City of Lawrence..............County of Essex
- Groom...
Fred Warren
- Name after marriage...Same
- Age......27
- City.....Lawrence, Massachusetts
- First Marriage
- Occupation..Painter
- Place of Birth.England
- Name of Father..George Warren (incorrect)
- Maiden Name of Mother..Elizabeth-----
- Married by...Rev. John Hogg,Presbyterian Clergyman
- Place of Marriage....Lawrence, Massachusetts
- Bride...
Martha. A. Hindle
- Surname after Marriage.Warren
- Age...29
- First Marriage
- City...Lawrence,Massachusetts
- Occupation------
- Place of Birth..New York (incorrect)
- Name of Father...Henry A. Hindle
- Maiden Name of Mother...Mary-----(incorrect)
- Date of Marriage...May 12,1874
- Date of Record..June 13,1874.
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