Re: Post to the list - URQ5
Subject: Re: Post to the list
From: URQ5
Date: May 08, 1998

In a message dated 98-05-08 22:02:57 EDT, [email protected] writes:

<< These are the copies of wills I have.
 Also can do lookups in 1850 Spartanburg Co. Census, and Spartanburg Co.
 and Union Co. Cemetery Books. >>

Wow ! Thanks Lisa for rising to the challenge. This is the kind of post we
need to keep this list interesting. 

To the rest of you SC rooters, Lisa took a giant leap by offering lookups on
all that information.  I know some of you are sitting on out of print books
(that we'd all like a peek at), your 3rd great grandmother's diary or that old
family Bible that you've been meaning to transcribe.  Pull 'em out & post to
the list. You might find a missing ancestor this weekend if enough people get


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