Northamptonshire and Warwickshire Counties,England
WARREN, Harriet Reeves,....was born December 13,1874 in Lawrence, Massachusetts to Fred and Martha (HINDLE) Warren. She (as she said) lived with her parents and grandparents until she was eight and then in 1885 she moved with parents to Winslow Place. She attended Mount Holyoke Seminary (College) in 1893/95 and sang in the Glee Club there her first year. She was married to Herbert Clarence Hyde on October 16,1895 in Lawrence. She and 'Bert" had six girls. Harriet (Hattie) died January 25,1917 in North Adams, Massachusetts.News Clipping: Marriage, Picture of Glee Club
WARNER, Edward Benjamin,... Edward WARNER embarked on the ship Hecla from England using the name Fred WARREN and arrived in Boston,Massachusetts on June 9,1873. He left in Rugby,Warwickshire County,England his Mother Elizabeth Warner, sisters Martha, Ann, Eliza, Mary (Polly), and Maria and brother George Warner. In Lawrence, Massachusetts he married Martha Hindle on May 12,1874.By 1906 he had built his house on 1 Royal Street, Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts. He advertised in the 1909 Lawrence Directory : FRED R. WARREN, PAPERHANGER, PAINTER and GRAINER, No. 276 LOWELL ST., LAWRENCE, MASS. Birth,�Ship Hecla,� Family Group Sheet,�Pedigree Chart,�Church Legend�Links to Rugby� 1908 Letter� Unidentified Pictures �Picture of Fred Warren Old Lawrence,Massachusetts Postcard
WARNER, Goodman.... Joiner (Carpenter)..Goodman WARNER traveled where his job required. .First found him in his marriage record when he married Elizabeth REEVES July 14.1845 Staverton,Northamptonshire County, England. He appeared with his family in 1851 Census Rugby, Warwickshire County, England and living at Old Station No 1012 a London and North Western Railway Company House. He was working on Canal St., Earlestown, Lancashire County when he fell from a scaffold to his death in 1870.�Family Group Sheet�1851 Census Rugby� Marriage Old Station No 1012
WARNER , GEORGE...married Martha Goodman. According to the 1841 Census they lived in Badby , North amptonshre County and he was a carpenter.George and Martha both died in Badby and and are buried in the Churchyard there. Warner Data
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