Subject: Various From: Steven J. Coker Date: November 24, 1998 I'm removing these messages from an old SCRoots guestbook. Thought I would post them for the archives before doing so. From: Derrell Oakley Teat ([email protected]) Date: Fri Sep 25 21:20:33 1998 Subject: Lost Oakley's Trying to find ANY info on : John, William ,Fielden, and Sarah Oakley counted in Abbeville Cty in 1800. John is made guardian of 2 boys over 14 in May 1815. John dies in Nov 1815. William buys at estate sale., so I assume the boys were Fielden's. They all disappear after 1815. Different William born approx. 1790's Pickens Cty 1830, William Oakley & family. Abbeville Cty 1840, William dies in 1840's & is buried around Level Land & Little River I think. Any info on ANY Oakley before 1800 & after in Abbeville Cty and ANY Oakley in upper SC before 1830 is greatly appreciated. Thank You for You Time & Trouble Derrell Oakley Teat From: Doug Bostick ([email protected]) Date: Mon Sep 14 13:31:51 1998 Subject: James Island history. I am writing a history on pre-Civil War James Island with focus on the Colonial and Ante-bellum periods. I am interested in any information, maps, letters, family journals, etc. covering this period. Noted family names include: Bee, Burch, Clark, Dill, Ellis, Frampton, Freer, Godber, Heyward, Hinson, Holmes, Lawton, Lebby, Legare', McLeod, Mellichamp, Mikell, Minott, Rivers, Royall, Seabrook, Stiles, and Taylor. Also, looking for any information about a shipyard & shipbuilder on James Island, 1743 - 1772; and a racetrack on James Island, 1750-1788? From: Doug Bostick ([email protected]) Date: Mon Sep 14 13:18:02 1998 Subject: Levi T. Bostick Levi T. Bostick was noted in the 1850 & 1860 census in Darlington County, South Carolina. Per his noted age he would have been born in 1818; wife- Elizabeth, born 1822; daughter Martha A., born 1845; and son Joseph Pinckney, born 1848. We do not know where they came from. Speculation has been they came from Louisiana. Any information would be helpful. There is a Levi Bostick listed in the 1800 Darlington County Census. Could have been the father of Levi T.??? From: jim mccarter ([email protected]) Date: Fri Sep 11 14:55:04 1998 Subject: owens, harrison Harrison Owens b 1803 in s.c. married an eliza from ill. had one child Clinton C. b 1834 ill. one child Marge L. b 1832 miss. following b in Texas, Prestion b 1838, lucinda b 1840, George W. 1842, Mary E b 6 sep 1844, Misourian b 1846. Harrison is my ggf, Mary e, gm. if anyone could help me on information it would be deeply appricated. Thanks, Jim From: Frank GRAY ([email protected]) Date: Thu Sep 3 22:23:02 1998 Subject: DURST,GRAY,BEARD,FOSTER My maternal G-Father was Peter DUST b. 1820 according to 1850 Edgefield census. Wife Nancy. Would like to know his father's name or siblings. My Paternal G-Pa was William T. GRAY b. 1849 in Anderson SC. His wife was Adeline Calhoun BEARD. Her parents were John BEARD and Mary FOSTER. Know nothing about the Beards or Fosters. Have plenty on G-pa GRAY on down and the DUST/DURST on down. Very little previously. Thanks F.GRY From: Lamar Gulledge ([email protected]) Date: Wed Sep 2 10:48:30 1998 Subject: Bessie Belle Murphy Gulledge I am searching for any information on my grandmother Bessie Belle Murphy.She was born in S.C. Jan 15,1894.Married my grandfather Elijah Graham Gulledge approx 1910.My father Elijah Lamar Gulledge was Born in Georgetown May 2,1911.She Died Oct 16,1913 the place of death and burial are unknown,but is believed to be S.C.I would like help finding her grave site or any other info From: Gabrielle Moore ([email protected]) Date: Sun Aug 30 21:53:00 1998 Subject: Nesbitt Family Research I have been searching the Nesbitts of South Carolina for close at least ten years. I am looking for anyone who has information on this family in preferably Spartanburg, SC and secondarily Lancaster, Co. The connected names are Snoddy, Hadden, Anderson, Miller, Grisham, Coan, Evins, Gaston. Many of these are names of people who married into the Nesbitt line or who had Nesbitts that married into its line. THERE IS HISTORY IN OUR ROOTS!!! From: Nina Sites ([email protected]) Date: Mon Aug 10 12:53:10 1998 Subject: Howard family of Greenville Co. I am searching the Howard family of Glassy Mountain area in Greenville Co. My g-grandfather Nineava Howard I believe was the son of James Howard and Clarinda. Nineava's name is never spelled the same way twice so it is hard to find him in each census. James died in May of 1856 leaving 10 minor children and his widow. The estate was sold and the debts paid off. In 1860 a petion was filed in name of the children for the remaining money to be given back. I haven't been able to find out where the widow and her children went. Perhaps they were split up and taken in by the surrounding Howard families in the area. Nineava was born in 1840 and married Nancy Peace who was born in Pickens S.C. I think he was in Laurens Co. in 1860,1870, census. If someone has this census would like a lookup for him. Hoping it lists his children. I do know that Nineava returned to Anderson S.C. in 1907 after a long abscence through paper work that Nancy filled out. He d From: Jean Heffron ROYAL ([email protected]) Date: Fri Aug 7 09:49:02 1998 Subject: HEFFERNAN, Dennis 1851 I am looking for information on Dennis HEFFERNAN b. 1826 Ireland. I don't know how he got to America but by 1851 he was in Charleston, SC with his wife Margaret THOMAS and their child, William b.1850 Mobile, AL. They had three more children all born in Charleston: James 1852, Margaret 1859 and John Edward 1862. Dennis was a Wheelwright who owned a shop on Calhoun Street. Dennis' wife died in 1866 of an accident and Dennis died in 1868. They are buried in St. Lawrence Cemetery and so are all of their children. if anyone has any information, please contact me. I would like to know where in Ireland thet came from. Jean From: Anne Dreher Propst ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jul 29 09:50:46 1998 Subject: Family Research Would like a documented source for the first Dreher to arrive in SC somewhere around 1744/45. What was his port of entry? I know that Godfrey Dreher received a land grant in 1744 of 150 acres. but it has always been thought that his father was Johannes Dreher who came into PA in 1738 but more recent research does not verify this. Any documented information would be appreciated. Researching: DREHER, HILLER, ADDY, ANTLEY, DRAFTS, HILDEBRAND, SHULER, PROPST IN SC From: Chris Hall ([email protected]) Date: Sat Jul 25 00:47:59 1998 Subject: John HALL VA>Pendleton District SC ca 1780 Looking for info on this family. Moved from Halifax CO Va late 1780's. Father was William HALL Jr. mother perhaps Elizabeth Choice. Sons include Nathaniel, John (my ancestor),Fenton, and Sarah Hall Dejarnette. Any info before or after their move from VA greatly appreciated From: DGAINEY ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jul 24 19:32:55 1998 Subject: ROGERSON, AMMONS, CHANDLER, SIMPSON FAMILIES LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON THESE FAMILY LINES. CHANDLER FAMILY OF SUMTER CO, SC EARL SIMPSON FAMILY FROM NEAR SUMTER SC. ALSO LOOKING FOR INFO ON AMMONS FAMILY OF HORRY AND MARION CO. AND ROGERSONS WHO CAME TO SC FROM NC. From: Susan ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jul 24 14:16:20 1998 Subject: ROSE family Searching for ancestry info on John A. Rose (1833-1912) married to Rebecca Love. Descendants lived in Florence County, SC, and most likely in nearby counties, as well. He was in McGowan's Brigade. From: Fred Hawthorne ([email protected]) Date: Thu Jul 23 12:42:31 1998 Subject: THOMAS HAWTHORNE Thomas Hawthorne b05/01/1809 married (Polly) Ann Lyons/Richey b 11/18/1812 in the old 96 district/Abbeville Co. SC. (I think that Polly's mother was Elizabeth (Betsey)Cowan who married a ??? Lyons (I suspect they produced some children)and then Betsey married William Richey. (Her second and his third) If Betsey and ?? Lyons did not produce these children they could have been a product of William Richey's first marriage to an unknow woman. Betsey & William were not married until 1819....Polly used the name Richey when she married Thomas Hawthorne. I would like to clear up this confussion and then I would like to find Thomas Hawthorne's parents (or brothers and sisters). I have found a lot of reference to a Andrew Cowan Hawthorne who would be about the right age to have been a brother. Can anyone help me with this confusing problem?? From: Viyetta Brown ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jul 22 20:36:22 1998 Subject: YELDELL/YELLDELL Research I am looking for SALLY and ANTHONY (TONIE) YELDELL/YELLDELL they were married and living in EDGEFIELD SC for a while and they also lived in PLUM BRANCH, they had several children I think at least one my great grandmother MARGARET YELDELL/YELLDELL born Mar 16, 1845 and died July 20, 1920. I would greatly appreciate any and all help. Thanks in advance, Viyetta Brown From: Deborah West ([email protected]) Date: Sat Jul 18 14:20:44 1998 Subject: ASKEW family I am searching for a JOHN ASKEW, ASKEY, or ASQUITH from SC in the early 1800s. I think two of his daughters were Rebecca and SARAH who was my ancestor. They moved to MD around 1840. It seems to be a dead-end. THANKS! From: Maggie ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jul 15 23:15:19 1998 Subject: Looking for roots In Lexington County: Michael (1830) and Frances Ponds family information. (Hollow Creek 1880 Census shows him as age 50 with children Bascom, Cromwell,Thomas, Mary, Estelle, and George) In Saluda Township: James & Caroline Thornton. Children: Ella, Julia, Green, Henry, John, Columbus Frank, and Lizzie. 1880 Census p487B, household 184. Any prior information. Must have been on plantation in prior censuses. From: Debbie ([email protected]) Date: Thu Jul 9 14:18:46 1998 Subject: C A R D W E L L 1795-1800 Searching for parents of John CARDWELL. Born around 1795-1800. 1850 census states as to being born in South Carolina. Married in Oglethorpe county, Ga. in 1816 to Pheraby Gosdin. Had 8 children. Died in Al. Can anyone connect to this family? Thanks for any replies. Debbie From: Anne Wiggins Wallace ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jul 3 00:05:41 1998 Subject: research on surnames I am interested in any information regarding the following surnames: my paternal line: WIGGINS, MONTGOMERY, MCQUEEN,LEWIS, WARNOCK my maternal line: UTSEY, RHEUARK, STOKES, HUCKS, RISHER. Thanks for any information. Anne Wiggins Wallace From: M. Thompson ([email protected]) Date: Thu Jul 2 16:45:09 1998 Subject: BUCKLEY Family Hello, I am seeking ANY information on the name BUCKLEY, Thomas. He was born in Charleston about 1840 and