Re: Lake Murry - Bill & Dottie Slocomb
Subject: Re: Lake Murry
From: Bill & Dottie Slocomb
Date: May 09, 1999

[email protected] wrote:
> Why have they made MANY, MANY lakes over cemeteries?  Because the populace
> needs water to survive and for power!  (They ALWAYS move the
> cemeteries----so they SAY!)  Felicia


Before they made Lake Murray, the South Carolina Electric and Gas
Company had to contact members of the family whose graves would be
involved with the making of the lake.  A lot of families, some of mine
included, did not want the graves disturbed so they opted to have a
memorial placed in a Church Cemetery identifying the names of the
deceased buried under the waters of Lake Murray.  The Columbia Chapter
of the S. C. Genealogical Society has made available  a book of all
those names listed. In the book, it is noted the letters received from
the family members what their desires were regarding their families.

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