain had 1/2 inch in diameter links. This chain was attached to one huge log at a time. After a logging trail was cut, Charlie would buck down, or dog the chain to a log, and take the pair of ox down the trail with the log to the log yard to be loaded onto a rail car. He only had to show the oxen a new trail one time. The rest of the time they knew their way to and from the location on their own and did not need any guidance. They have been known to break the chain when a log got stuck some where on the trail and come back dragging the chain. In later years he was a sawyer at other sawmills in the area. Like all mountain men they made extra money making liquor. I’m sure Charlie made his fair share.
The house I remember Charlie and Ina living in since as far back as the 1960's up until about 1984 was the house in the valley behind Hopewell Church. The Howell family owns the house and land. When Charlie and Ina moved out of the mountains so the children could care for them, my dad started living in the house. He lived in the house until 2003. The house was made of wood with a tin roof. The porch wrapped around the entire house. A big barn set a little way down the hill to the right of the house. Behind the barn was the Conasauga River where we had the best swimming hole around.
The attic in this house served Charlie with not only storage space, but also a place to cure meat and hang animal hides to dry. He hunted for food and cured the meat in a saltbox in the attic. During the winter months he ran a trap line. The animals were skinned and the hides were stretched on pointed wooden boards that hung in the attic to dry. Each type of animal pelt had it’s own shape and size of board.
Charlie had beehives along the bank at the left side of the house. A trail leading up the hill to the mailbox went through the middle of his bees. I always had to be careful to not get stung while going up the trail. When the honey was ready he would put on a white suit and a bee veil where the bees could not get all over his skin. He had a bee smoker that he put pieces of burning cloth into. When the lid closed the flame went out and the cloth would smolder and smoke. When he was ready he would squeeze the smoker to puff smoke over the beehives to make the bees leave where he could get into the honey. We always called this, “robbing the bees.”
Charlie was a quiet man, soft-spoken, and never raised his voice. He never spoke unless spoken to. Both Charlie and Ina would get up before daylight to start breakfast. He would start a fire in the wood cook stove, get the kitchen warm, and then Ina would come in to help him cook. Charlie started cooking the meat while Ina started the biscuits, or a whole-cake. She made one pan especially for Charlie. When the bread was finished she would help him with the rest of the meal. Ina cooked the evening meals, but I have seen Charlie help her with them also.
Charlie had his own cane bottom chair that he sat in at the far end of the long wood dining room table. Ina sat in her cane bottom chair at his right. On the left side of the table was a wood bench that reached the length of the table. Children, grandchildren, family, and friends had to sit on the bench, or pull up a chair to sit beside Ina. Most of the time we had to sit on the bench. Charlie had an old divided tin plate that he always ate from. He had his own personal fork that he ate with. No one sat in Charlie’s place at the table, ate out of his plate, or with his fork. This was just something that each any everyone did not do in his house. Charlie dipped his food first and he only dipped once. He got what he wanted the first time, and he had his own pan of bread to eat with it.
During the evening hours after the animals were fed and supper was finished Charlie would fill up his lamp, or lantern with kerosene, stoke up the fire in the fireplace to a good size fire, and drag up his chair to lean back against the wall to read. He leaned back against the wall to read in the same spot for so many years that his head rubbed the paint off and left an oily spot where his head touched the wall. This spot is still there today. His favorite reading material, other than the bible, was “Old West Magazines.” Ina would sit in her chair on the other side of the small table from Charlie next to the fire to read.
Charlie and Ina did not have electricity, running water, or inside plumbing in this house. In the latter years they did finally get electricity. They got their water from springs out behind the house. Not having luxuries did not seem to bother them in the least, because they were not used to having them anyway.
I never saw Charlie, or Ina wear pants. Charlie always wore over-alls and Ina always wore dresses with an apron over it. Ina always wore a scarf tied over her head. I always called these scarves, “head rags.” When I look back I can’t remember hearing them say any curse words, but they might have, just not around us.
Charlie and Ina lived in this house until they both went to stay with their children to be cared for. Charlie died January 23, 1985, and Ina died April 8, 1993. Both are buried side-by-side on West Cowpen Road in the Cloer Cemetery.
Charlie and Ina’s tombstone reads: Silvers, Charlie L. and Ina Mae. I can remember plainly Charlie saying these words, “Our Silver name does not have an s on the end of it.” Most of my family use the s. I choose not too.
Carolyn Silver Sutton
January 15, 2005
By Josephine Sanders Sparks
Once I actually made the final commitment to begin my Silver Family journey, I was aware from the beginning that it was going to be a rough journey. It would be even tougher than the roads once traveled by my ancestors. I would have to travel not one road, but many. I would have to explore places and time elements in history where few had gone. I would have to spend long hours in research centers all over the Deep South. I would have to make documented data my “best friend”. After I had made that choice, there would be no turning back. I would have to stand by my decision to continue to the end, regardless of the outcome.
I had been working on other patriots for years. I had gathered all the necessary information for my DAR application on three other patriots and the information was ready to be sent. Any of those, I could apply through. I had done my homework well. They were prosperous landowners, had left wills and other recorded data to mark their trail all the way down to me. Where was the excitement, the challenge?
About three years ago, my daughter and I made the long journey to Kona, Mitchell Co. North Carolina. When I walked up to the grave of George Silver Jr. and read the inscription on his headstone, I was “hooked”. I had read about George in documented history books, but I wanted my GGG Grandfather John, his first -born son, to have a rightful place next to his father. I had been to the “mountain”. I was on my way.
I had heard all the basic facts about my Silver family in Georgia all my life, but could not extend them beyond old John. It was as if we were isolated from the rest of the world, sheltered deep in the hills and valleys of Gilmer and Pickens Counties Georgia. Very little documentation existed beyond census records and headstones. I was at stalemate.
I contacted James Silver, Historian at the Silver Website. With his help in filling the gaps, my journey began! Oh, I ran across many hurdles. I became depressed when the DAR was not satisfied with my first effort and wanted more information. I “moped around” for a few days. I was upset that they had not seen what I thought was so obvious in my data. I just wanted to “call the whole thing quits”.
About a week passed. Then, out of the blue, I began to visualize that wonderful Fall day standing near that little church in the mountains of North Carolina. There I was, with my daughter, I taking all those colorful photos that had made history come alive. Something inside me bounced back. I was no quitter. I went to work, full speed ahead! I packed up all my updated information and mailed it to the DAR. I felt I had done well, but one never knows. I left it in God’s hands. Regardless, I had had a priceless experience working on the Silver project.
One of the most profound moments in my quest for information was when I discovered the middle name of my GGG grandfather John. I had heard from several cousins that one could not find the headstone of John because was buried in an unmarked grave. I just would not accept this. I had to find out for myself.
On a cold blustery day in November, I again approached my daughter. I instructed her to get into the car, because we were headed on another field trip! (from my teaching days) She did not mind this so much because it was only a few miles from her home in Roswell. We were bound for Ball Creek Baptist Church in Pickens County, Georgia.
The day was typical of a November Winter in North Georgia. The wind was so harsh it practically froze our faces. That did not stop determined researchers! We searched and searched old headstones for about an hour. She was freezing to death. I was afraid of catching the flu. My daughter was begging me to get out of the cold.. She was warming up the car. We were about to leave I wanted to take one more look before leaving for home. Our efforts paid off.
I back-tracked to the older part of the cemetery. If it was anywhere, it had to be there. Tilted at an angle was an old and neglected headstone, all cracked and weathered from the elements of many North Georgia Winters. I found a sharp twig on the ground and began to scrape off all the layers of dried lichen that nature had furnished as a blanket from decades of cold weather. Words began to appear, then numbers!!!! Jackson Silver, age 98. Next to him was Polly Silver, and close by, his son, my GG Grandfather Green Silver age 72, and near him my Great Grandfather Levi “Bud” Silver, and near him my GG Aunt Sarah Jane Silver, age 110! I had found my family!!!!!!!
Jackson Silver, age 98 had to be my John. I had tracked his age through decades of census records and I seen his wife recorded as Mary Polly, but I knew, too, I had to prove this to the DAR! In the past, I had searched the Guion-Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee for another ancestor and noticed Silver names. I decided to take a second look. Before I ordered the Cherokee applications, I wanted to determine if those listed were indeed related to my John Silver. I began to search census records for an answer. Sure enough, they were!
It so happened that Levi B, son of John and my Greenberry’s younger brother (My Great Grandfather Levi B. was the namesake of his uncle) married Elizabeth Parker of Cherokee descent. Their children had applied and were listed on the Guion-Miller Roll. It was customary for an applicant to list parents and grantparents as part of the application process. I ordered two Cherokee applications of the children of Levi B. Silver. What I had so long searched for was there, listed in black and white: Jackson and Polly Silver, the parents of Levi B. Silver, my GG grandfather Greenberry’s brother. He was listed on the 1850 census for Gilmer Co. Ga. as son of John and Mary Silver. All ages, dates and children matched census records. I had found my answer! Everything had fallen into place. Jackson Silver, age 98 was indeed John Jackson Silver.
In December of 2004, I became an approved member. My listing states: GGG granddaughter of John Jackson Silver, son of George Silver Jr. My Silver journey to the DAR has ended, but my Silver quest will continue.
My GGG Grandfather John Silver, dirt farmer from Maryland to North Carolina, to Tennessee, to North Georgia, has a heritage so rich it far exceeds that of the children of my prosperous landowner Patriots. He has finally found his mark. He is listed in the History Data of the DAR next to his father George. He has made it back home to Maryland, where it all began!
Josephine Sanders Sparks
Retired Teacher of the Gifted, Bibb County Schools, Macon, Ga.
BA, BSEd, MEd., SpEd.
DAR #832266
Other patriots include:
William Bayley Gary of Laurens Co SC
Peter Gilstrap Jr. of Craven Co NC
Arthur Taylor, and son Charles Taylor of Rutherford Co NC
James Sanders, brother to Rev.
Moses Sanders Montgomery Co NC
Jacob Brooks, Old Craven Co SC
and William Gouge Sr.
William Gouge Sr. speaks in the first person as he recollects his
thoughts on a troubled day in June of 1863. The historical events, such as the
deaths of members of his family, the letters written to home by his sons from the
Civil War battlegrounds, and actions occurring in the Civil War, are true and
are written as they actually happened. However, William Gouge’s feelings,
thoughts, and those feelings and thoughts he portrays about his family, as well
as the feelings and thoughts of his daughter in law, Rosanah, are purely
fictional and are creations of this writer. As he idly and reverently sits in
the picturesque Gouge family cemetery on a hilltop located on his farm, William
Gouge tells his story. Let us listen!
I am William Gouge Sr. Folks
here-a-bouts call me Bill. I was born in 1789 on the eighteenth day of May as I
recollect from what my Maw told to me. I was born here in what was called back
then, Old Burke County, North Carolina. Today the county is named Mitchell County.
It is named after the explorer, Dr. Elisha Mitchell. Today is June 12, 1863 and
I’m sitting here in the family cemetery on a little hilltop at Bandaner. The
cemetery overlooks my property and without a doubt, this is one of the saddest
days of my life. I have had other sad days too but this here day is one of the
hardest because another one of my children has died because of this damned
Civil War between the states. I just don‘t know how much more I can take of
this infernal War. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t even know what
to say when people say they‘re sorry about me losing my kin. I have questions
too, Like why my boys Lord? I ain’t got not one satisfactory answer to any of
my questions either.
Me and Martha buried our
Sinthy in this cemetery back in 1848 and her dying was our first terrible
experience with the death of someone in our immediate family. Sinthy was only
twenty-four years old, in the prime of her life too when she took the fever and
she went five days later. She was wanting to get married to one of the Silver
boys, Milton, who passed back in 1839 when the fever took him too. He was only
nineteen years old and Synthy was fourteen at the time. She was going to have
to wait until she was sixteen years old afore we‘d let her get married though.
The marriage never took place. She never got over his going and swore she’d
meet Milton in heaven soon. Nine years later she joined him.
She suffered horribly before
she passed and we tried everything to save her. Granny Gouge even let her
blood. Cold compresses on her head and
person did not help nary a bit. Granny Gouge’s brews of herbs and herb
poultices didn‘t have any good effects on her either. She slipped away into a
quiet and lasting sleep on the fourth of June a few minutes before sunup that
day. It crushed my heart to lose one of my gals so young. A man is not supposed
to bury his children afore he’s buried his self.
“It is God’s will,” Martha
said. “We got them ten other younguns and all them little grandchildren, Bill.
We got to keep on a living for them,“ she said to me. “Twas the sickness that
took her,” I’d say, God had no part in it!“ And we did keep on living! But many
was the time I would come up here and like I’m a doing now, sit here on
Grandpa’s tombstone and talk with Sinthy, telling her how much I missed her and
telling her all the family news. But I reckon she knows all about that too;
afore I know she’s an angel of The Lord God almighty.
We did right smartly well
too, Martha and me, after Synthy passed. Yes, hit was a hard thing to do to
keep on a going and all the time I was a asking God, “Why my Synthy Lord? Why
her? You ought not to have took her so young,” I would say to myself as the
tears rolled down my cheek. I just could not understand it all. I would always
leave the cemetery feeling worse than I did when I got here.
Another sad day I call to
mind was just three years ago in 1860, when our second oldest child, Elizabeth,
passed. She was our oldest daughter and Elizabeth is laying over there by her
Grandpap and Granny Gouge. She was the wife of one of them Silver boys, Alfred,
another son of Preacher Jacob Silvers. Elizabeth left us on account of the
fever too. I got no more used to her passing as I did Synthy’s passing. I then
had two burdens to carry instead of one.
Martha still said, “Bill,
it’s the Lord‘s way! We have to accept the ways of the Lord! He knows best!
Preacher Silvers tried to talk with me about faith and the Lord’s way of things
that we don‘t always understand and that we must learn to accept his way. My
questions after Elizabeth’s death at the age of forty-four still were, “Why my
girls Lord, and not me?”
Two years ago Alfred up and
married that Surry Ann Chandler woman and moved off down the mountain, under
Mitchell, to Davidson’s Fort in McDowell County. Only, four of his boys, my
grandsons that is, Levi Deweese, Lewis Perry, Tillman Blalock and John Silvers
did not move there with their Mam and Pap. They was with their uncle, Captain
Samuel M. Silver and two of my sons, Little Billy and Garrett. They were all
enrolled in “K” Company of the 58th North Carolina Infantry Regiment
over in Tennessee a while back where they are fighting against the Yankees. My
son John went off to the war too. Only, we will never see him again either.
He was with the confederates
up in Virginia and we heard he died in September of 1861 from the Typhoid
Fever. John was forty-two years old and had married Martha Thomas from down the
road a-ways. They had five younguns! It’s a hard time for his wife. We help em
all we can with food and stuff from the garden and looking after the younguns
I reckon with so many of my
male kin involved in the war I knowed it would be a miracle if all of them
survived it. John was the first one to go. He was not much on writing home
because he never learned to read or write. He’d get friends to write a few
lines every now and then telling us how he was and that was how we knowed he
was still alive. He’d never talk much
about the fighting and battles and all. Didn’t want to worry us none I suppose.
His captain wrote to us to tell us John had passed on. His passing didn’t make
much sense to me at the time. He was a healthy man, hearty and full of life and
a good worker too. He could walk behind a plow from sun up to sun down and I
never heard him complain a lick. He
could carry his weight on the end of a cross cut saw too. Watched him many of a
time work his younger brothers and cousins down to a nub.
John is not buried here in
the family cemetery. We put up a memorial marker for him anyways telling a
little about his life. He‘s buried somewhere in Huntersville, Virginia. Pastor
Silvers said some words for him at the memorial service when we placed the
marker here in the cemetery. Said, “We know that in everything God works for
the good with those who love him who are called according to his purpose.”[1]
“How can a man’s son dying be
for the good of things,” I asked? Silvers always answered me by saying, “What’s
important Bill is the fact that we know it is for the good in the long run. I
can’t exactly explain it myself Bill, but we just have to trust in the
Lord!” “No justification in that answer
for me,” I’d say as I walked away!.
Now, I get this here letter
that my name sake, “Little Billy,” has up and died from the fever too over in
Tennessee. Why, he was no more than a days ride from me and I’ll never get to
see him again. Levi wrote and told us they were all on maneuvers up in Kentucky
when Little Billy died. Little Billy had been left behind because he was not fit
to march he was so poorly in health. I knowed he was ailing cause Garrett wrote
and told us. I knowed I should have gone and fetched him home then and there
too I reckon, so his Mama could care for him. Now his little wife, Emeline, is
fretting something terrible and them two younguns, Martha and Bobby, don’t
understand about their paw cept they know they will never see him again this
side of heaven. For a fact none of will ever see him again. He is buried in a
field near where North Carolina 58th was camped.
Preacher Tommy Silvers has
explained things best to me I suppose. I talked with him earlier in the day. I
rode my horse over to Windom to see him. I knowed he is a book learning preacher
and I needed to find some peace in things about my children dying so young.
Tommy talked to me about the acts of God over man and by which salvation of man
is effected in accordance with the permissive will of God.
“Men do things freely, by
choice Bill. In other words Bill, just like that war is man’s choice,” he said.
“Man can either accept or reject God’s free offer of salvation and eternal life
through Christ though only the Holy Spirit can move to make him accept it. Once
the true Holy Spirit is upon us Bill, how we handle the understanding,
determines the true sign of a righteous man. You say you are greatly troubled
with the death of three of your children already and now comes the news about
Little Billy’s passing -- which troubles you greatly also. I fear you are
placing too much hope on self Bill and not putting all your faith in the Holy
Spirit. Why don’t you try turning everything over to the Holy Spirit Bill and
allowing God’s spirit to enter your heart completely? If you will do that, I
think in time you will come to understand God’s will in our lives, much as
Martha has come to understand it and accept it. I know it is a giant leap in
faith but once you have experienced true faith Bill, you will from that day
forward trust God’s way. He brings relief to suffering and pain--His way!”
I pondered over all the
things Preacher Tommy said to me as I rode back down the Toe River to home. Not
denying, all the things he said sounded reasonable to me and the responsibility
of me finding peace with myself over the death of my children seem to lay with
the lack of my faith. I’ll have to give it some more thought and prayer.
Five days later is
Rosanah came by the house
today. Said she had gotten a letter from Garrett and wanted to tell us about
it. She took a seat on the porch steps and began to read her letter to Martha
and me.
East Tenn.
June 6, 1863
Dear Companion:
I am the enjoyer of one more opportunity to write to you a few lines which leaves me well and hearty. I truly hope this short note may find you enjoying the same blessing.
I have no interesting news to write more that Mr. McNeil can tell you.
I have received four letters from you -- two by mail and two by hand. I got the children’s hair you sent to me and also a braid or your hair. It all looked natural. You requested me to send you some stamps. I will send you five stamps. That is all I have. I will send Anderson a pocket book. You wanted me to send my likeness. I have no chance to have it taken.
We are under marching orders and ordered to cook three day’s rations. I don’t know where we are going.
I want you to write to me and let me know if Wm. Willis is at home or not. It is reported here that he has run away and I would like to know whether it is so or not.
Give father and mother my love and give all my connections your respects. Also to your mother’s folks. Give Sarah Howell, Sinda Willis my best regards. I wish to be remembered to Daddy Mason and also to James Collis. Tell them I would like to be at Lily Branch to hear them preach.
A word to Uncle Robin: I want you to help Rosanah all you can and you shall have your price. I will send money home to pay you. Yours as ever.
G.D. Gouge to Rosanah Gouge.[2]
(Editor’s note: Uncle Robin was Robert Gouge, youngest brother of William Gouge SR.)
Rosanah speaks…
“It’s a nice letter I reckon.
Hector (Mr. McNeil) told us that the boys were in Camp at Clinton where he went
to visit them. He is the one who fetched my two letters to Garrett. I’m worried
sick about Garrett though. I don’t want him to get sick and die too Paw and Maw
Gouge. Knowing he is in the thick of the battles and all the fighting is hard
enough on a person but to worry about him getting sick and dying without me
there to tend to him is almost more than a body can take. I have another short
letter from Garrett here too. I’ll read it for you.”
East Tenn.
June 8, 1863
Dear Companion:
I drop a few lines to let you know I am tolerable well. I had the tooth ache yesterday and I had it pulled. My jaw is rather sore.
I was dreaming of seeing you and Anderson and Richmond last night. I thought you was going to get vaccinated. I don’t want you to vaccinated for there are some men here who have sores on their arms yet.
Do the best you can. Write every week. The men are running a war fast.
Yours Truly.
G.D. Gouge to Rosanah Gouge.[3]
(Editor’s note: Company K was organized on May 17, 1862 in Mitchell County, NC and became part of the 58th North Carolina Infantry Regiment. The company was originally commanded by Captain S.M. Silver (Samuel Marion Silver, a son of Preacher Jacob Silver). When Sam Silver was promoted to Major and became a battalion adjutant, his older brother by one year, David R. Silver, became company commander of K company.
According to Jeff Weaver, author of the book, 58th North Carolina Infantry, Company K, The 58th North Carolina Infantry Regiment and in particular, Company K marched back to Clinton, Tennessee on May 30, where they would stay in camp for the next three weeks. Where the 58th went for three days as Garrett wrote in his letter to Rosanah is not recorded in history. Perhaps they went on reconnaissance because the Federals were breathing down their necks from both the North and the South.
The 58th remained at Clinton, Tennessee for three more weeks. The morning of the 20th of June they fell back ten miles because the Federal troops were putting considerable pressure on the Confederates who were defending East Tennessee. The next day, they fell back another ten miles.
The 58th continued to march and counter march during late June and early July of 1863. Weaver states:
The Federals were putting
considerable pressure on middle Tennessee and emergencies were cropping up in many
places. Southern commanders rushed troops from place to place to meet the
possible contingencies. The 58th North Carolina reached Louden,
Tennessee on June 28 to meet an expected Federal push on Knoxville from the
South. Confederates had moved the garrison at Knoxville to Tullahoma, and the
58th was moved South to replace the troops who moved out. The 58th
remained at Louden for two weeks.[4]
Next month we will have a letter from Garrett Gouge to Rosanah written on June 25, 1863. Garrett reports some interesting events occurring at the Louden Bridge. We will also continue to report on events occurring with the 58th North Carolina as they defend East Tennessee from the Federal Troops.
Estoy Lorena Brown Phillips, 84, of 123 Phillips Valley Road, Mars Hill, passed away on Thursday, January 13, 2005, at the Brian Center in Weaverville.
Mrs. Phillips was the daughter of the late Bascombe and Trevia Silver Brown of Mars Hill. She was also preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Clyne Bailey Phillips.
She is survived by her twins, Gary Phillips of Mars Hill and Sharon Vischer and son-in-law, Robert Vischer, of Mars Hill. She is also survived by her son, Douglas Phillips and his wife, Diane. She was a loving grandmother to eight grandchildren, April Boone and husband, Kevin, Amy Mace and husband, Dean, Amanda Jenkins and her husband, Josh, Rachel Phillips, Erick Vischer and wife, Lindy, Sherwin Visher and wife, Nancy, Candida Millar and her husband, Grant, and Mark Visher. She was also blessed with five great-grandchildren
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Madison Funeral Home in Marshall.
The graveside service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, at Gabriels Creek Baptist Church by the Reverends Kevin Boone and Keith Edwards. Nephews and family friends will serve as pallbearers.
The family wishes to extend a special thanks to those caregivers at the Brian Center for their three years of caring for Estoy.
Silver Sr. > George Silver Jr. > Rev. Jacob Silver > Alfred Leonard
Silver > Tilman Blalock Silver > Trevia Cleopatra Silver m. Clyne Bailey
Mrs. Swanson Joyce Silver Bright passed away Monday, January 17, 2004 in Dublin, GA. She was the daughter of William Lucas Silver, Sr., wife of Chris Bright and sister of C. H. Russell and Donny Silver. She is survived by 2 children and other family members. Memorial services will be held Thursday, January 20 at 2:00 PM in the chapel of the funeral home in Dublin, GA. No burial is planned. Donations may be made to Mountain Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, Care of Ruby Henry, 170 Grandview Ct., Franklin, NC 28734.
Chris's address is 312 Crescent Drive, Apt. A1, Dublin, GA. 31021. I'm sure he would appreciate a card.
George Silver Sr. > George Silver Jr. > William Griffith Silver
> William Riley Silver > William Vance Silver > William Lucas Silver
> Swanson Joyce Silver Bright
Calvin Coolidge Silver, 76, passed away in his sleep on January 23, 2005 at his Cisco, Murray County home.
Mr. Silver was a highly respected and well liked in his community. Born March 15, 1928 he was a native of Old Fort, Polk County, TN. He had spent most of his life in Murray County, Georgia and remained close to his children.
He is survived by three children and their families; two sons, Willie Lloyd Silver and his wife, Sheila of Tennga, Louis Aaron Silver and his wife Judy of Polk County, TN; a daughter, Carolyn Ada Silver Sutton and husband, Dennis, of Cave Spring, GA. In addition, he leaves 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Graveside services in the Cloer Cemetery were held at 5 p.m. Monday, January 24, 2005 with Reverend Charles Moore officiating. Peeples Funeral Home of Chattsworth was in charge of the arrangements.
George Silver Sr. > George Silver Jr. > John Jackson Silver >
Thomas Jackson Silver > William Jackson Silver > Charles Luther “Charlie”
Silver > Calvin Coolidge Silver
John Silver |
Barney Kaufman |
[1] Romans 8:28, Harpers Study Bible, Revised Standard Version.
[2] Letter from Garrett Dawes Gouge to his wife Rosanah Thomas-Gouge, June 6, 1863, post mark Clinton, Tennessee.
[3] Copy of letter from Garrett Dawes Gouge to wife Rosanah Thomas-Gouge, June 8, 1863, post marked Clinton, Tennessee in editor‘s possession.
[4] 58th North Carolina Infantry, Company K. Jeffery Craig Weaver, 1995, 1997, Arlington Virginia.