Subject: List of WARD names from my data From: Klpaints Date: March 29, 1999 Below is my WARD names/with spouses Difficult to cleanly format for e-mail. I included (where available) birth, death and marriage dates, names of primary (from my prospective) spouses, birth and death locations when available. I realize this is not columned...... and if you have any questions re any one here, let me know. I have removed the names of WARDs that I believe to be still living. If anyone is able to connect with these names, please let me know. WARD, Amy Mehehee WARD, Benjamin (poss. bro. of Thomas) SC per census data WARD, Benjamin F. 12/21/1853 11/12/1904 Hathaway, Mary (maybe town of Tallibenela) Pontotoc Co., MS Loco, Mt Grove Cem WARD, Charles Thomas 1842 Fayette, Alabama WARD, Harmon Coley, Opal WARD, James Jesse 12/22/1858 03/12/1938 02/16/1878 Wife, J. J. Wards or near Tallibenela, Pontotoc Co., MS Duncan, Ok Love Cemetery WARD, John Lee 06/15/1860 07/27/1894 or near town of Tallisbenela, Pontotoc Co., MS buried Mountain View Cem Loco, OK WARD, Mary Elizabeth 1846 12/22/1864 Carson, W C Fayette, AL WARD, Minerva Catherine F. "Callie" 03/15/1855 07/01/1923 01/11/1870 HICKEY, James William "Charley" maybe town of Tallibenela, ( Pontotoc Co., Missisippi From Pott. Co. history book) Tribby, Pott. Co., OK bur. Prospect Cem. WARD, Philip Floyd "Dick" 1847 Fayette, AL WARD, Sarah Jane 11/18/1850 08/21/1931 09/20/1865 Stegall, Columbus Ware or near town of Tallibenela) Pontotoc, MS (date per gedcom F3154, Pontotoc Co.) Plesant Grove Cem., near Pontotoc ( Pontotoc Co. MS)js WARD, Thomas Abt. 1827 LOVE, Sarah (SEE GEDCOM FILE F3154) WARD, Thomas H. Bet. 1822 - 1824 Bef. 1870 Abt. 1842 TAYLOR, Penelope Catherine SC per 2 census data (connects to Gedcom file F3154) (d. bef. 1870 Civil War per GEDcom file) b. Edington Cem. Pontotoc, Miss WARD, William Daniel 1844 Mary Fayette, AL ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |