Re: looking for a book - Carol C-H
Subject: Re: looking for a book
From: Carol C-H
Date: March 07, 1998

You might try asking on the Gen-Mat list here at RootsWeb, which is a list
for the buying and selling of genealogical materials - even if the book is
out of print, someone on that list might have one for sale - to join us,
send SUBSCRIBE to [email protected]


At 11:08 AM 3/7/98 EST, GKinard wrote:
>Can someone tell me where I can buy the book:
>Palmettos and Oaks, a Centennial History of The State (newspaper) 
>by Robert A. Pierce.
>Printed by The State Printing Co., 1991.
>(I've tried Happy Bookseller in Columbia but no luck; also Barnes and Noble
>and Amazon Books.)
>Thanks for any tips,

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