lived there until about 1866. That is the total of info. we have on our GGGrandfather. Have been unable to find anything on him or his family. Any assistance would be appreciated. I will share details of his later life in New Orleans where he married and raised a family. Thanks. From: Debbie Byrd ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 26 15:26:57 1998 Subject: Olde 96 and Edgefield Districts I started cataloging founding families of Newberry County more than a year ago. I have used the Simms/Brown book, Annals of Newberry, Vol 1&2, Reminisces (?) of Newberry County, History of Edgefield District, and personal documents, notes From Bibles, etc. I created a family tree with more than 6,000 individuals on it who are all related to each other (directly & indirectly) using Family Tree Maker. The following family names I have information on and would be willing to share: Able, Abney, Aull, Ballentine, Barre, Bobb, Boozer, Boulware, Bowers, Boyd, Brooks, Brown, Butler, Caldwell, Calmes, Campbell, Cannon, Chalmers, Chapman, Clark, Counts (Koontz), Cromer, DeWalt, Dickert, Dominick, Dreher, Eichelberger, Eleazar, Epting, Fair, Feagle, Fellers, Fitzgerald, Folk, Fulmer, Gary, Gibson, Graham, Gray, Haltiwanger, Hamilton, Harris, Hausihl (Houseal), Henderson, Higgins, Hipp, Jacobs, Johnstone, Kibler, Kinard, Kohn, Koone (Koon), Kuhn, Lake, Leg From: N.G. Chesnutt ([email protected]) Date: Sun Jun 21 17:17:37 1998 Subject: Gettys & Pearce Looking for information about John Gettys who arrived in Charleston from Ireland around 1790. Also researching Pearce, Sowell, Reese, Team families of Kershaw Ct and Stateburg, SC From: ruth krems ([email protected]) Date: Sat Jun 20 17:10:55 1998 Subject: James Frank McManus/Catherine E. Marshall Trying to find parents of My gg grandfather, JAMES FRANK MCMANUS. bORN cIRCA 1852, died 27 July 1891 or 1897. married Catherine E. Marshall born circa 1851 (or 1849 or 1856), died 25 Sept. 1899. Both buried in Mt. Zion Baptist Church in CAmden,Kershaw County, SC. Children were Inez, Mary, Maude, Margaret and Arthur. (Maude have also gone by the name of Lillian). I have found alot of McManus but none to match my James Frank. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!(Been trying for over 10 years). Please e-mail me at [email protected] if possible. From: Chuck Harrell ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 12 23:32:43 1998 Descendants of Andrew J. Kennedy Subject: Need info on ancestors of this family: Thanks...... Generation No. 1 1. ANDREW J.2 KENNEDY (WILLIAM1) was born 1823 in Marion District, SC, and died 1862-1864 in Marion County, SC. He married ANN OR NANCY FRANCES (KENNEDY) (2 WIVES) Unknown in ?. Children of ANDREW KENNEDY and ANN WIVES) are: i. WILLIAM3 KENNEDY, b. Abt. 1842, Marion County, SC. ii. AGNES KENNEDY, b. Abt. 1845, Marion County, SC. 2. iii. WILLIAM JAMES KENNEDY, b. July 27, 1849, Jeffries Township, MarionCounty, SC; d. August 07, 1908, Florence County, SC Bur: Bethel FWB, Mars Bluff. iv. L. KENNEDY, b. 1853, Marion County, SC. v. JANE KENNEDY, b. Abt. 1854, Marion County, SC. 3. vi. BLANEY EDWIN KENNEDY, b. August 31, 1856, Marion County, SC Mars Bluff); d. May 14, 1899, Florence County, SC Bur Bethel FWB, Mars Bluff. 