Subject: lucy locket is out of pocket From: Carolyn Burrgess Date: February 17, 2001 life long ago demanded courage and determination from the female members of the human race a woman of such a description is my ancestor lucy wife of john dtinkard he took her hand in marriage inmarch 1785 from where/?? they lived first in edgefield dst sc then abbeville dist as late as 1790 they still lived in abbeville but then maybe for what a better life - the greener grass she left for whatever reason she and her son john ''''smith" travelled through the wilderness to chambers co al can you imagine the hardships of that travel wagon/ tent/ food/ drink/ hot and cold/ well, i am bonded to her and seek details of her life in sc al and ga for she passed thru ga on way to al anyone who has any knowledge however remote please ler me hear when i get it all together i'll tell it to the world thanks for any reply hopefully someone will want to know about my elusive lady named lucy ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |