Wives and Children of Col. Archibald McDONALD - Wm McI
Subject: Wives and Children of Col. Archibald McDONALD
From: Wm McI
Date: April 06, 1998


I'm interested in any sources of information on the wives and children of Col.
Archibald McDONALD of Revolutionary War fame.  

Ames, "Cantey Family" SCHS: states that Archibald was married to Martha
RICHARDSON (d/o Gen. Richard RICHARDSON and Mary CANTEY) and assumes that his
three children to reach adulthood (Susannah McDONALD, Martha Neilson McDONALD,
and William McDONALD) were the children of Martha RICHARDSON.

BUT:  Brunson & Brunson, Four Centuries of Brunson and Allied Families make a
pretty convincing case that Martha RICHARDSON would have been Archibald's
second wife and that first wife Margaret NEILSON (NELSON) would in all
likelihood been the mother of some if not all of these children.

I  Know a lot of us are proud of Gen. RICHARDSON and I have enjoyed claiming
as an ancestor, but as far as documentation I've seen, I believe my ancestor
Susannah  (McDonald) CANTEY nee CONNOR was most probably the daughter of
Margaret NEILSON and thus the granddaughter of William NEILSON and Susannah

Please consider this an invitation to prove me wrong!!!!


Bill McIntosh

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