Pt 2 GORDON-SC WPA Cem Recs - Dfaeander
Subject: Pt 2 GORDON-SC WPA Cem Recs
From: Dfaeander
Date: July 23, 1998

These records are taken from the LDS microfiche copy of
the WPA Tombstone Inscription Project in South Carolina.  
Some parts of the fiche were very lightly copied and difficult
to read.  Every effort has been made to transcribe them
correctly, but errors may occur.  These fiche are available
at the FHC (Family History Center).

GORDON, David		Indiantown Presb. Cem.
d: Oct 1807				Williamsburg (???)
						E96 p 7
GORDON, David Watson	Frierson Burying Gr.
d: 30 Jul 1850				Williamsburg Cem.
age 4 yrs 4 mos 7 days		WPA E97 pg 3
GORDON, Dell W.			York
Jul 27, 1873-Apr 8, 1899		Rose Hill Cem.
							WPA E98 pg 40
GORDON, Emma J.			York
Apr 13, 1880-Feb 8, 1921	Rose Hill Cem.
							WPA E98 pg 61
GORDON, Evelyn B.		Williamsburg
Nov 15, 1907-Nov 9, 1922	Sutton Methodist Ch.yd.
							WPA E93 pg 5
daughter of B. L. and Bertie GORDON 
GORDON					Frierson Burying Gr.
Mrs. Esther Jane Gordon	Williamsburg Co
Feb 9, 1833-Feb 28, 1866	WPA E97 pg 5
GORDON, E.R.				Long Creek Cem.
d: Jun 22, 1866				Abbeville Co.
Aged 21 years				WPA E2 p 6
GORDON, Fannie E.		Abbeville
d: Mar 6, 1887				Long Cane Cem.
							WPA E2 pg 78
GORDON, George A.		Chas. Co.
A Native of Norfolk, VA		Scotch Presbyterian
d: Jan 2, 1799				WPA E32 p29
aged 26 yrs.
GORDON, Harvey William	Abbeville Co
May 17, 1848				LongCane Cem.
Dec 23, 1925				WPA E2 pg 48
GORDON, J.A.				Williamsburg County
Sep 8, 1801-Jun 21, 1862	Frierson Burying Gr.
							WPA E97 pg 4

To be continued........

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Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. 
                    - Thoreau (1817-1862)

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