Subject: Price &McCrellis From: LBate18495 Date: March 28, 1998 Hello My thirdgreatgrandfather Dr. Jon Edward Price was born 2/Sep/1826 supposedly in Columbia South Carolina. He probably had siblings but I do not know the names of any of them. Nor do I know the names of his paternal and maternal uncles and aunts either. His father was Joseph Price, and his mother was Hepzibah I do not know if this Joseph is the same as the Joseph Price that appears on the 1830 Census of Spartanburg. The family left South Carolina and arrived in Alabama early in the history of my State. The family settled in Henry County Alabama in Abbeville the countyseat. It was early enough that Dr. Price grew up in Henry County and went through the rural school system. He went to the University of South Alabama to medical school established his practice in Abbeville He married Mila Henrietta Kirkland in 1848 Their children were Robert Loomis Curtis Price a Miss Martin, Katie Frances Price, m: John Holmes, Mattie McCrellis Price, MAttie m: Dr. Charles Sporman, Laura Emma Price., Anna Belle Price. Laura Emma 1859-1951 married my mother's paternal grandmother Oates's father John Thomas Solomon. Anna Belle Price married Dr. William Pleasant Hardwick. Dr. Price's parents are probably buried in Henry County, but I just do not know where. Le Bateman ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |