Subject: LIMIT PERSONAL CONVERSATION From: Judith G. Brabham Date: April 04, 2000 The Reverend Cynthia Forde, Maybe I missed -- or simply skipped pass, as we are free to do -- the specific post to which your e-mail refers. However, without wanting to start a negative, time- and space-consuming, vain-glorius diatribe, I must say that I consider each and every genealogy query about ancestors to be "personal," and that I often find valuable nuggets in "personal" responses that have nothing to do with the surnames I'm researching. That's one of the many benefits of this list. Perhaps one of those nuggets may even be found in responses to your "haystack" query about your "staunch Presbyterian, and Scotch Irish" Miller ancestor. Please feel free to respond to me directly. Judith in Brooklyn, NY -- (Priest of Obatala in the Yoruba religion) Trying to establish a firmer foothold on the shoulders of the ancestors who are my support and my strength. BACKUS, WALLER, NIX, BROWN, GAILLARD, ROBINSON, HART BRABHAM, BROWNFIELD, KEARSE, LOWNDES, STARLING ---------------Original Message----------------------- Please limit personal conversation email off list. Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |