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Descendants of Charles Bateman and Martha Ellis of Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland

Second Generation

2. Matthew Bateman (Charles ) was born about 1765 in Ireland. He died before 1850 in Coshocton County, Ohio. He was buried 1 in Bateman/Parrott Burial Ground, Coshocton County, Ohio.

Placement uncertain, but believed to be a brother of Swanton Bateman. Matthew and his family came to New Brunswick in about 1817, landing in St. John and settling in Fredericton. They moved from New Brunswick to Ohio in 1837. In the 1840 census the Robert Bateman household had a male and a female who were in their 70s, assumed to be Matthew and Sarah. According to the obituary of their daughter Sarah, Matthew and Sarah had eight children: two sons and six daughters. The names of three of the daughters are unknown--they may have died young.

Matthew married Sarah Sutton before 1799 in Ireland. Sarah was born about 1773 in Ireland. She died after 1850 in Coshocton County, Ohio. She was buried 1 in Bateman/Parrott Burial Ground, Coshocton County, Ohio.

1850 census has Sarah aged 78 and living with her son Charles.

They had the following children:

+ 9 F i Dorendo Bateman was born on 26 Oct 1799. She died after 18 Jun 1879.
+ 10 M ii Charles Bateman was born about 1802. He died after 1880.
  11 F iii Martha Bateman 1 was born in Ireland. She died before 1900.
        Martha married Isaac Heaton. Isaac was born about 1792 in Pennsylvania. He died before 1900.

Isaac is said to have been the son of Isaac Heaton and Mary Booth, both born abt 1770. Isaac Jr was born in PA and the family moved to Ohio in 1817. Although they appear in different places in different censuses, I think it likely these are a reflection of changing boundaries, rather than the family moving around in Ohio. The Ohio census records for Isaac Heaton in Coshocton County seem to begin with Isaac Sr as the head of the household. The male over 70 in 1830 would have been born before 1760 and was probably Isaac Sr.:
1820 (Perry Tp, Coshocton County): 3 males, age categories: 1 <10; 1 26-44; 1 over 44; 2 females, 1 16-25; 1
1830 (Howland tp, Trumball County): 2 males, 1 aged 5-10; 1 in his 60s; 3 females, 1 30s, 1 40s, 1 70s
1840 (Trumball county, township not identified) - there are two households:
(a) <5 1 male; 10 - 15 yrs 1 male, 1 female; 20s 2 males, 1 female; 30s 2 males, 1 female; 40s 1 male, 50s 2 males;
(b) <5 1 male, 1 female; 20s 1 male, 1 female ( seems likely this Isaac would be a son of Isaac and Martha?)
1850 (Bedford Tp): Isaac, 56, born PA, farmer; Ann 24; Aaron 32; Joseph 26; Alexander 21; Elizabeth 18; Rachel 15 (all but Isaac born OH, but who is Ann?)
1860 (Jefferson tp): Isaac, 65, born PA, farmer; Martha 5?, born Ireland; [illegible] born OH
1870 (Newcastle tp): Isaac, 78, born PA, retired farmer; Martha 73, born Ireland--both in household of Elizabeth and John Padgett.
1880: Isaac, 87, born PA, parents born NJ, retired, again living with his daughter and son-in-law, the Padgetts, now in Grant tp, Vermilion county, Illinois.
+ 12 M iv Robert Bateman was born about 1815. He died before 1900.
+ 13 F v Sarah Bateman was born in 1815. She died on 9 Dec 1894.

3. Robert Bateman (Charles ) was born 1 about 1769 in Kilbrittain, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 21 Aug 1844 in Coshocton County, Ohio. He was buried 2 in Bateman Cemetery, Bethlehem Tp, Coshocton County, Ohio.

In Pioneer Settlers of the Bay Chaleur, Hunter (1978, p. 17) notes that Robert Bateman was married with seven children when he arrived in St. Mary's, New Brunswick in 1817. He and his brother Swanton then applied for land west of Grindstone Cape on the Bay Chaleur. He received a grant of 300 acres, lot 31, in 1825. The following probably refers to this Robert: "10/23/1836 Robert Bateman farmer & Sara his wife of New Bandon in the County of Gloucester and Province of New Brunswick for the sum of 50 pounds sell to Henry Smith of Innishannon in the County, and Province aforesaid, the third part of the one half of lot #30 New Bandon occupied by Charles Bateman 50 acres more or less." (E-mail message to Chaleur Bay List, 14 April, 2003) I think it likely that Henry was the husband of their daughter Mary.
This family moved on to Coshocton County in Ohio, where Robert and Sarah are buried. This supports the belief that this Robert, and Matthew and Swanton who travelled to Ohio in 1837 were all brothers. However, if the Robert referred to by Hunter is the same Robert who lived in Ohio, we are missing the names of several of their children.
Robert Bateman (Baytman) died 1844 age 75 is buried in the Bateman Cemetery.

Robert married Sarah Smith in 1793. Sarah was born about 1770 in Ireland. She died on 25 Mar 1851 in Coshocton County, Ohio. She was buried 1 in Bateman Cemetery, Bethlehem Tp, Coshocton County, Ohio.

1850 census has Sarah aged 75; cemetery record says she was 82 when she died in 1851. The census noted that Sarah was unable to read or write.

They had the following children:

  14 M i Charles Bateman.

May be the Charles Bateman who married Martha Hender in 1834 (MLB, Diocese of Cork and Ross) and were known in Ohio.
  15 F ii Mary Bateman was christened 1 on 24 Feb 1805 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland.

This could be the Mary Bateman who married Henry Smith 28 March 1826; witnesses were John Parrott and Charles Bateman. Henry probably the purchaser of property sold by Mary's parents, Robert and Sarah Bateman (see separate note) in 1836.
        Mary married Henry Smith on 28 Mar 1826 in New Brunswick.

tentative placement--no documentation
  16 F iii Sarah Bateman was christened 1 on 24 Jan 1813 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland.

4. George Bateman (Charles ) was born about 1770 in Ireland. He was christened 1 on 25 Apr 1790 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 9 Sep 1828 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Canada West. He was buried in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario.

George was "received into the Church" 25 April 1790. He was buried in the Bateman Private Cemetery on Lot 11, North Longwoods Road, Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario.

George married Catherine Ellis in 1797 in County Cork, Ireland. Catherine was born about 1777 in Ireland. She died before 1828.

They had the following children:

+ 17 M i William Bateman was born in 1795. He died on 29 Mar 1850.
  18 F ii Dorothea Bateman 1 was christened 2 on 14 Feb 1802 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. She died on 21 Jun 1870 in Ekfrid Twp, Middlesex, Ontario. She was buried in Mayfair Cem, Ekfrid Twp, Middlesex, Ontario.

John Elliott, Yeoman of Caradoc married Dorothy Bateman of Caradoc after Banns, 28 November 1825 (Parish Register of the old St. Thomas Church, now called Trinity Church, St. Thomas, Ontario, Rev. A. Mackintosh. Witnesses: Stephen Randal, William Bateman, Jane Elliott.
On 1852 Census (Caradoc Twp, p.75) Dorothea was living with her sister Catherine (wife of John P. Bateman). She had no children. Dorothea died of "inflamation of the stomach."
        Dorothea married 1 John Elliott on 28 Nov 1825 in St. Thomas Ch., St. Thomas, Ontario. John was born about 1805 in Ireland. He died on 9 Feb 1860 in Ekfrid Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario. He was buried in Mayfair Cem., Middlesex Co., Ontario.
  19 M iii John Bateman was christened 1 on 12 May 1805 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 19 Mar 1885 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario. He was buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Delaware, Middlesex, Ontario.

Baptism sponsors: Swanton Bateman, William Bateman, Elizabeth Bateman.
Death reg'n #10388-1885: 81 years old, cause of death general debility of old age with acute bronchitis.
        John married (1) Jane Berrihill.
        John married 2 (2) Louisa MILLS 1 before 1852 in Canada West. Louisa was born in May 1817 in Ireland. She died on 21 Nov 1887 in Caradoc Tp, Middlesex County, Ontario. She was buried on 23 Nov 1887 in Christ Church, Delaware, Ontario.

Louisa was a widow when she married John Bateman; her former husband was a McCann. Death reg'n #10210-1887: BATEMAN, Louise, f, Nov. 22, 1887, 68 years, born England, cause – lung disease, 7 months; widow, infm – D. A. Sinclair MD, Melbourne, Caradoc Tp. Family information and 1881 census has her born in Ireland--death reg'n says England.
+ 20 M iv Edward Bateman was born in 1805. He died on 4 Mar 1895.
+ 21 F v Esther (Hester) Patricia Bateman was christened on 8 Mar 1807. She died on 15 Feb 1876.
  22 M vi Charles Bateman was born about 1808 in Kilbrittain, Cork, Ireland.

Most dates for this person are unknown, but he was living 8 Sep 1808
  23 M vii Robert Bateman was christened 1 on 1 Nov 1810 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 15 Sep 1895 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario. He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, Delaware, Ontario.

Robert and Margaret apparently had no children of their own, but often had children living in their household. In January 1852 Sidney Bateman, age 13 (son of Edward and Mary Bateman, was living with them. In 1881 10-year old Robert Lucas was with the Batemans. In 1901, after Robert's death, Margaret was living with 30-year old Robert Lucas and his family. Two of the Lucas children were name Margaret and Robert.
Death reg'n #10598-1895: age 82 yrs, 4 mos; cause of death heart failure 5 weeks; informant Robert Lucas.
        Robert married 1, 2 Margaret Sutherland on 7 Nov 1838 in Delaware, Ontario. Margaret was born 3 on 4 Jun 1820 in Scotland. She died on 3 Oct 1905 in Caradoc tp, Middlesex county, Ontario.

Death reg'n #illegible-1905: died at Lot 11, R1N, Caradoc tp; cause of death cholera morbus (note there were several other Caradoc deaths due to cholera at this same time, including two Lucas children from the same address); informant R.G. Lucas.
  24 F viii Martha Bateman was christened 1 on 19 Sep 1814 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. She died on 29 Sep 1887 in Ekfrid Twp, Middlesex, Ontario. She was buried in Christ Church Cemetery, Delaware, Middlesex, Ontario.

Family records record date of death as 29 September, 1887. However, Ontario death reg'n #10144, reported in Glencoe by Dugald Currie, says December 1. Cause of death heart disease.
        Martha married George Corneil. George was born in 1813 in Ireland. He died in 1882 in Middlesex county, Ontario.

Unable to find this couple in the Collections Canada 1881 census site in order to view the image; lists them as Corneiler? Middlesex East, Glencoe, div 1, p. 29. George listed as age 67, born Ireland, C. Methodist. Also unable to find a death registration.
  25 F ix Catherine Bateman was born 1 in 1817 in Kilbrittain, Cork, Ireland. She died on 29 Sep 1884 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario. She was buried on 30 Sep 1884 in Christ Church Cemetery, Delaware, Middlesex County, Ontario.

Death reg'n #10549-1884; age 67; cause of death dropsy (appears to read: dropsy with consoledation of left lung sufrevening?) 8 months; farmer's widow. Will in Middlesex Surrogate Court records, November 1883 - August 1887, #2732, p.242: identifies Edward C. Bateman of Lot 12, First Concession, Caradoc as a cousin. No children.
        Catherine married 1, 2, 3 John Papineau Bateman son of Charles (Jr.) Bateman and Elizabeth Haggertie on 8 Dec 1836 in Christ Church, Delaware, Canada West. John was born in 1808 in County Cork, Ireland. He died on 22 Jan 1879 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Ontario. He was buried in Christ Church, Delaware, Ontario.

No children. 1852 Census (Caradoc, p. 75) indicates that the household consisted of John C. (43) and Catharine (34), and also Catharine Nagle (17), John Bateman (14) and Dorothy Elliott (Catherine's sister). 1861 census record, Caradoc, p. 15.
After John P. died in Caradoc, Ontario, his nephew Rowland Bateman Jr. moved from New Brunswick and took over the farm.
Death reg'n #8614-1879: age 72, cause of death not stated; informant, his wife, Catherine Bateman. Will in Middlesex Surrogate Court records, August 1868 - November 1879, #1700, p.407.

5. John Bateman (Charles ) was born before 1772. He was christened 1 on 25 Apr 1790 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. He died in 1825 in Ireland.

John was "received into the Church" 25 April 1790. Family legend suggests this John may have immigrated to Australia, but this is unconfirmed. It has been suggested that he was the John Bateman who is recognized as having purchased land which is now the location of the city of Melbourne, Australia from the Aboriginal people. However, I have been able to determine that the Melbourne John Bateman (sometimes spelled Batman) was born in Australia and that both his mother and father were transported there as convicts.
This is probably the John Bateman who married Catherine (possibly Bourke) and/or Martha Ellis. I think it likely he lived in Glanduff (based on marriage records for daughters Catherine and Martha). My working hypothesis at this time is that John first married Catherine and had two or more children, including Catherine baptised in 1808 and Charles baptised in 1812; I'm guessing that Esther and Mary (see further info below) were also daughters of John and Catherine. All of these couples moved to New Brunswick. I think his wife Catherine must have died soon after Charles' birth, possibly in childbirth, and that John married Martha within the next several months and had more children, including: Martha baptised December 1814, Dorothea baptised 1817 (evidently died at a very young age), William baptised 1819 and another Dorothea baptised in 1824. I further think that the family that has been attributed to a Charles Bateman and Martha Ellis: Esther m John Bateman 1822; Mary m William Holland in 1826; Catherine m John Good 1830; Charles m Ann Ellis 1835; and Dora m William W. Smyth in 1841 are probably John Bateman's children, and in fact are the grandchildren of Charles Bateman and Martha Ellis who married in 1863. I think one more child from this family could be Martha Bateman baptised 1824 and married Thomas Smyth in 1834. All of these marriages were by license and are listed in the Cork and Ross Marriage License Bonds. They are also all recorded in the Rathclaren Parish Register, which is available at the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin.
Previous thinking has been that there were two Charles Batemans who married women named Martha Ellis; one couple is listed in the Cork and Ross Marriage License Bonds as having married in 1763. That couple would be the parents of this John Bateman and his several brothers, most of whom emigrated to New Brunswick in the early 1800s. The other alleged couple was said to be the parents of Esther, Mary, Catherine, Charles and Dora listed above. The family history for this family was put together by Arthur Bateman in the 1960s, apparently from memory. A descendant of Dora and William Smyth has compiled the history of these families, starting with Arthur's history. She verified as much of the history as was possible--especially the New Brunswick years. Those records have been submitted to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. I received a copy from the compiler in 1992. That version notes that Dora Bateman's birthdate was 13 December 1825, as recorded by Dora in her family Bible.
However, the Rathclaren Parish baptism record for Dora, daughter of John Bateman, is 16 December 1824, further suggesting these must surely be the same person (and that the year of birth was out by one year--not unusual in these early days). I think the confusion arose because John Bateman's mother and wife were both named Martha Ellis and that Dora was hence daughter of Martha Ellis and JOHN Bateman, not CHARLES Bateman. However, it is still not proven if Esther, Mary, Catherine, Charles and Dora were the children of John or of another unknown and otherwise undocumented couple, Charles Bateman and Martha Ellis.

John married (1) Catherine Bourk about 1796 in County Cork, Ireland. Catherine was born before 1780 in Ireland.

Surname tentative--baptism records for children do not include her maiden name.

John and Catherine had the following children:

+ 26 F i Esther Bateman was born about 1803. She was buried on 8 Jul 1879.
+ 27 F ii Mary Bateman was born about 1808.
+ 28 F iii Catherine Bateman was christened on 29 May 1808. She died on 13 Jan 1895.

John married (2) Martha Ellis 1 before 1812 in Ireland. Martha was born in 1785 in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland. She died on 29 Jan 1868 in Bathurst, Gloucester County, New Brunswick. She was buried 2 on 20 Jan 1868 in St. George's Anglican Church, Bathurst, NB.

Martha emigrated from Ireland about 1849 with her daughter and son-in-law, Dora and William W. Smyth. They first settled in Hopkinton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. About 1853 they moved to Teteagouche, near Bathurst, N.B. Many of her brothers, sisters and kinsmen had come to New Brunswick as early as the 1810s and later during the famine. Family records are found in the parishes of the Anglican Church (Church of England). Martha's tombstone in St. George's Anglican Church Cemetery, Bathurst indicates that she died 29 (or possibly 20) January 1868, age 83. Her father may have been Edward Ellis who married Jane Clear 1788 in Cork Ireland. It is thought he emigrated to New Brunswick with 10 of his 13 children and his second wife, Jane Parrott. A petition for land on the south side of the Bay of Chaleur, near Salmon Beach, Gloucester county is dated 15 July 1819.
St. George's Parish Register, Bathurst also indicates Martha was 83 at the time of her death.
1861 Gloucester County, Bathurst North Census, p.46, confirms that Martha was living with the Smyth family at that time.

They had the following children:

+ 29 M iv Charles Bateman was christened on 3 May 1812. He died before 1881.
+ 30 F v Martha Bateman was christened on 16 Jul 1814.
  31 F vi Dorothea Bateman was christened on 5 Jan 1817 in Rathclaren, County Cork, Ireland. She died before 1824.

Baptism sponsors were James Stawell, Ellen Donnellan and Jane Hungerford.
  32 M vii William Bateman was christened 1 on 8 Oct 1819 in Rathclaren, County Cork, Ireland.

Baptism sponsors: Charles, Thomas and Dora Bateman.
  33 M viii George Bateman 1 was born about 1821 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland. He died before 1900.

Believed to have died young in Ireland.
+ 34 F ix Dora Bateman was born on 13 Dec 1824. She died on 6 Jun 1906.

6. Thomas Bateman (Charles ) was christened 1 on 9 Nov 1781 in Rathclaren Parish, County Cork, Ireland.

Thomas was baptised privately and was received into the church 25 April 1790, sponsored by William Bateman, Catherine Hodnett and Thomas Bateman. It is believed that this is the Thomas who married Hannah Hales and that he was the father of John Thomas Bateman (note that the eldest son of Thomas and Hannah was named Charles). It is not known if he remained in Ireland or immigrated to North America, but probably the former.

Thomas married 1 Hannah (Anne) Hales daughter of Hales in 1808 in County Cork, Ireland. Hannah was born about 1785 in Ireland. She died in Nov 1815 in County Cork. She was buried 2 on 15 Nov 1815 in Ballymodan Parish, County Cork.

Hannah's sons' baptismal sponsors included Thomas, Richard and Nicholas Hales--these men may have been her brothers or one a father? Hannah was buried in Ballymodan Parish, whose register indicates she was the wife of Thomas and a resident of Kilbrittain. This suggests that Ballymodan may have been her home parish prior to her marriage. Ballymodan parish includes the town of Bandon south of the Bandon River.

They had the following children:

+ 35 M i Charles Bateman was christened on 22 Mar 1809. He died in Jun 1848.
+ 36 M ii John Thomas Bateman was born in Sep 1813. He died on 11 Jan 1896.
+ 37 M iii Richard Bateman was christened on 2 Aug 1815. He died in 1874.

7. Swanton Bateman (Charles ) was born about 1787 in County Cork, Ireland. He was christened 1 on 8 Apr 1787 in Rathclaren Church, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 8 Jun 1868 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex Co, Ontario. He was buried on 14 Jun 1868 in Christ Church Yd, Delaware, Ontario.

Swanton was received into the church 25 April 1790, sponsored by Robert Bateman and Anne Hosfort. He is known to have lived in Bathurst, New Brunswick in the early 1800s. His eldest known son, Charles, was born in Ireland. The other children known to have survived to adulthood were born in New Brunswick. Notes on the descendants of those children were reported and recorded at Bateman family reunions held in or near London, Ontario in the late 1930s and early 40s.
Hunter (1978, "Pioneer Settlers of the Bay Chaleur") notes: " The following year, 1817, saw the arrival of . . . Richard [perhaps this should be Robert, as there was no Richard to our knowledge] and Swanton Bateman. These Batemans had originally settled in St. Mary's in York County in 1816."
There may have been two Swanton Batemans in early New Brunswick, and if so, they were probably cousins. The Swanton Bateman who was the father of Charles, John Swanton, Mary and Jane spent his later years living with his daughter Mary and her husband (my gg grandparents) in Caradoc Tp, Canada West (now Ontario). He died in Ontario and is buried in Delaware, Ontario. Family stories were that his wife was named Mary Hales, but there is no documentation to support this. There was a Charles Bateman who did marry a woman named Mary Hales; they settled in Caradoc tp as well, and it is possible that the stories got confused. Donald Parrott said there was a Swanton Bateman buried in the Bateman-Parrot cemetery in Bethlehem Tp, Coshocton County, Ohio, who would be the other Swanton. However, I think it more likely that Swanton's wife Jane was buried there and that Swanton's name was on her tombstone, but that Swanton was not actually buried there. Recently a resident of Bethlehem went to the cemetery to investigate and was unable to find a stone with the name Swanton Bateman. I have not been able to find any other record to support the claim that a Swanton died and was buried in Ohio. The Parrott family stories did have Swanton Bateman accompanying his brother Matthew and family when they moved to Ohio. This is certainly possible and suggests that he must have later moved on to Canada West (now Ontario) from Ohio. His son Charles did leave records in both Ohio and Ontario, as well as Kansas, where he finally settled.
Land records from New Brunswick indicate the following: Swanton and his brother Robert petitioned for land in 1817. Subsequent petitions were submitted by Swanton in 1818 and 1819. In 1818 Swanton was the witness at the marriage of William Bateman and Lydia Smith in Fredericton. I have not seen the original land records, but have seen extracts from them. In March 1837 it was noted that Swanton occupied Lot 6 on the south side of the Nepisiquit River, an area that is sometimes called Big River and is now part of Bathurst. In August 1838 Swanton and Jane gave John Bateman a mortgage for 130 pounds for Lot 6. The mortgage was discharged in February 1844. In December 1841 John Swanton Bateman sold the north half of Lot 6 to John and Mary Bateman (Mary was the sister of John Swanton). A mortgage on Lot 6 was discharged in October 1846 when John T. Bateman (husband of Mary) paid it off. This was when John and Mary moved to Canada West.
My current theory is: Swanton, the son of Charles Bateman and Martha Ellis, was born and christened in Rathclaren parish, County Cork. He married Jane Bateman in 1809, immigrated to New Brunswick in 1816. At the time he submitted a petition for land in 1816 he said he was 29 years old, married and the father of two children. The two children would probably have been Charles and another child who did not survive--possibly named Martha. Alternatively, it may have been Charles and John. Three children, John Swanton, Mary and Jane, were said to have been born in New Brunswick. Swanton and Jane probably moved to Ohio about the time he sold Lot 6 to his son, John S. Bateman. Their son Charles also moved to Ohio. Swanton's wife Jane probably died and was buried in Ohio. After her death Swanton moved to Caradoc to live with John T. and Mary Bateman, who had left New Brunswick in 1846/47. Swanton's son Charles moved to Canada West before January 1852 census, when the "1851" census was recorded. Charles and his family left for Kansas in 1855, as did Swanton's daughter Jane with her husband, Matthew Smith and their children.
In January 1852 Swanton lived with his daughter Mary Bateman. At that time his age was given as 65. Swanton's burial was recorded in the Christ Church (Delaware) parish register, but I have been unable to find a tombstone with his name. However, Susan Meyer recorded his name from a tombstone when she was there in June 1959. The stone for Mary and John T. Bateman was still standing in the early 2000s when I last visited the cemetery.

Swanton married Jane Bateman in 1809 in County Cork, Ireland. Jane was born about 1790 in Ireland. She died before 1852 in New Brunswick or Ohio?.

There are very few records of Jane. Her place of birth is unknown. As we have not found a record of their marriage, it seems likely that she came from a parish whose register either did not survive, or if it did, is not close enough to Bandon/Rathclaren that it was one that I have reviewed. It seems likely that Jane died in Coshocton county, Ohio, in the early 1840s, but there is no documentation to prove this.

Swanton and Jane had the following children:

  38 F i Martha Bateman was christened 1 on 11 Jun 1809 in Rathclaren Parish, Cork, Ireland.

Baptism sponsors were Abraham Cambridge, Catherine Tape (also a sponsor for one of Thomas Bateman's sons) and Mary Hayes.
+ 39 M ii Charles S. Bateman was born on 24 Dec 1811. He died on 21 Feb 1896.
  40 F iii Martha Bateman was christened 1 on 20 Apr 1815 in Rathclaren Parish, Cork, Ireland.

Baptism sponsor was John Bateman.
+ 41 M iv John Swanton Bateman was born about 1815. He died on 17 Nov 1901.
+ 42 F v Mary Bateman was born on 10 Apr 1820. She died on 12 Jun 1901.
+ 43 F vi Jane Bateman was born about 1823. She died in 1856.

8. Charles Bateman (Charles ) was born in 1796 in Kilbrittain, County Cork, Ireland. He died on 14 Oct 1858 in Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Canada West. He was buried in Christ Church, Delaware, Middlesex County, Ontario.

I am not convinced this Charles was the son of Charles and Martha. If so, he was born 33 years after his parents married and his mother would have been over 50 when he was born. There is no baptism record for such a child. Moreover, his eldest son was called Edward, suggesting his father was more likely to be named Edward. I think it more likely he was the son of Edward Bateman and Catherine Hodnett (note that Charles also had a daughter Katherine).
In 1827 Charles Bateman and his wife Mary sold lot 35, 200 acres (Hunter, 1978, p. 18).
In January 1852 the Caradoc tp. census (p. 22) reported that the family lived in a frame house. Charles was 57, Mary Ann 44 (his second wife), Elizabeth and Katharine 23, Thomas 21 and Charles 12. Charles' will is available in Middlesex Surrogate Court records, 29 November, 1858.

Charles married 1 (1) Mary Hales in 1816 in Diocese of Cork and Ross, County Cork, Ireland. Mary was born in 1792 in Ireland. She died in 1847 in Middlesex County, Canada West.

They had the following children:

+ 44 M i Edward C. Bateman was born in 1818. He died on 27 Nov 1890.
+ 45 F ii Martha Bateman was born on 11 Mar 1820.
+ 46 M iii John C. Bateman was born on 9 Feb 1826. He died on 24 Sep 1882.
+ 47 F iv Catherine Bateman was born on 5 Dec 1829. She died on 15 Oct 1894.
+ 48 F v Elizabeth Bateman was born on 5 Dec 1829. She died in 1898.
+ 49 M vi Thomas H. Bateman was born in 1831. He died in 1887.
+ 50 M vii Charles Swanton Bateman was born on 23 Apr 1840.

Charles married 1 (2) Mary Ann Emerson on 10 Jul 1849 in Wesleyan Mission, Caradoc Twp, Middlesex County, Canada West.

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