4. vii. ANDREW MACDONALD KENNEDY, b. October 1859, Marion County, SC; d. 1929, Marion County, SC (Mullins) Cederdale Cem.. 5. viii. MARY CA From: Chuck Harrell ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 12 23:28:51 1998 Need info on ancestors of this family; Thanks....... Subject: Descendants of Eli Harrell Generation No. 1 1. ELI1 HARRELL was born 1815 in Marion District, SC, and died Unknown in Marion District, SC. He married ELIZABETH (HARRELL) Unknown in Marion Dristrict, SC. Children of ELI HARRELL and ELIZABETH (HARRELL) are: 2. i. EPHRIAM2 HARRELL, b. 1841, Marion District, SC; d. Unknown, Marion District, SC. ii. WESLEY HARRELL, b. 1842, Marion District, SC; d. Unknown, ?. iii. SARAH HARRELL, b. 1843. iv. SUSAN HARRELL, b. 1844. 3. v. SAMUEL ANDREW HARRELL, SR., b. April 09, 1845, Marion District, SC; d. May 08, 1926, Florence County, SC Buried Mizpah Cem, Hwy 327, Florence, SC. vi. MARY HARRELL, b. 1846. vii. WILLIAM HARRELL, b. 1849. 4. viii. NANCY HARRELL, b. 1859, Marion District, SC; d. 1918, Florence County, SC Buried Bethel FWB Cem., Mars Bluff. ix. LULU HARRELL ( MOTHER UNKNOWN), b. Unknown. Generation No. 2 2. EPHRIAM2 HARRELL (ELI1) was born 1841 in Marion Dist From: Chuck Harrell ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 12 23:26:56 1998 Need info on ancestors of this family.......Thanks Subject: Descendants of David (Dave) Brooks Generation No. 1 1. DAVID (DAVE)1 BROOKS was born Abt. 1845 in Eastern NC, and died Unknown in Florence County, SC. He married (SARAH)? OR (SALLIE)? RIVENBARK Abt. 1868 in ?. Children of DAVID BROOKS and (SARAH)? RIVENBARK are: 2. i. MARGARET ADELAI (MAGGIE)2 BROOKS, b. June 04, 1869, Harnett County NC; d. December 20, 1956, Dillon County, SC Bur: Oak Grove, SC. 3. ii. OSCAR C. BROOKS, SR., b. May 30, 1875, Duplin County, NC (Wallace); d. September 17, 1955, ?. Generation No. 2 2. MARGARET ADELAI (MAGGIE)2 BROOKS (DAVID (DAVE)1) was born June 04, 1869 in Harnett County NC, and died December 20, 1956 in Dillon County, SC Bur: Oak Grove, SC. She married FIRD D. KIRBY Abt. 1888 in ?. Children of MARGARET BROOKS and FIRD KIRBY are: 4. i. DOWNING3 KIRBY, b. April 13, 1890, Dillon County, SC; d. March 1971, Missoula County, MT. 5. ii. SARAH MARGARET (SALLIE) KIR From: Chuck Harrell ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 12 23:21:27 1998 Subject: Need help on anscestors of this family: Descendants of Fird D. Kirby Generation No. 1 1. FIRD D.1 KIRBY was born January 1865 in ?, and died March 20, 1934 in ?. He married MARGARET ADELAI (MAGGIE) BROOKS Abt. 1888 in ?, daughter of DAVID BROOKS and (SARAH)? RIVENBARK. Children of FIRD KIRBY and MARGARET BROOKS are: 2. i. DOWNING2 KIRBY, b. April 13, 1890, Dillon County, SC; d. March 1971, Missoula County, MT. 3. ii. SARAH MARGARET (SALLIE) KIRBY, b. May 26, 1893, Dillon County, SC (Latta); d. June 1982, Marion County, SC ( Marion) Bur: Oak Grove, SC. Generation No. 2 2. DOWNING2 KIRBY (FIRD D.1) was born April 13, 1890 in Dillon County, SC, and died March 1971 in Missoula County, MT. He married OLLIE LYDIA RUDELL Unknown in ?. From: Tracey ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jun 10 12:28:01 1998 Subject: Mahaffey/Mahaffy I am trying to find out if I can obtain a ships passenger list for the CHICHESTER, from Belfast, Ireland, 1768. I would like to find out if the ship originated from Ireland, or elsewhere. There are two Mahaffy's on that list, but I'm not sure if they were from Ireland or possibly Scotland. Any help would be great. From: Margaret T. Yocis ([email protected]) Date: Fri Jun 5 09:17:04 1998 Subject: William H. Knight and Mary E. Knight I am trying to locate and information on my great grandfather and great grandmother. The nformation I have is the dead end of my family tree. William H. KNIGHT born: May 02, 1853 died: Jul 21, 1901 he married Mary E. Knight born: Feb 14, 1853 died: Jul 04, 1908 was suppose to be Cherokee They had three children: Arzena KNIGHT born: Mar 22, 1877 Thomas Ruffus KNIGHT born: May 27,1881 died: Mar 07, 1949 Hessie Elizabeth KNIGHT born: Sep 21,1885 died: Nov 1967 From what I understand my grandfather and his sisters were born in Cheraw, S.C. - Chesterfield County. My great grandmother Mary E. Knight is suppose to be buried in Cheraw, S.C. - Chesterfield County. From: Jane McCombs Gillespie ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jun 3 19:59:59 1998 Subject: Hopewell Presbyterian Abbeville District Researching Hopewell Presbyterian Church started in 1760 by PATRICK CALHOUN (Father of John C). The disbanded church (In 1950) was the church home of my McComb from start to end. Other families from church: McCaslan, Lesly, Wilson, McFerron, Hunter, McCelvey, Clatworthy, Link, Drennan etc.. From: Jane McCombs Gillespie ([email protected]) Date: Wed Jun 3 19:54:28 1998 Subject: McComb/McCombs Researching McComb/McCombs family of SC. Seems to have started in Old 96th District with GEORGE & REBECCA MCCOMB who came into Charleston in 1767 on the ship " EARL OF HILLSBOROUGH". George was granted land on the LONG CANE CREEK. I think that George was the father of ANDREW MCCOMB who had a grist mill on the Long Cane Creek and also carved the stone to mark the resting place of CATHERINE CALHOUN (grandmother of John C) and 22 others killed in the LONG CANR INDIAN MASSACRE. JOHN MCCOMB(S)came to Greenville Co SC before the Civil War. John was the grandson of ANDREW MCCOMB. John started the SC Upstate line of McCombs. From: Rebecca Ramsey ([email protected]) Date: Tue Jun 2 06:11:17 1998 Subject: COKER + COHEA (SC>TX) Would really like to find out more about this family. Can anyone help? Descendants of James COKER ------------------------------ 1-James COKER ..2-Thomas COKER + Margaret JONES (1766-1851) ....3-Peyton COKER (1801-1872) + Nancy MCINNIS ......4-James COKER (1826-1884) sp: Rebecca A. BENNER (1829-) ........5-Marguerite COKER (1859-1931) sp: George Washington COHEA (1850-1925) ..........6-Ella COHEA + Webb BEATY ..........6-Green COHEA + Delpha __________ ..........6-Tom COHEA ..........6-Wm. Monroe COHEA (1878-1965) ..........sp: Eulalia ADAMS (1880-1967) ..........6-Lula COHEA + Ralph JOHNSON ..........6-Lora COHEA + sp1: Arthur JOHNSON sp2: ______ WILSON sp3: Chester HOLLIS ..........6-Nora COHEA + _______ HOWERTON ..........6-Annie COHEA + Mack FREASIER ..........6-Beulah COHEA + Clem VINEYARD ..........6-Lela COHEA + _______ LONG ..........6-Cecil Lawrence COHEA From: Vicky LaRiccia ([email protected]) Date: Sun May 31 14:25:28 1998 Subject: children of Hon. Christopher Gustavus Memminger He lived in Charleston 1803 to 1888. I have lots of info. on him, but not his children. Research is really getting trickey without birth,marriage and death dates. Any info. would help a great deal. He had his children by Mary Wilkinsen of Charleston,SC. From: Ken Fortenberry ([email protected]) Date: Mon May 25 09:22:02 1998 Subject: Fortenberry, Masters, Pearson, Smith, Evatt, Byars Spartanburg and Pickens County information on the above and related names. From: Joe R. Coates ([email protected]) Date: Fri May 22 23:50:40 1998 Subject: Coates family Tree researching COATES family tree; looking for parents of GABRIEL GARRETT COATES, born 1801 in Kershaw County,SC; moved to Madison County,NC abt 1827/28 where he married Margaret C.(Peggy) Burlison. He was Baptist Minister practicing in Madison County before 1835. $50.00 reward offered to first person who can furnish me with his parents/grandparents names, dob etc. and reasonable proof thereof.Family Tree Maker shows parents as Sion & Sarah Coates but Sion's Will does not show a son born named Gabriel nor is there any other proof thereof forthcoming to date. any help much appreciated. [email protected] From: Joyce Payne ([email protected]) Date: Fri May 22 14:18:59 1998 Subject: Burdick/Burrows/Hewitt I am looking for any info on the name of Burdick that lived in Williamsburg Co. S.C. around 1815-20 and their relations to the Burrows and Hewitt.I am also interested in any info on the Burrows and Hewitt. THANKS From: Florence Patch Creasy ([email protected]) Date: Wed May 20 22:09:48 1998 Subject: PATCH FAMILY TREE Need info on NATHANIEL PATCH and wife FRANCES HENDRICKSON,around 1790. Would like any info on any PATCH in the Charleston area between 1790-1830 From: Burnett Gallman ([email protected]) Date: Sat May 16 15:57:33 1998 Subject: Family history I am trying to get information about the Black Doyles of Pickens District (Oconee County), the Black Gallmans, Pratts, and Lessanes of Newberry County South Carolina. Any help and information given to me would be sincerely appreciated. From: Linda Hoose ([email protected]) Date: Sat May 16 00:54:24 1998 Subject: Genealogy Surnames: di SALVO SALVO LYNCH SULLIVAN Charleston Co WEEKS HUTTO UTSEY GRESSETTE Orangeburg and Dorchester Co Also, interested in hearing about preserving and storing old letters, documents, etc. Doubt that ours would be in interest to the general community. From: Betty Cooper ([email protected]) Date: Fri May 15 13:53:59 1998 Subject: Researching surnames I am researching the following surnames: Phillips, Brazeal, Sellers, Ward, and Luther. From: Ken Baughman ([email protected]) Date: Wed May 13 11:55:34 1998 Subject: BAUGHMAN Ancestors I am researching BAUGHMAN ancestors in Orangeburg and Lexington Counties from 1700s to 1830s. Am researching Hans Ulrich BAUGHMAN, John BAUGHMAN and Mary Catherine Barbara BINNICKER. From: Katharine Moore (katharinemoore) Date: Thu May 7 22:37:13 1998 Subject: Adickes, Withers, Alexander, Kirkland, Lynah, et al. I have information to share in exchange for information on surnames: Adickes, Withers, Boykin, Kirkland, Lynah, Kennan, Godin. From: Jerry Betterton ([email protected]) Date: Tue May 5 20:41:20 1998 Subject: Betterton Family We are researching the BETTERTON family of Spartanburg, Union, and Anderson Counties of South Carolina from 1770-1850. Any and all data pertaining to any of these individuals would be greatly appreciated. From: Charlotte Coats-Siercks ([email protected]) Date: Tue May 5 13:04:19 1998 Subject: Coats, Coates, Coate of Newberry, Kershaw Counties SC - 1700s We also have a Coats Family Archive with downloadable documents...and we're always looking for documents to add... From: ruth krems ([email protected]) Date: Mon May 4 13:27:06 1998 Subject: mcmanus/marshall family trying to locate information on James Frank McMansu who was married to Catherine Marshall. James was born circa 1851, possibly in SC. He is buried in Mt. Zion Baptist cemetery in camden, kershaw county, s. c. along with Catherine. Their children were Inez, Mary, Maude, Margaret, Lillian, and Arthur (my g. grandfather). Have been trying to find info on them for years but with no luck. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks. ruth From: Fred Broughton ([email protected]) Date: Sun May 3 15:06:47 1998 Subject: Geneology I am searching for information on the Broughton family history around the tuen of the last century. Any information you can share with me will be greatly appreicated. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |