june 2004


Written and Published Online by Rex Redmon, Greenville, SC.

w/contributing articles by cousin John Silver


Hello Silver Family Cousins scattered across the USA and as well, upon the high seas of the world and in foreign lands serving in our armed forces. Here is wishing a generous well being for each of you. All is well here in Greenville, South Carolina, where part of your Silver family newsletter originates. The new house Margaret and I are building now has a roof on it, windows are installed, siding and rockwork adorns the exterior, and work is beginning to progress inside. Maybe we will move in before August 1, the projected move-in date by the builder. But hopefully not the weekend of July 24 and 25 which is our KONA reunion weekend.  

Saturday, May 1, when I notified you that Silver Threads was posted on the website, it was pouring rain in torrents here in Greenville, South Carolina. All day Saturday and Sunday the sky was cloudy, the wind blew hard, causing a chill to be in the air and it rained off and on for three days following May Day. The rain was followed by a cold front that moved through our area of the world and immediately I referred to my “Weather Spell Calendar” to see what “weather spell” we were having. Low and behold, my “Weather Spell Calendar” said the cold weather is associated with the “Blackberry Spell.“ Sure enough, Monday morning, the 3rd of May, as I drove up Interstate 85 between Greenville and Spartanburg I noticed the blackberry bushes along the Interstate were covered with new white blossoms. The blossoms confirm the accuracy of the old timers predictions about weather spells,

Perry Dean Young Sends Notice The Young Clan Is Gathering. Those of you who are familiar with Scottish Culture know what a gathering is. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, gathering, a gathering is more than just a family reunion. A gathering takes on the flavor of an organized festival or celebration of a special event. Cousin Perry tells me the Young Clan gathering is a two-day celebration of all those living and dead, who share the Young Family name. The Young gathering will be held October 15 and 16 in Burnsville, Yancey County, North Carolina. Plans are as follows. 

Friday, October 15: Registration begins at noon at the Rush Wray Museum of Yancey County History in Burnsville. From 3 to 5 a family history workshop is to be held. Family historians will be on hand to share, accept and also store family history in a new Young Family Archives. At 6 p.m. Friday evening there will be a “get reacquainted reception” at a location to be determined.

Saturday, October 16: A bus tour of many of the major historic sites mentioned in Our Young Family will begin early in the morning and conclude at 5 p.m. Thomas Ralph Young, owner of Young Transportation Charters (See will provide the buses. The evening hours, 6:30 p.m., will again begin with a reception that will be followed by a banquet. Charges for the bus tour and banquet are yet to be determined.


Cousin Perry will send a formal invitation to all those who are on the Young mailing list and encourages those of us in the extended Silver family with ties to the Young family to join them for this two day event. You may contact Perry at [email protected] to make sure your name is on his list.

Your KONA Silver Family Reunion planners met on Saturday, May 22 to begin plans for this year’s big event. While we Silvers are not of Scottish descent, but of German extraction, perhaps we should say, Silber Familie Versammiung (Silver Family Gathers). Those of us in attendance, Laura Cooper, Kay Silver, Jere Howell, John Silver, my wife Margaret and I are very excited about the plans for this year’s event. The above-mentioned Perry Dean Young will be our keynote speaker on Saturday and will talk about his new book, Our Young Family. (However, I am still waiting for Perry to confirm his intention to speak). His book includes many of our Silver family cousins and ancestors also. In addition, we will continue to have the newcomers to the reunion class, where those attending the reunion for the first time will have the opportunity to learn more about our great Silver Family whose extended roots began at KONA way back in the year 1806. A Bar-B-Q lunch is again on the menu this year and a graveyard tour of Mitchell and Yancey Counties, where many of our extended Silver Family and related families are buried, is planned for Saturday afternoon. Our family historian, John Silver, will be available all weekend with his treasure trove of Silver family genealogy books to help you locate your ancestors. Remember, we have over 40,000 extended Silver Family names, not only in our surname index on the Silver Family Website, but in John’s loose leaf books as well.

Sunday, we will continue to have the memorial service in the Silver family cemetery that has become so popular followed by decoration of the graves. A traditional worship service in the KONA Missionary Baptist Church will follow the Memorial service at 11:00. Then it is dinner in abundance as we again share the wonderful food prepared by our Silver Family women. Make your plans now for the fourth weekend in July (Saturday and Sunday, July 24 and 25). Additional information will follow in the July issue of Silver Threads. 

Cousins, countless times I have requested that you please give me e-mail changes of address when your e-mail address changes. For those of you who send an e-mail address change I sincerely thank you for your effort. However, the following people will not receive future notices about the posting of the monthly newsletter because their e-mail is being “kicked back” to me. Peggy Silver Banks, Vickie Hensley, Ada and Jim Hauser, Robert Thomas, Charles and Alma Metcalf, David and Mary Rogers, and Shayne and Terrie Wyatt. Also, I cannot identify the owners of the following two e-mail addresses that are kicked back to me as well, [email protected] and [email protected]. If any of you happen to know the above listed folk or recognize either of the two e-mail addresses in question, please contact them and ask them to send me a new e-mail address.

I received a nice e-mail from cousin Catherine Stevens on the 8th of May. She wrote,

I wrote to you several months back for directions to the KONA cemetery and information about the family museum. As life would have it, I just made it up there last week. It (the cemetery) was absolutely gorgeous and beautifully kept. While we could not see the inside of the church, we hope to see it at this year’s reunion.


Catherine tells me she saved her money, bought a cabin near Mars Hill and moved from Maryland to live near the land of her ancestors. She worked in Burnsville for a short time and was curious about how many of the people in Yancey County were kin. Catherine, you really do not want to know, honestly. (All of them!) We will expect to see Catherine, her father and nine month old daughter at this year’s reunion. Catherine descends from John Silver who moved down to Georgia in the early 1800s.

Cousin Karyl Kenney Hubbard, of Omak, Washington ([email protected]) sent the following story to me about her 85-year-old relative, Curt Silver (William, Isaac, Edward, George III). When the story occurred, Curt was serving in the US Marine Corp during WWII and was stationed in Saipan. The year is 1943. The story shows us a sharp contrast when compared to the Civil War letters about which I am writing each month. One note of interest is Curt’s partner, Norm Rupp. My wife’s maiden name is Ruppe and her family was from Spindale, a small mill town approximately sixty miles west of Charlotte, NC.


Karyl Hubbard, Nov 2003

Curt Silver and Norm Rupp get ready to do laundry

Saipan, 1943.  A young marine named Curt Silver was keeping the U.S. Marine Corps fleet of Amphibious Tanks – ATVs – in top condition to carry fighting men to the likes of Tinian and Iwo Jima.  It was either very busy and very scary or very boring

The major lack on Saipan was hired help.  The guys missed the women they’d left behind,  The Corps made sure they were properly fed and doctored, but there was no one to clean the tent or do the laundry except themselves.  Must have been quite a shock to the kids who’d had women at home to pick up after them.

Laundry day was particularly bad.  The picture to the left shows how it was done ‘before’.  Two buckets worked, but were rather labor intensive.

Our fighting men are an inventive bunch.  And Curt, being a Silver, was a born tinkerer.  So he and his


buddies got to work and tinkered and tinkered.  They liberated some propeller blades and some gears and a 50-gallon drum.

The end result is shown on the right.  A wind-driven washing machine!  The wind turned the blades, the blades moved the gears, the gears made a plunger go up and down.  Voila!  Washday like Mom never heard of.  The clothes didn’t get as white as snow, and they still had to hang them out to dry, but hey, the women back home still only had solar-powered clothes dryers.  No wonder we won the war.  You fight better with clean undies!

Note: Just for fun, Curt and friends also built a glass bottom boat out of old oil drums.  It actually floated!

Curtis with new ‘washer’


Many of you have written requesting to see wedding pictures of Margaret and me. Now, for your viewing, or entertainment pleasure, whichever the case may be, I am adding one wedding photo to this month’s newsletter. The photo was taken just after we said, “We Do.” Margaret is wearing a beautiful ankle-length, light green dress that is overlaid with fine lace. She wore a ring of colorful spring flowers in her hair and carried a small bouquet of white roses in her hands. Margaret is also wearing the Clan McRae (Ray) tartan sash over her shoulder which I presented to her during the ceremony. One of my maternal great, great grandmothers was a Ray from Yancey County. 

My Kilt is the Clan Henderson tartan, or plaid. My paternal grandmother was a Henderson and that is the closest connection I have to my Scottish ancestry. My giving, and her acceptance of the Clan tartan, is an old Scottish custom to welcome a person into the Clan. I wrote all of our wedding ceremony, which of course took on a Celtic flavor, and as well, I wrote our wedding vows which were written in the program in both Gaelic and English. However, we only repeated our vows in English. Margaret and our minister had a problem speaking the Gaelic language. (They were not the only two who could not speak the Gaelic).

Margaret Ruppe Redmon and Rex H. Redmon
March 20, 2004


Among the assorted materials and stories I have received recently from cousins across the country that I presently have in my possession, thanks to John Silver Harris, is a pamphlet he wrote about Mary Bell “Aunt Belle” Silver-Ray who passed away in 1994. Aunt Belle’s story, An Eyewitness To A Century, Memories of Mary Belle Silver (Rogers, Cabe, Ray) is indeed lengthy and will take several months of publishing in Silver Threads for her complete story to be told. Yet, her story is interesting as it spans over one hundred years of her life time. The story is full of humor, history and humility. I hope you enjoy reading Aunt Belles story.

In his prologue, John Silver Harris writes, Mary Belle Silver Ray, known to most of us as “Aunt Belle,” passed her 100-year mark on February 19, 1991. She is the sole survivor of her generation and the oldest living Silver that we know of as this story is written.


Aunt Belle is the thirteenth of fifteen children of John (1844-1934) and Mary Hicks Silver (1852-1931). The following are her memories as told to grand nephew, John Silver Harris, while he and his wife, Merlin, visited with her in September, 1989 in Macon, Georgia, where she lived with a grandson, Jim Williams and his wife Norma in their lovely lakeside home.


At this time she is one of the few remaining children of Confederate veterans. And, as an eyewitness to a century, her memories permit us to peer further into the past than we otherwise could to gain insight to our family history and heritage.

                                                                                    John Silver Harris, April 1991

Early Life Near Old Fort…I was born February 18, 1891 when my parents and children were living in the old log house behind the house built the following year 1892 on Curtis Creek near Old Fort, NC.


When my father John, Colonel Sam and another man finished the new house, we kept the old log house and used it as a kitchen. A breeze way connected it to the new house. We cooked and ate in the old log house as long as we were there.


When we sold the house and 180 plus acres to the A.L. Beech family of Charlotte in 1905, father sold the lumber to build a kitchen. But they didn’t do it. They took our family room and made a dining room out of it and made a kitchen out of the old fruit house at the end of the house.


Mr. Beech had over 400 stands of bees and he was looking for a place in the mountains where he could raise them and produce homey. When we lived there, my gather had a big apple orchard up on Curtis Creek. Uncle Jake, Jim, Alex, William and Jesse all lived around us. William and Jesse were small men. Jesse later moved to the cotton mills in Caroleen, NC. (Editor Note: Jesse is my wife Margaret’s great grandfather.)


The old people would bring horses from Mitchell County and stay overnight with us and then go on into Marion. (Editor Note: Alfred Silver, the progenitor of the McDowell County Silvers and second son of Rev. Jacob Silver, moved to Old Fort with his second wife sometime after 1863. His first wife and mother to his twelve children, Elizabeth Gouge, died July 1, 1860 in Mitchell County, NC.  Alfred married Nancy Anne Chandler May 12, 1863.)


At the end of the field near our house on Curtis Creek was the old log school. It sat at the foot of the hill down from the old Silver Family Cemetery. It never had a name; we all just called it, “The Old Schoolhouse.” It was used for every purpose; church, Sunday School, and classes.


My father first worked in the mica mines at Bakersville until they went out. Then saw milling came in and he learned to be a sawyer. That was the most skilled job at the mill an it paid the most money. He also taught others -- all my brothers. The all did well in the lumbering business. In those days it was the best money to be made.


Brother Jim was crippled from a rattlesnake bite. So he learned to scale a log -- tell how much timber would come out of it.


We had fifteen kids in our family, but we always had even more because maw and paw were always taking in others. Brother Stokes’ house was just across the creek from us. After he and his wife died, we took in their kids. When my mother’s sister, Aunt Dora Hollifield and family decided to move from Marion to Georgia, their son, who was about 14 or 15, didn’t want to go with them. So he came over and asked, “Aunt Mary” can I stay with you? And so he stayed with us.


And I remember another boy, about 14, showed up at our door one day, all wet, and hadn’t eaten for two days. He had run away and laid out for two weeks. So we took him in. That was Scott Wright. He stayed with us until he joined the army. Then he married and moved on. When he was 24, he came back to visit us, with his wife and two children. He said he was doing well and had a nice home.


Aunt Belle Remembers … Alfred Silver (1816-1905) … Grandpa Silver, as we called him, was old when I first remember him. He was a tall, slender man with a long beard. He and Aunt Sallie (Alfred’s second wife, Sarah Elizabeth Chandler, whom he married in 1861 [Editor: John Silver Harris and I have conflicting marriage dates]) lived and farmed on the head of Curtis Creek for years and then they moved to Crooked Creek. In later years they got feeble and could not care for themselves. Father said they could come and live with us; he’d give them the best room in the house and fix it up for them. So they did and lived with us for a number of years.


Grandpa Silver would lay in bed the whole blessed day. And ever little bit he would call Ma and tell her he was going to die. I remember he once told Mama he’d be dead by ten o’clock that day. Later she came to the door of his room and said,“ Well, it’s past ten o’clock and you ain’t dead yet. And there’ll be a lot more 10 o’clocks before you die“.  With that, granddaddy got up, got his gun and made Aunt Sally go with him, even though she was hardly able to go, and he went squirrel hunting all day.


Aunt Sallie was a good old soul. She liked to chew tobacco but Grandpa wouldn’t let her have it. So we’d slip tobacco to her.


While they were living with us, Uncle Alex (Alexander) came over and he got Grandpa dissatisfied staying with us. So he and aunt Sallie moved into brother Stoke’s vacant house just across the creek. Stokes and his wife had died. So they went over there, fixed it up, and moved in.


But them uncle Alex took them down to the log house he’d built on his farm down on the Catawba River. Uncle Alex promised that he and aunt Betty would come live with them -- but they never did. So Grandpa and aunt Sallie had to get someone to stay there and help them, but they lived there until they died.


We had just moved to Hendersonville -- I remember the date we moved because it was Sister Rose’s birthday, September 5, 1905 -- when Grandpa died five days later. That was on September 10, 1905, and Aunt Sallie died exactly one month later on October 10.


Aunt Bessie remembers an outbreak of Typhoid … When I was four years old (1895) and we were living on Curtis Creek, I had a serous case of typhoid fever. They told me there were 38 people in our community sick with it and eight lived through it. Back then, we didn’t buy caskets. Some in the neighborhood made them. My father was the only one who had a planning mill, so he made the caskets for everyone in the area. That outbreak of typhoid kept him busy. Old man Carver, who lived near us, put his wife away and in three weeks all five of his daughters died in one night. Father made caskets for all of them.


Then Lewis Allison, who lived below us, said they wanted a casket made for their seven-year-old boy who had died. Then they came back an hour later and said they needed another one. That night six of the Allison’s died, and the next day his wife and two others also died. All of their children except Marilla and Todd, the two oldest. And I thought I was going to die too. It did leave me crippled.


They told me they turned me on the sheets for thirteen weeks and every day the doctor came. He said I was going to die too. In fact, I’ve been laid out dead by four different doctors during my life. But what they didn’t know was, I always kept my Bible with me. That’s the way I’ve always guided my boat and I will never let it turn around with me. With all these people dying so young, I don’t know why God has kept me around so long. But when He calls, I’m ready. When I pass on, my body will be taken back and laid to rest in Camp Ground Cemetery (at Shaw’s Creek near Horseshoe in Henderson County, NC) where John (Rogers)  [her first husband is buried] and his father and mother area also buried. A few year’s back Jim (grandson Jim Williams) and I went back there and got the resting place for my earthly remains all fixed up, and I’m glad that’s done.


Next month I will continue with the story of Aunt Belle’s memories when she writes about her father John’s account of his Civil War Service. And, speaking of the Civil War, it is now time for…

Civil War Letters To Home. This month’s letters are again written by William Gouge to his father, mother and friends. William’s last letter written to his parents was written on Christmas Eve, 1862. Almost a month and a half have now passed and William is still stationed in Jacksboro, Tennessee with the confederate Army. His letter, #630327 follows.

Jacksboro (Tenn)
February the 7, 1863


Dear Father:

I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well and also to let you know that I have not forgot you and mother yet.

I hope these few lines will come to hand in due time and find you both well and doing well.

I have nothing strange nor interesting to write to you at present. We have nothing to do only to stand guard every other day. We have plenty to eat. We don’t get much news no way here. Time is still here.

The health of our regiment is not very good at the present, although the health of our company is very good at present.

Give my love and best respects to Hector and Patty. Tell them that I would like to see them though times will not permit. Tell them to write to me and give me all the news -- fail not.

Also give my love and best respects to Garrett and his wife. Tell them that I would like to see them though times will not permit. Tell them to write to me and give me all the news.

So I bring my short letter to a close by saying write to me and fail not. I remain your son until death.

       William Gouge to his father and mother and friends, one and all.


Editor’s (John Silver Harris) note: This letter is from William “Little Billy“ Gouge. Hector McNeil married Martha “Patsy” or ‘Patty” Gouge, daughter of William gouge Sr. She is the sister of G.D. (Garrett) and Little Billy Gouge.

Editor’s (Rex Redmon) note; When this letter was written, Garrett G.D. Gouge is apparently not yet serving in the military. However, by April of 1863 he is serving in the same company as William as future letters will attest.

Our second letter this month, #630215 is also written by William “Little Billly” Gouge to his father and Mother William and Martha Gouge Sr. This letter was written seven days after the above letter was written.

Jacksboro, E. Tenn.
Campbell County
February the 15th, 1863


Dear father and mother:

I seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know I am well, (and) hoping this letter may find you enjoying the same blessings.

I haven’t anything to write of interest at this time. I have no war news at this time.

I have a tight room to stay in and get plenty to eat. The health of our regiment is better than it has (been). All of your acquaintances are well.

Our regiment is attached to General Jackson’s brigade. We will shortly move to some place but I don’t know where.

I want you and Garrett to visit my family every chance you get. Give Hector and Marthey my love and respects. Give all my friends my best respects.

I would like to see you all. I hope to live till this war ends and get home to see you all and to enjoy home one more time more.

So I will close.

                                           William Gouge to Wm. Gouge and Martha.


Editor’s note: Little Billy was born April 15, 1828 and was almost thirty-five years old in 1863 when he wrote these letters. He married Emeline Griffin and had two children at the time; Martha Buena Vista Gouge and Robert Filmore Gouge.

In the meantime, I was curious about Little Billy Gouge and if he survived the war or not. I fast forwarded recently and read some of the letters I will be publishing in the near future and discovered Little Billy became very ill from camp diseases, developed a very high fever in April of 1863 and died as a result sometime in late April or early May, 1863. We will learn more about his actual death in future letters written by his father, William Sr. and brother, Garrett (G.D.) Gouge.

Last month I inquired to our readers about the death of Bartley Wilson, one of our Civil War soldiers. As I stated, his death on the Silver family website surname index is 1861 and our website says he dies from wounds inflicted at Kecaughton, (Hampton) Virginia. Yet, he was writing letters home on December 24, 1862. So, an error about his death date has occurred and I asked our readers last month to help me solve the mystery.

I did receive an e-mail from John Silver Harris on May 11 telling me his comrade in arms, Sarah Gouge McKee, who helped him put the sixty-five Civil War letters together by preserving them on discs, promised to look into the matter further. I hope to hear from her within the month.

Have you ordered your Silver Family “T” shirts yet? The “T” shirts have arrived and are ready for shipment. I am now wearing a size large and it really looks sharp and the quality is excellent. The picture of the Little Baptist Church at KONA is an exceptional likeness of the church. With her permission, we used the artwork of long time Silver family friend, Pat Dowd, who owns the art gallery at KONA. The price for all sizes is $15.00 including shipping and handling. You can contact Laura Cooper at [email protected] and place your order today. The “T” shirts will be available for purchase at the reunion in KONA as well.

Time to say goodbye for this month. Continue reading for Cousin John’s History Corner. Everyone please take care of yourselves and I leave you with this Celtic Benediction.

Deep peace of the Smooth Water to you.

Deep peace of the Flowing Air to you.

Deep peace  of the Quiet Earth to you.

Deep peace of the Shining Stars to you.

Deep Peace of the Sun’s Warmth to you.

Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you. 


Cousin Rex Redmon




John’s History Corner


Nancy Silver m. Thomas Robinson


Nancy Silver was born the tenth child of George Jr. and Nancy Ann Silver. She was born about 1802 in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland. She grew up with her siblings in Maryland and North Carolina. We do not have much information on her other than the fact that she married Thomas Robinson about 1829. Nancy was about five years older than Thomas and it causes one to wonder why Nancy had not married in her late teens or early twenties. Thomas died about 1871 and Nancy about 1890.

Nancy and Thomas were the parents of nine children. (1) Samuel S. Robinson b. abt 1830 m. Mary Malinda Hall October 23, 1853. Samuel was captured in the Civil War and died in a Military Prison at Point Lookout, Virginia on August 24, 1864. He is buried at Point Lookout, Maryland. (2) William Riley Robinson b. May 20, 1832 m. Aldecca Hall on December 8, 1854. William Riley passed away on July 29, 1882 and is buried in the Anderson Cemetery on Paint Fork, Madison County, NC. (3) Margaret Martha Ann Robinson b. about 1836, m. David S. Hall. Margaret died about 1890 and is buried on Little Creek, Madison County, NC. (4) Sarah Robinson b. January 18, 1839 m. John Quincy Adams Turbyfill on September 29, 1859. Sarah died on March 27, 1923 and is buried in the Bear Creek Cemetery, Yancey County, NC. (5) Jacob M. Robinson b. December 5, 1841 and died on May 15, 1914. He married Sarah E. Thomas on September 29, 1859. (6) Rachel M. Robinson b. April 22, 1844 m. James Henry Thomas. Rachel died on February 27, 1883 at Celo, Yancey County, NC. (7) Thomas B. Robinson b. July 6, 1846 at Brush Creek, Yancey Co., NC. Thomas was a veteran of the Civil War and attained the rank of Colonel. Thomas married first: Savannah E. Gouge and second Martha L. Robertson. Thomas died December 9, 1927 and is buried in the Silver Chapel at Bandana, Mitchell County, NC. (8) George W. Robinson b. abt 1849. He married Margaret Crawford on August 21, 1869. There is no further information on George. (9) Marion Jasper Robinson b. abt 1854 in Yancey County. He married Louisa Austin Roland. No further information on Marion.



Margaret Parr Haynes


Yesterday I received a call that we had lost another cousin. Margaret Parr Haynes passed away Saturday, May 21, 2004, after having eaten her lunch. Margaret is descended from Rhetta Parker Barrett. Margaret was able to come to the first Parker Reunion in Franklin. She had beautiful white hair and was a very sweet lady. She always sent me Christmas cards and wrote long letters telling me about her cancer. She suffered a long time. Her husband, Pete, isn’t well so please remember him in your prayers. Margaret was a sister to Mae Carlin and a daughter of Clyde Parr. They have all attended our reunion.

George Silver Sr. > George Silver Jr. > Rev. Jacob Silver > Charles Silver > Nancy Silver m. David William Parker > Rethar Elizabeth Parker m. William Barrett > Lillie Barrett m. Hoyt James > Inez James m. Clyde Parr > Margaret Parr m. Mr. Haynes.

Obituary submitted by Barbara Gregory




Obituary submitted by Mack William Thomas III:

I regret to inform you all a car wreck has claimed the life of Amy Leigh Thomas’ son, Kaymen. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated in this time of sorrow and dispair.


Kaymen Orion Hamilton


BLUFFTON – Kaymen Orion Hamilton, 4, of Bluffton, died Saturday, May 22, 2004, at Hilton Head Regional Medical Center after an automobile accident.

He was born September 8, 1999, in Beaufort, to Amy Leigh Thomas of Bluffton and the late Brad Cornelius Hamilton.

He attended preschool at Abundant Life Academy in Hardeeville.

Kaymen played on the Sidekick soccer team. He loved his battery-powered Harley-Davidson motorcycle and fishing.

Survivors include his mother; maternal grandparents, Mack Thomas of Hardeeville and Pamela Mckenzie Thomas of Hilton Head Island; paternal grandparents Arkethia and Earl DuPont of Ridgeland; paternal grandparents Lee and Mary Smalls of Bluffton; paternal great-grandfather Willie Hamilton of Hardeeville; maternal great-grandparents George and Joan Thomas of Asheboro, North Carolina; maternal great-grandmother Shirley McKenzie of Daufuskie, Alabama; maternal great-grandparents John and Linda McKenzie of Pelham, Alabama and great-aunt Geneva DuPont of Hardeeville.

Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home and beginning at 11 a.m. Thursday at Campbell Chapel AME Church in Bluffton. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at Campbell Chapel AME, with burial in Jackville Cemetery.

Memorials may be made to the Kaymen O. Hamilton Memorial Fund, c/o Wachovia Bank, 11 Arley Way, Bluffton, SC  29910.

Sauls Funeral Home in Bluffton is in charge of the arrangements.

(George Silver Sr. > George Silver Jr. > Rev. Jacob Silver > Charles Silver > Nancy Silver m. David William Parker > Margaret Alice Parker m. John Henry M. Thomas > David Columbus Thomas > Mack Thomas Jr. > George Edward Thomas > Mack William Thomas III > Amy Leigh Thomas m. Brad Cornelius Hamilton > Kaymen Orion Hamilton.


Rex Redmon
Editor, Silver Threads
40 Wood Pointe Drive #68
Greenville, SC 29615
[email protected]
[email protected]

John Silver
Family Historian Online
64S Fairfield Drive
Dover, DE 19901

[email protected]

Barney Kaufman
Keeper of The Web
7408 Lake Drive
Manassas, VA 20111-1960
[email protected]