Silver, Ida Agnes
Ida Agnes Silver
NEW GERMANY, Jan 5 - The death occurred at her home in Hemford on Wednesday night, following a lingering illness, of Ida Agnes, wife of Dennis Silver, at the age of forty years. The deceased, who was well-known and highly respected in the community, leaves, besides her husband, one daughter, Laralla, and one son, Clement, residing at home.
There also remain three sisters - Mrs. James Crouse and Mrs. Alvin Smith, both of North Brookfield, and Mrs. Solmon Crouse of Bestel, Ont., and four brothers - Ingram Veinot, North Brookfield and Angus, Leander, Fred and Naaman Veinot, all of Hemford.
In religion she was a member of the Lutheran Church, and the funeral service at Hemford on Saturday afternoon was conducted by Rev Gordier of Wentzell's Lake.
[NOTE: The obit mentions 4 brothers but lists 5]
Dennis J. Silver m. Ida Agnes Veinot
Source: The Bridgewater Bulletin
, Bridgewater, NS
Date: 1/10/1928
Transcriber: (unknown)
Last updated 8/12/2003
Barney Kaufman