Seitz DNA Reconstruction Project
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Seitz/Sides Family DNA Reconstruction Project

Many of us have been staring at a brick wall for years now on our Seitz line, having exhausted all other avenues of research. DNA testing can pick up where the paper trail leaves off.

Currently in progress is a DNA Reconstruction Project coordinated through FamilyTreeDNA by fellow Seitz/Sides researcher and descendant Debra Harper.The potential benefits of this DNA study are already materializing, as some descendants who have participated have already received results back, some with surprising results. Remember a non-match is just as telling as a match.

This is an ongoing study that you can participate in now or in the future. Deb Harper has negotiated a discount price for participants, so contact her to participate. Now may be the best time to participate since the cost of the testing may change.

I would urge you to participate. Please read up on this project and view Deb Harper's contact information at: Seitz/Sides/Sites DNA Project