Subject: YEAR BOOKS From: Steven J. Coker Date: October 01, 1998 Extracted From: A LAW DICTIONARY ..., SIXTH EDITION, 1856 by John Bouvier CHILDS & PETERSON, PHILADELPHIA YEAR BOOKS. These were books of reports of cases in a regular series from the reign of the English King Edw. II. inclusive, to the time of Henry VIII, which were taken by the prothonotaries or chief scribes of the courts, at the expense of the crown, and published annually, whence their name Year Books. They consist of eleven parts, namely: Part 1. Maynard's Reports, temp. Edw. II.; also divers Memoranda of the Exchequer, temp. Edward I. Part 2. Reports in the first ten years of Edw. III. Part 3. Reports from l7 to 39 Edward III. Part 4. Reports from 40 to 50 Edward III. Part 5. Liber Assisarum; or Pleas of the Crown, temp. Edw. III. Part 6. Reports temp. Hen. IV. and Hen. V. Parts 7 and 8. Annals, or Reports of Hen. VI. during his reign, in 2 vols. Part 9. Annals of Edward IV. Part 10. Long Quinto; or Reports in 5 Edward IV. Part 11. Cases in the reigns of Edward V, Richard III, Henry VII, and Henry VIII. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |