Re: Pennington - Marshall Britt
Subject: Re: Pennington
From: Marshall Britt
Date: August 24, 1999

Hello, list,
A site for nicknames:
Hope this helps.

joyemac wrote:

>        Sallie is normally the nick name for Sarah.  I was discussing "Molly" with
> someone just yesterday.  Polly is for Mary, Peggy is for Margaret, Fannie is for
> Frances, maybe Molly is for Martha??.  To me, Fannie is the only one that makes any sense.  My g-grandmother's name was Laura
> according to the 1860 census.
> Her death certificate shows Lura, so somewhere down the road the 'a'  for La-a-ah was dropped and she got  "Lou-ra" instead. {;~)
>        Newberry Co., SC has some Penningtons.  One Pennington lady married a
> Cannon (one of my surnames).  I have it in my files somewhere.  Will get back as to the given name.
> Joye      (Support Rootsweb! We need them!)
>  Greenwood & Other SC Counties!
>    McManus, Horn, Harling, Hasting, Stroud, Polattie, Cannon, Gray,
> Bagwell,
> Mote, Woodall, Ferguson, Lister, Moore, Barton, Barrett, Easley, Gowan, Grogan ancestry.
> -----Original Message-----snipped....
> From: [email protected] 
> Subject: Re: Pennington
> Hello fellow butters of heads against brickwalls,
> Does anyone know if the nickname "MOLLY" could be attributed to the given
> name of Sarah? I just saw a post by "[email protected]" referring to a Molly
> PENNINGTON.  And, since I am looking for a Sarah PENNINGTON who could have been born anywhere between VA and SC, Sarah PENNINGTON
> would have been born about 1778-1780 probably in NC or SC.
> >
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