Subject: Pee Dee River tribes & an explanation From: James Bumgardner Date: April 17, 2000 In the time period I need (middle 1700's) NC and SC were not clearly defined with state boundaries. The tribes were also moving. I need to learn of tribes along the Pee Dee river to find Mahala Blue. I know Blue was among the earliest used surnames in the Lumbee community and that Mahala was commonly used. How do I find information on other tribes of the Pee Dee River area during the 1700's? Or more about the Lumbee community? Many of the sites I tried to access on the Lumbee Indians are not found. I do online research & interlibrary book loans. Thank you. Sandra (Maybe some have trouble using their complete names because of negative experiences with e-mails from other list holders. I unsubscribed from one list because I did not want my daughters reading the hateful comments on our family message board. I wrote about : (1) Don't trust other people's research without verifying. (2) Don't change my relatives' religion after their death. All of this I had been found in online research. Don't bother to send hate mail. I'll forward back to the list. I am only trying to help.) Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |