Re: Re: List - Amanda Johnson
Subject: Re: Re: List
From: Amanda Johnson
Date: May 12, 2000


I forgive the outburst of yesterday, I understand due to the fact that I am
a retired Medical Assistant and have dealt with cancer patients and other
illnesses that cause you to do things you don't mean to do.  I am disabled
due to an automobile accident and am in alot of pain constantly so I also
know the PAIN FACTOR ANGER.  So I do forgive the outburst.  I will remember
you in my prayers also.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: Re: List

 I regret the mass confusion of yesterday over
> my puzzlement at all of the genealogy questions yesterday.  I am 67 and
> am going through daily radiation for  advanced  cancer and it is
> horrible.  I try to be a nice person but sometimes I fail to do so. I
> just could not cope with my health problems and the deluge of genealogy
> questions yesterday.   plea se forgive my rudeness.  Now I understand.
> I offer info on Plummer family in Spartanburg.
> Daniel Plummer commandedall  loyalist forces at Kings  mountain. Have
> info on Beaufort familys of McLeod, Gilbert & Jervey.  I offer to share
> all in a courteous manner.

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