Subject: Kiawah Island From: Steven J. Coker Date: July 23, 1998 environmental inventory of kiawah island prepared for Coastal Shores, Inc. by Environmental Research Center, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina project directors: William M. Campbell, John Mark Dean project coordinator: W. David Chamberlain October 1, 1975 This copy posted with permission from W. David Chamberlain -=-=-=-=-=- Section A THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF KIAWAH ISLAND by John D. Combes Introduction The archaeological reconnaissance of Kiawah Island has been as productive as anticipated prior to the investigation. The search for prehistoric and historic site locations has provided us with evidence for at least 6,000 years of human history on Kiawah Island. It is important to note that the name of this island "Kiawah", (sometimes - Kiawha, Kiowa, Keywaha, Kyawaw, Kayawah) was most likely named after an important South Carolina Indian Tribe that inhabited the coastal region of South Carolina at the time of contact in the mid 17th Century. The original settlement of South Carolina was slated to take place at Port Royal, however, at the invitation of the Kiawahs the settlers elected to settle at Albemarle Point in 1670. The first few years it was even referred to as "Albemarle poynt at Kyawaw" (Cheves 1897: 174). It is also clear that without the aid of these native Americans this little settlement would not have succeeded ". . . . wee found very great Assistance from the Indians who shewed them selves very kinde & sould vs Provisions att very reasonable rates & takeinge notice of our necessitys did almost daylie bringe one thinge or another otherwise wee must vndoubtedly have binn putt to extreame hardshipps . . . ." (194) The Kiawah Indians were very much a part of early Colonial South Carolina. The location of this group is shown as "Kayawah Indian Settlements" on the 1695 map of Thornton and Morden. This also shows up again on Sanson's map of 1696 and once again in 1711 oh the Edward Crisp map. All of these show them on what is now known as Kiawah Island (Cumming, 1958; also at Caroliniana Library). It is also of interest that in 1707 when trading licenses were first required for trade with the Indians in the Colony, the Itawans, Sewees, Santees, Stonoes, Kiawahs, Kussoes, Edistoes and the St. Helenas were excepted (Royce, 1899). It is not certain what this means, other than in 1707 the remaining Kiawahs were not significantly involved in trade relations. They continued to dwindle in size and by March 1, 1743 about 15 Kiawah requested that the Lt. Governor give them a reservation somewhere "southwest of the Combee River", which was granted (Council Journal IV, 104). It has been pointed out many times that archaeologically, coastal South Carolina is perhaps one of the least understood areas in the Southeast. Investigators are only now on the verge of formulating a sophisticated culture sequence for the area. The first archaeological research in the coastal area began in the 1890's when Clarence B. Moore explored the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the Southeastern United States. Several of these reports were published in 1897, 1898 by the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. He listed numerous sites along the Sea Island area. The next research was sponsored by the WPA 40 years later and was represented by projects in the vicinity of the Savannah River and on St. Simon's Island. These excavations provided several important pieces of work, the Irene Site (Caldwell and McCann, 1941) and the Bilbo Site (Waring, 1968). In addition, the WPA years provided the basis for the existing cultural and chronological sequences. In the decades following, research started to increase somewhat. Investigators such as Antonio J. Waring, Joseph R. Caldwell, Lewis H. Larson, James A. Ford, William E. Edwards, Charles H. Fairbanks, James B. Stoltman, Gene Waddell, Alan Calmes, Jerald T. Milanich, Drexel A. Peterson, E. Thomas Hemmings, Don Crusoe, Stan South, Chester DePratter, plus others have done varying kinds of archaeological research in or related to sea islands. The above mentioned work has been mostly concerned with establishing pottery sequences, securing carbon-14 dates and establishing stratigraphic relationships. For the most part, these studies were made from small test excavations and a reexamination of collections already made. These studies are useful and are typical of pioneering efforts but they provide little insight into the total picture of how people were living within a time sequence in an area. The earliest pottery found on the South Carolina Coast is a sand-tempered ware which until recently was thought to occur only in shell ring sites and in simple shell middens. Type descriptions for these early wares had not appeared in the literature and were usually referred to as Awendaw and Horse Island punctate. They seemed to be related to the better understood Thom's Creek punctate, but the nature of this relationship had not been established. Stanley South, during his excavation at the Charles Towne Landing site, recovered sand-tempered sherds in a non-shell midden context which were clearly associated with the important Thom's Creek ware group ceramics (South, 1973). Ferguson (1973), discussing South's new look at the ceramics of the region, makes the following remarks: ". . . . Taking a purely taxonomic approach, South divided the ceramics of the South Carolina coast into a hierarchical system of Ware-Group, Ware, and Type: representative of Formative, Developmental, and Climactic stages of ceramic evolution (Fig. 8). The two major ware-groups of the Formative were the fiber tempered Stallings Ware-Group and the sand tempered Thom's Creek Ware-Group. Division was based primarily on temper, and South noted that the decorative techniques are similar for both ware-groups. Within the Thom's Creek Ware-Group South included the well defined Thom's Creek and Refuge Wares. The "types" Awendaw and Horse Island were not included in a ware because of their poor definition. (Operationally South uses Awendaw to refer to finger puncatated ceramics while Horse Island is used to refer to those ceramics decorated with the punctations of marine shells.) Through this classificatory scheme South provides for reference of ceramics from the coast to the ware-group level if the materials cannot be placed within a well defined type." Further, Ferguson notes that a great deal of confusion exists regarding this and all early coastal wares. Historically, the term "Awendaw" is used to refer to a sand or non-tempered ware reported and recovered from a number of sites along the coastal region of South Carolina. The name is derived from the small town Awendaw located about twenty miles northeast of Charleston on the seacoast in Charleston County. In the vicinity of Awendaw a number of sites have been reported which contain ceramics characterized by a finger-punched surface treatment that have become known as Awendaw. Awendaw ceramics were named in 1965 by Eugene Waddell in a paper he presented to the Southeastern Archaeological Conference. At that time he gave a description of the ware and delineated its distribution along the South Carolina Coast. No formal descriptions have yet appeared in the literature. However, the term has come to be used in reference to finger pinched ceramics of what is believed to be Late Archaic and recovered along coastal South Carolina. Finger-pinch ceramics were first reported by Gregorie (1925) in her discussion of Indians and Indian remains in Christ Church Parish where Awendaw is located. Although her report was incorrect as to the age of the ware (she assumed the material was protohistoric), she recognized and illustrated finger-pinched sherds in her report. James Griffin (1943) in a discussion of a ceramic collection from the Chesterfield site in Beaufort County reported on and illustrated two finger-pinched sherds that he left untyped for a lack of a large enough sample. Antonio Waring (1964) collected a sample of carbon from the Yough Hall shell ring near Awendaw, a site with ceramics for the most part either plain or finger-punched in surface decoration. The age determination was 3770 ± 130 (M-1209) and provides us with one of the few reliable dates of this ware. Other sites have been dated (Edisto, Sewee and others) that contain this ware and the generally accepted age is the second millenium before Christ. Waddell (1965) gives a description of this ware, its spacial description and a brief inventory of its traits. Later (1970) he gives his impression of the wares' temporal "place" stating that he thinks the ware is very early, possibly the initial ceramic type for the area, coeval with and possibly even earlier than Stallings fiber tempered, and this position is also shared by South (1973). Until recently this ware has been reported exclusively from shell midden sites: Yough Hall (Waddell,1965), Sewee shell ring (Edwards, 1965), Shull Creek (Calmes, 1967), Spanish Mount (Sutherland, 1974), and Marrett Mound (Trinkly, 1974). Recent ceramic distributional studies by Anderson in 1974 and 1975 confirm this (personal communication). Taxonomic discussion of the ware has been limited to the initial attempt by Waddell (1965, 1970), who believes that it is related to Stallings and Thom's Creek ware (temporally) and the discussion of South (1973) and Chester De Pratter et. al. (1973) who likewise place it at an early period and closest to Thom's Creek. As already pointed out, Ferguson (1973) noted a great deal of confusion existing regarding this and all coastal wares. The only solution to this will be further work. It seems obvious that the former association of Awendaw material with shell heaps and rings reflects the archaeologists bias when looking for coastal sites, i.e., looking only for shell heaps while searching for archaeological sites. An extremely interesting phenomenon occurring only in the sea island region of South Carolina and Georgia is the existence of shell rings. These are manmade structures consisting of a doughnut shaped circle of shells in the form of a ridge usually around two feet high and from 130 to 300 feet in diameter. The interior portion is usually flat and devoid of shell. This ring of shell is composed of approximately one-half oyster and one-half other shell combined with earth and a moderate frequency of artifacts, including pottery fragments, bone and shell tools. The two dates so far recovered from a shell ring are From 3100 to 3400 years ago. The pottery fragments from the sites are tempered with vegetal fiber and are among the oldest evidence of pottery in North America. They are thought to represent an occupation by people of the final stage of the Archaic Period of American Indian culture. Very little actual archaeological work has been done with shell rings and therefore they remain somewhat of a mystery. Antonio J. Waring was among the first to recognize the importance of the shell ring sites and tested shell rings on Hilton Head Island. Alan Calmes has also done some serious testing on Hilton Head rings. The only other shell ring research was done by E. Thomas Hemmings in a ring on nearby Edisto Island. The cultures represented in the coastal region around Kiawah Island that may be summarized: (1) The Paleo-Indian Period of 10,000 or more years ago (not yet identified in the area). (2) The Early and Middle Archaic Periods of pre-pottery culture extending over the period of 8,000 or 9,000 years ago to 4,000 years ago. (3) The fiber-tempered and sand-tempered pottery period of 4,000 to about 2,500 years ago (well represented on Kiawah Island). (4) The Deptford Period carved-paddle-maleated pottery (well represented). (5) The Wilmington Period cord marked pottery (well represented). (6) The Savannah Period cord marked and complicated stamped pottery (well represented). (7) The Protohistoric Period-Irene Period, 1,600 to 1,400 (?). (8) The Historic Period 1,600 - present. Methods An archaeological survey of any area is a difficult task because it requires a careful inspection of the soil throughout the entire area of interest. An area like the sea islands of Coastal South Carolina compounds this difficulty because of the lush vegetal cover. That necessitates making special use of every available clue possible to visually sample the soil as well as to intelligently eliminate areas where the probability of human occupation is low. The study of Kiawah Island was undertaken by a two man team on foot inspecting visually high probability areas for the remains of human occupation. Careful attention was paid to the geologic history of the island to assist in giving special attention to areas that have the greatest antiquity rather than areas that only recently have formed. Road cuts, hog rooting, game trails, erosional cuts, etc., were sought out by the investigators enabling a view of the soil whenever possible. Areas with a high probability of containing a site were investigated by means of test pitting or manually excavating test trenches. Special emphasis was also placed on information provided by local informants. During the entire study period archival research in the South Carolina Archives was undertaken for the purpose of locating and interpreting other archaeological remains on the island. Once the archaeological site was located a surface collection was taken. This provided the study with material from which the site chronology was worked out and also provided some information concerning the intensity of the occupation. Stratigraphic information was obtained when necessary by excavating a test square. The site was recorded on a standard site sheet and assigned a site number following the Smithsonian System currently used by most archaeologists. Photographs were taken as needed. In the laboratory the specimens were cleaned, labeled, and cataloged prior to classification and analysis. [Note: See document for additional pages of site descriptions, recommendations, and references] ==== SCROOTS Mailing List ==== [email protected] P.O. Box 359, Charleston, SC 29402 Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. - Thoreau (1817-1862) Go To: #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Main |