Subject: Policy Statement From: Steve Coker Date: March 27, 1998 *********************************************** * FORUM POLICY & GUIDELINE STATEMENTS * *********************************************** Please review the following policy statements and comply with them. Repeat or flagrant violations of these policies may be cause for expulsion from the forum. Banning people is not something anybody wants to do. But, its the only "enforcement" tool available for people who fail to comply with common sense policy statements. POLICY STATEMENT #1. SPAM and things like it. Posting of virus warnings, test messages, chain letters, political announcements, commercial ads, personal messages, profanity, or off-topic messages is not acceptable and will be grounds for expulsion from this mailing list forum. POLICY STATEMENT #2. Quoting. Don't quote excessively. Some e-mail programs automatically quote the whole message when you reply. This is wasteful and can be confusing. Quote the relevant portions only. Delete extraneous material. If you need to practice learning how to quote, don't practice in the forum. POLICY STATEMENT #3. Topics. Please keep your posts on topic. The forum is for discussion about genealogy. This is not a general chat room. If you want to chat, please do it somewhere else. Don't send "personal chat" messages to the mailing list. If the "chat" is about a topic relevant to the mailing list, and others on the list are likely to want the information you are writing, then it may be appropriate to send it to the mailing list. But, if the chat is either not relevant to the mailing list topic or is not something others are likely to want to know about, then it probably should be sent privately and not addressed to the list service. For examples: "John, I checked the State Archives estate records for Sumter and Kershaw as you asked. I found the following listings for the names Coker, DuBose, and Buddin which may be of interest to you and others...." That type of personal message is appropriate for the forum. Although it is addressed personally to John and is in response to a lookup request made by John, it provides information that may be of interest to other subscribers. But, don't be suprised if you get lots of requests for additional lookups when you send it to the forum. "Mary, I haven't got the information you requested. But, did you try the recipe yet? Wondering if you liked it." That message should not be sent to the forum. It does not discuss information related to Genealogy. POLICY STATEMENT #4. Attachments and message formats. Please do not send file attachments to the list. Many subscribers are using older email programs that are not compliant with current standard protocols (e.g. MIME). File attachments and HTML encoded messages cause such subscribers confusion and problems. So, make certain HTML format is OFF in your email program and that "cards" are not being appended to messages sent to the list. And don't send file attachments to the forum. Please check your setups. If you have a genealogy related, non-commercial file that you would like to make available for others, you may post an announcement about its availability telling people how them may obtain the file. If you think it is particularly useful information, consider donating the file to one of the SCGenweb sites for permanent online posting. POLICY STATEMENT #5. Etiquette. Don't be annoying or easily annoyed. Be considerate of others. Follow common standards of etiquette as we all should do in public aspects of life. This is a public forum accessible to people of all ages, sexes, races, religions, political philosophies, nationalities, etc. Therefore messages should be appropriate for a "General" audience. Do not use profanity. Do not attack people. Be nice. If you can't be nice, be quiet. If you can't be nice or be quiet, then be gone. Report all problems to the forum manager. POLICY STATEMENT #6. Clock settings. Your e-mail program will use the date and time on your PC's clock to stamp your messages. So make sure your system's data and time are correct. Messages with incorrect dates are a problem in message archives. POLICY STATEMENT #7. Illegal activities. Use of the forum for any illegal activity of any kind is unacceptable. For examples, there are laws relating to copyright, data protection, computer misuse, and libel. Although many resources are free, some are not allowed to be redistributed with permission of the copyright holder and thus should not be copied without prior permission. When in doubt, ask the copyright holder. You are considered the author and/or the publisher of all messages that you post. You accept total and absolute responsibility for everything you publish in this forum. It is your responsibility to determine copyright restrictions, truth of claims, etc. POLICY STATEMENT #8. Access privileges. Use of this system is a privilege granted to all people by the Forum Manager. This privilege may be revoked by the Forum Manager at any time for any reason. POLICY STATEMENT #9. General Notice. Notice is hereby given that there are no facilities provided by this system for sending or receiving private or confidential electronic communications. All messages shall be deemed to be readily accessible to the general public. Do not use this forum for any communication intended for only the sender and intended recipients to read. Any information placed on this system will be made available for general distribution to the public. The operators of this system have no control over re-distribution or use by others. By your use of this system, you agree to hold harmless the operators against any and all claims arising out of such use regardless of the cause or fault. The Forum Manager makes no representations, guaranties, or warranties of any kind regarding any information, or materials distributed or discussed in the forum. By your use of this public forum, you accept absolute and complete responsibility for your actions. You are considered the writer and/or publisher of all materials that you post in the forum. By using the forum you are agreeing to hold harmless and defend the Forum Manager against all claims related to your actions involving the forum. Information posted in this forum is not subject to prior review or censoring of any kind. Although the Forum Manager encourages users to act responsibly through the posting of these policy statements and guidelines, it is understood that the Forum Manager has no capability to screen materials posted to remove offensive, obscene, illegal, or otherwise potentially inappropriate materials. You agree that use of the forum is done with the knowledge that material is not censored in any manner. POLICY STATEMENT #10. Privacy rights of others. Respect people's feelings and their right to privacy. Think carefully before forwarding an e-mail message. Don't send personal information about living persons without their permission. POLICY STATEMENT #11. Changes. These policy statements are subject to change without notice. They are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal guidance or advice. Each publisher and reader using the forum accepts responsibility for obtaining any and all necessary guidance, information, and advice they may require regarding the laws and regulations which may apply to their usage of the system. The Forum Manager is not responsible for providing such support or service. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The following suggestions are provided for your general guidance. While failure to comply with these suggestions may not result in expulsion from the forum, it might result in confusion, embarrassment, or ineffective communications. SUGGESTION #1. Citation of sources. State your sources. Genealogy information is incomplete and of little use without supporting evidence. Please include citations of the sources for relationships you publish. If no source is known or available, then state "source unknown" or state that the information is theory needing proof. SUGGESTION #2. Impressions. In a forum such as this, you are judged by the quality of your written communications. So take care about how you present yourself. For example, your e-mail messages should be typed properly with capitals and spacing in the right places. Grammar and spelling should be checked before sending. Messages you publish are archived and made available for future researchers. So, your messages may be read years from now by one of your relatives or future descendants. Think about that before you hit the send command. SUGGESTION #3. Lurk. Before you join in a discussion, read some of the messages to get a feel for the material being discussed. Try searching the message archives to get a feel for what has already been discussed on the topics you are interested in researching. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are a good source of background information on the nature of the group. FAQs save you from asking a lot of basic questions that others have heard too often already. SUGGESTION #4. Basic Do's and Don'ts. Do choose your words carefully. This forum is a public medium. You have no control over where your words go after you send your message and you can't edit them after they are sent. Don't write anything that you wouldn't say to a stranger face-to-face. Do re-read your message carefully before you send it. Don't write e-mail messages in a hurry (or a temper). Do quote from the original message when replying. Don't quote excessively. Don't write anything that isn't suitable for all ages, sexes, religions, races, etc. Remember, this is a public forum. Don't overuse the 'cc' function. Don't send "thank you" messages to an entire forum when you are only thanking a few people. Don't let brevity triumph over clarity. There's no point in being brief if your message is not understood by the people you want to communicate with. Don't try to impose your personal philosophy on others about how the world, or the forum, should work. There is room for a diversity of attitudes and philosophies. Try to be tolerant. If you must complain, do it nicely. SUGGESTION #5. Effective communications. Good e-mail is like good writing using any other medium. Some guidelines for composing effective e-mail messages are: one subject per message; use a descriptive subject heading; be concise - keep messages short and to the point; write short sentences; use bulleted lists to break up complicated text; quote selectively from the original e-mail when replying; Messages can be made more concise using three letter acronyms (TLAs) to abbreviate common expressions. Some common ones are 'FYI' (for your information), 'BTW' (by-the-way), 'IMO' (in my opinion), 'WRT' (with respect to), 'NRN' (no reply necessary), 'TIA' (thanks in advance), and 'B4N' (bye for now). Person-to-person communication provides visual and aural clues to your meaning through facial expressions, body language, or voice inflections. We have limited ways to imitate these techniques in e-mail messages using 'emoticons' or 'intensifiers'. Emoticons (or 'smileys') are faces (viewed sideways) that can be used within your messages to help convey feelings. The main ones are ':-)' to represent a smile, ':-(' to represent unhappiness and ';-)' to represent a wink. Don't overdo them - too many smileys can be irritating. Intensifiers provide emphasis. These include **enclosing your words within asterisks** or USING UPPERCASE. Use uppercase with care - it's considered shouting on the net. SUGGESTION #6. Organize. Most e-mail programs provide a filing system for storing messages. Use it. Create separate folders for regular correspondence, projects, or groups you receive mail from regularly. Keep your inbox tidy so that it only contains messages needing action. Create filters in your email program to automatically route messages from mailing lists into folders setup for those lists. This technique is useful for any category of mail you receive regularly. Delete messages after they are no longer needed. Purge sent messages periodically. Check for new e-mail at least once per day and go through all your folders at least once per week. Use an email program that allows automated retrieval of messages so that your service provider's system doesn't become clogged with a backlog of messages waiting for you to retrieve them. SUGGESTION #7. Signatures and Addresses. Make sure that you include your e-mail address in your message so that people can communicate with you. Most email programs have configuration options for both a "Sender's Address" and a "Reply-To" address. By default, replies are automatically addressed to "reply-to" address given in the message. However, in some forums, if the "reply-to" address is blank, the forum's address will be inserted automatically as the "reply-to" address. Review your address settings and make sure you have the appropriate settings for these options. Remember that messages from non-subscriber addresses may be rejected and not accepted for posting in the forum. Many people include a "signature" at the end of their message. A signature is a small piece of text which provides contact information and sometimes a favorite saying. Signatures should be short, usually between 2 to 5 lines. For example: +------------------------------------------------------+ | John Doe [email protected] | | P.O. Box 123, Anycity, USA Tel: 555-555-5555 | | Fax: 555-555-5555 | +------------------------------------------------------+ Signatures greater than nine lines are considered annoying. If you frequently send messages to the forum, please use a short signature for the majority of the messages. Note that a "signature" as used here is different from a "card" as mentioned in the policy statements above. Cards are normally sent as encoded (e.g. MIME) attachments while signatures such as the above example are simply text within the message. If you have any suggestions for clarification or improvement of these policies and guidelines, please send them to the Forum Manager. Do not post them for public discussion in the forum. Thanks for understanding, Steve Coker [email protected] Forum Manager for SCRoots, Coker, and DuBose genealogy forums. ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |