Subject: Westberry\Bates From: gslat Date: December 22, 1999 Reader mine, as can be readily seen by previous posts, my roots are in South Carolina. They go back to 1654 when the first Wesbury set foot in this country. However, the branches went all whichaways, with the main man, Rev. Moses Westberry Sr, going to Georgia in about 1800. cw Deed; July 8,1802 Robert Bates and Elizabeth Bates, his wife, late Elizabeth Wesbery, widow, of Sumter District, state aforesaid, to Isaac Lenoir and James Barnes, of said district, planters, the following described tract; a certain parcel of land containing 83 acres situated on Mains Branch in district of Sumter, bounded on lands of Benjamin Ferguson, James Bates and Henry Clarke, being the same tract the said Elizabeth Wesbery purchased from Robert Mackey. Also the following household furniture; two feather beds and furniture, one loom and gears, one cupboard and furniture, four iron potts, two tables and one handmill, the same to be held with the tract aforesaid, in trust for the following uses and purposes, that is to say; if the said Robert Bates be the longest liver, he holds the property during his natural life, and in case the said Elizabeth Bates survive him, she holds the property during life, and our will and desire is after both our decease, the said land and household furniture be equally divided between the said Elizabeths two youngest sons, Samuel Wesbery and Jonathan Wesbery. Consideration; 20 shillings Signed; Robert Bates + seal Signed; Elizabeth Bates + seal Witness; William Murrell and William Gerald Proved, July 9,1802. Recorded July 12,1802. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |